Algorithm Reference
HF Stimulate 1
972 HF Stimulate 1
High-frequency stimulator
The high-frequency stimulator algorithm is closely based on the V.A.S.T. High Frequency Stimulator DSP
function, and the manual description is repeated here (edited for KDFX specifics).
The overall effect of a high-frequency stimulator is to boost the high frequency partials of the signal, and
depending on the settings of the parameters, it can add high-frequency partials to the signal as well. It’s
useful for building sounds that cut through the mix, and have a bright crisp nature.
There’s more to the high-frequency stimulator than meets the eye. It works like this: the signal is run
through a highpass filter, then through a distortion function, then through a second highpass filter. Finally.
it’s mixed with the original signal after passing through the final Stim Gain level control of the algorithm.
The HF Stimulate 1 algorithm is a close copy of the V.A.S.T. DSP function, giving control of the first
highpass filter frequency, the distortion drive and the amplitude of the result (Stim Gain). As a bonus, the
distortion curve can also be adjusted.
Figure 30
One channel of high-frequency stimulation
Page 1
Stim Gain
The gain of the high frequency stimulated signal applied prior to being added to the
original input signal.
Out Gain
The overall gain or amplitude at the output of the effect.
Dist Drive
The amount to boost (or cut) the signal level to drive the distortion. Higher values will
increase the distortion of high frequency signal components.
Dist Curve
The curvature of the distortion. 0% is no curvature (no distortion at all). At 100%, the
curve bends over smoothly and becomes perfectly flat right before it goes into digital
A first order highpass filter that removes low frequencies prior to being distorted.
Stim Gain
Off, -79.0 to 24.0 dB
Out Gain
Off, -79.0 to 24.0 dB
Dist Drive
-79.0 to 48.0 dB
8 to 25088 Hz
Dist Curve
0 to 127%
L Input
L Output
HighPass A
HighPass B
Out Gain