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Issue: 1.8
Prepayment and Accounting Functions
© Gyr
E470 Tokenless Smart Prepayment Meter
A. Standing Charge collection will be made at all times.
B. Standing Charge collection is halted when the meter runs out of
prepaid credit.
Additionally the above options can be combined with the following two
i. When running in emergency credit, standing charge collection will
increase the Debt to Clear register but not reduce any EC amount in
the Present Balance register.
ii. When running in emergency credit, standing charge collection will
increase the Debt to Clear register and reduce any EC amount in
the Present Balance register.
8.10 Debt Repayment
The Meter shall have a facility to recover a preset debt based on regular
deductions from the Present Balance register. Debt collection will be
configurable in respect of total debt to be collected and repayment rate per
week. The Total Debt Register shall contain the total debt amount the
customer has to re-pay; and may have a maximum value of £9999.99.
The Debt/Wk repayment register shall contain the weekly repayment rate
that shall be made to repay the debt. It may be in range of £0.01 to £99.99.
The Debt/Wk repayment rate shall be recovered by 100 equal payments
during the week; Debt repayments shall be deducted every 1.68Hours.
Debt repayment shall cease when the Total Debt register reaches zero.
Debt Collection will be configurable and will have the following options:
A. Debt collection will be made at all times.
B. Debt collection is halted when the meter runs out of prepaid credit.
Additionally the above options can be combined with the following two
i. When running in emergency credit, Debt collection will increase the
Debt to Clear register but not reduce any EC amount in the Present
Balance register.