HTCA-E400 User Manual
Chassis power off
Chassis power cycle
Chassis power reset
Chassis power soft
Server’s power
status report
The BMC provides an IPMI 2.0 compatible watchdog timer which can prevent the system from system
BMC is in charge of fan speed control. The fan speed can be modified by varying the duty cycle of PWM
signal. The fan speed control algorithm mainly refers to the readings of on-board temperature sensors.
The BMC implements an interface for logical FRU inventory devices as specified in IPMI 2.0 specification.
This functionality provides commands for system administrators to access and management the FRU
inventory information.
A non-volatile storage space is allocated to store system events for system status tracking.
IPMI 2.0 SOL is implemented to redirect the system serial controller traffic over an IPMI session. System
administrators are able to establish a SOL connection with a standard IPMI client, like IPMITOOL, to remotely
interact with serial text-based interfaces such as OS command-line and serial redirected BIOS interfaces.
The BMC supports 9 IDs for IPMI user accounts. The maximum length of the username and password are 16
and 20 respectively, and the possible privilege levels are Callback, User, Operator, and Administrator.
Moreover, the account creator is allowed to enable/disable the user account at any time. If not specified, the
default user accounts are listed follows:
User Name
User Access
Password can be changed
The BMC provides keyboard, video, and mouse (KVM) redirection over LAN. This application is available
remotely from the embedded web server.
The BMC provides remote virtual CD and HD redirection. CD image could be mounted directly in KVM window.
Efficient USB 2.0 based CD/DVD redirection with a typical speed of 20XCD.
Completely secured transmission.