How To Use This Manual
This manual assumes some knowledge of music theory and terminology, and familiarity with some concepts of electronic
sound generation, the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) standard, and other recent advances in music creation and
Chapter 1 will give you a brief overview of the Kurzweil Model K150X Expander (K150X), and show you how to connect it
to your MIDI controller and start making music right away. SThe manual assumes that your MIDI controller is a piano
keyboard-like controller. However, the K150X will work with any controller which produces standard MIDI signals.
After reading Chapter 1, you should be able to play the K150X’s built-in sounds, and begin to suspect that you can do much
Chapter 2 describes using the K150X in-depth, and gives you an overview of the editors and how to use them. After this
chapter, you should be able to read the chapters on individual editors as you need them.
Chapters 3 through 13 are on individual editors. Within each editor chapter, everything you can do with that editor is
documented, with examples and references to other chapters as needed.
Appendix A is a summary of editable parameters from all the editors.
Appendix B, Battery Replacement, describes how to change the battery in the K150X.