HTCA-E400 User Manual
This document specifies the BMC firmware features. The BMC firmware implements IPMI 2.0 based on
ASPEED service processor. It performs all the BMC management tasks defined by IPMI 2.0.
In addition, BMC firmware runs an embedded web-server for full configuration using Web UI, which has a
low learning curve.
The BMC implements system sensor monitoring feature. It could monitor voltage, temperature, and current
of critical components.
The BMC implements chassis power and resets functions for system administrators to control and manage
the system power behavior. These functions can be activated by sending the IPMI 2.0 compatible chassis
commands to the BMC over messaging interfaces. The following list summaries the supported functions.
Chassis power on
IPMI 2.0 Standard Features
System Interface support
IPMI 2.0 based Management
BMC stack with an IPMI 2.0 implementation
System Management
Sensor monitoring
System power management
Watchdog timer
Fan speed monitor and control
FRU information
Event Log
System Event Log (SEL)
Text Console Redirection: SOL
Support in IPMI stack for SOL to remotely
access BIOS and text console before OS
User Management
IPMI based user management
Multiple user permission level
Non-IPMI functions
Web User Interfaces
BMC management via web user interface
Integrated KVM and Virtual Media
SSL and HTTPS support
Auto-sync time with NTP server
Remote firmware update by Web UI