Prepayment and Accounting Functions
Issue: 1.8
Page 43 of 69
E470 Tokenless Smart Prepayment Meter
© Gyr
When Emergency Credit is selected, energy consumption and standing
charges shall be deducted from the Present Balance register and added to
the debt to clear Register.
If credit is added while the meter is in EC and the value is insufficient to
repay the Debt to clear register the meter will reduce the register by the
credit value and remain in emergency credit.
If credit is added while the meter is in Emergency credit and the present
Balance register is above the EC value i.e. Some credit is remaining from
before the Emergency credit was evoked and the meter does not have a
debt to clear value, the added value will be added with the to the remaining
credit value (minus the EC value) and stored as the Present Balance
When Emergency Credit is exhausted, the main contactor will open and the
Meter will transfer the amount in the Debt to Clear register into the Present
Balance register. The Present Balance register shall show the total debt
that shall be the sum of the Emergency Credit used plus any debt accrued
from debt repayments.
The Debt to clear register will then be cleared and removed from the
display cycle.
Before the meter will restore supply the value of debt must be repaid in full
by adding credit greater than the debt value shown in the present balance
If credit is added which does not repay the debt value shown on the
Present balance register the meter will reduce the debt and not offer
Emergency credit availability. Emergency credit will only be offered once
the Debt value is cleared and the present balance register falls below the
EC threshold value once again.
It is possible to configure the meter such that Debt repayment shall not be
collected from the EC value, see Debt recovery, or alternatively to disable
the EC facility completely.
8.9 Standing Charge Register/Collection
Standing Charge is an amount that shall be deducted each week from the
Meter’s Present Balance register regardless of the energy consumed. The
standing charge value shall be stored in the Meter’s Standing Charge
register and will be in the range £0.00 to £99.99.
The Standing Charge shall be collected in 100 instalments by subtracting
1/100 of the weekly value from the Present Balance register at every
1/100th of a week (1.68Hours).
Standing Charge will not be collected if the meter is powered down.
Standing Charge collection will be configurable and have the following