Installation and Binding of External Devices Issue: 1.8
Page 23 of 69
E470 Tokenless Smart Prepayment Meter
© Gyr
The MPAN number is entered into the meter using the Purchase Code
entry procedure but will allow only the configured number of digits to be
entered. The meter will store the initial MPAN entered then require the
number to be re-entered and checked against the original entry. If the two
entries match then the MPAN is considered as correct and the process will
move the next step.
Following successful MPAN entry the meter, a configurable option will allow
entry of credit from a previous meter. The Present Balance register will be
shown and the meters current value able to be edited using the two push
buttons. See Display section 6.8.
Following the entry/editing of the Present balance register, a configurable
option will allow an Arrears value to be transferred from a previous meter.
The current Arrears Register will be shown and the value able to be edited
using the two push buttons. See Display section 6.8.
Following the entry of the Arrears register the meter will ask for an
Authorisation code to be entered. This code is an identifier for the meter
The Authorisation Code will be 6-digits in length. See Display section 6.8.
Once installation data has been entered the meter will randomly generate
two 6-digit codes. These codes will allow a decommission process to occur
when entered at a later date by a meter engineer. The two codes have the
following purposes:
Meter removal Code – Used where the meter type is to be
replaced completely, i.e. with a credit meter
Meter exchange Code – Used to swap (clone) a meter such as in
end of life exchange programme.
The two codes are sent to the system following the commissioning process.
The operation of codes is explained in Decommissioning 3.11.
The two codes are stored in memory one against each of the processes.
Once commissioning is complete the meter will transmit the commissioning
details to the system. The message will consist of:
Data Item
Returned in1 Details
Date and Time stamp
Electricity Meter Status flags2
Message ID
Message ID = INSTALL
MPAN/Customer #
Meter Serial Number
SIM Card Number
Payment Card Number
Credit Mode
Denotes credit or prepayment operating mode
Emergency credit flags
Denotes emergency credit taken or not
Present Balance Register