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- KYMATI GmbH – 2021
KY.MAN.0105 (6.0)
KY-LOC 1D.02.01 User Manual
Doc.- No.: KY.MAN.0105
45 of 83
Figure 30: Sensor Wizard 'Sensor Settings'
Anticollision Settings: A feature that can be utilized by the user is the anticollision
feature where the sensors react to warning distances that falls within specified warning
zones by sending out a signal that can be used, for example, to stop the vehicle and
avoid collision or turn on an alarm. For a more detailed description please have a look
at Chapter 6.7 There are three options for the anticollision feature:
No anticollision (no selection)
Fixed warning zones: 2 distance-based zones identified by the user to indicate
operational limits in the environment
Dynamic warning zones based on current speed: the warning zones are
calculated and placed based on the vehicle’s current speed
In addition, there exist two different applications for the user to choose based on the
sensors’ setup in the environment, the Single Crane and the Double Crane.