The Program Editor
Programs are the K150X’s top-level construct, under which everything else associated with a particular keyboard
configuration and sound quality is defined. Each program can divide the keyboard into three regions and each region can
have up to seven sound layers. Each sound layer specifies a voice as well as a number of modifiers which alter the
characteristics of the voice. You can define up to 255 programs, but the actual number can be less, depending on how
complicated each program is.
Programs may be assigned to individual MIDI channels. In addition, each program contains a set of parameters which
control the programmable chorusing effect and a set of parameters which control the programmable vibrato oscillator. These
effects are discussed in separate sections.
Using the Program Editor
Selecting and Editing Programs
Select Program Editing by pressing EDIT SAVE. When you enter the program editor, the display will show
something similar to:
the currently selected program’s number (1 in our example),
the currently selected program’s name (PIANO - an acoustic piano),
Select a program to work on by using INCR, DECR, NEXT, PREV, or select it by number using the numeric button-pad
and press ENTR. Depending on what program numbers you select, and what their statuses are, you might see these
variations in the display as you change programs:
An asterisk,
, as in:
This means that edits have been made to a built-in program, or that a program is user created. In this case, for
instance, the PIANO program has been modified. You can delete the modifications by pressing F1. The * will
disappear, and the built-in program will be restored.
Note that built-in programs cannot be deleted - only modifications made to them can be deleted.
If you wanted to save the modified built-in program, you could copy it to an undefined program before deleting the
changes. See Creating Programs later in this chapter.
A question mark,
, as in:
A question mark designates an undefined program number. In this case, Program #206 is empty.
UNTITLED is the default name for any program which has not been named, and is not an indicator of an undefined
program. For example,
is not empty, because there is no question mark.
To change the name of program from UNTITLED, see Renaming Programs, below.
Press ENTR to start choosing among the parameters. One of the parameters shown in Table 6-1 will appear in the
display. Use NEXT and PREV to step through the parameters.