※The pH level of filtered only water is the pH level of your tap water and can
change according to temperature, quality, and water pressure of your supply water.
Water Applications
pH8.5 (
level alkali)
About Alkaline Water
About Acidic Water
pH5.5 (
level acidic)
level acidic)
level acidic)
pH4.0 (
level acidic)
Use this level when taking medication.
pH9.0 (
level alkali)
pH9.5 (
level alkali
pH10.0 (
level alkali)
Use this level when you first start drinking alkaline water.
Drink this level for one to two weeks before progressing to 9.0 pH.
This is also a good level for mixing with powdered milk and for those with gastroenteric issues.
After drinking pH 8.5 water for one to two weeks, drink this water for one to two weeks before
drinking 9.5 pH.
This is the level most adults choose to drink.
This is also a good level for making tea; it enhances natural flavors and shortens stewing time.
If you drink alcohol, this level of water is good to help with hangovers.
High alkalinity water has a detergent-like effect and is able to dissolve and draw out
oil-based substances (pesticides are often oil-based and not removed with standard
water). pH 10.0 high alkalinity water more effectively emulsifies oil, cleans oily or
greasy items, strips oil-based pesticides off produce and infuses vegetables with
negative ions that retard their degeneration. Some specific uses include:
Clean cutting boards, knives and dishes
Sterilize (soak) vegetables, beef, pork and fresh fish. Also helps to bring out natural flavors
and reduce acid.
Great for making soups.
First rinse rick in pH 8.5 alkaline water and then cook that rice in pH 10.0 water to quicken
cooking time, reduce damage to the rice and maintain it natural flavor.
Remove spots and stains
Reduce detergent use
Soak vegetables to remove bitterness. Boil vegetables in this water to help maintain their
nutrients and color.
Effectively remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables
Infuse vegetables with a high negative ORP providing a ready supply of antioxidants.
Good for gargling and brushing your teeth.
Use this level water when making the batter for fried foods to make them crunchier.
Also good for boiling noodles.
Has excellent cleansing and astringent qualities-tightens pores like a toner
Ideal for bathing sensitive skin & Infants
Use this pH level when you take a bath or wash your face.
Also good for washing an infant.
Restores shine to hair /lends silky softness to skin
Relieves sunburn
Relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, rashes, eczema and dryness.
Good for removing sediment in a teapot or a tea cup.
Use this pH in your humidifier.
Strong acidic water has excellent disinfecting powers that can prevent food poisoning.
This water kills HIV and other viruses such as staph, strep, Candida, athlete’s food fungus,
e. coli, salmonella and a host of pathogens in as little as 30 seconds. Common uses include:
Disinfect knives, cutting boards and counter tops (soak for 20-30 minutes)
Sanitize dish rags and sponges (soak for 20-30 minutes)
Wash Dishes
Sanitize your tooth brush (soak for 20-30 minutes)
Soak burns, eczema, psoriasis or other skin sores
Clean cuts, bruises and scrapes
About Filtered water only select
Reduce inflammation and redness
Soak vegetables and fruits to remove impurities
Soak fish to remove impurities.
Clean your house without using toxic chemicals