LatticeEC Advanced Evaluation Board –
Lattice Semiconductor
Revision C User’s Guide
Figure 6. SPI Device Selection
12. Choose the ‘Configuration Data Setup’ page, as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 7. Configuration Data Setup Page
13. Click the ‘Browse’ button near the top of the window. Browse to the desired bitstream (.bit) file, created by the
Lattice ispLEVER
design tool.
14. Press OK to exit the FPGA Loader setup.
15. Click the green ‘GO’ button. This will begin the download process into the Flash device.
16. Once the download is complete, toggle switch SW4 to position 2 to restore the SPI3 Flash connections to the
LatticeEC device.
17. Cycle the board power. The data should automatically transfer from the Flash to the FPGA.