The Channel Editor
The Channel Editor lets you assign programs to individual MIDI channels.
If the instrument is in Omni mode, changing the channel number in the Channel Editor also changes the basic MIDI channel
number. In addition, changing the channel will also change the currently selected program (see program editor below),
unless there is no program assigned to the channel or the currently selected program has been changed.
Using the Channel Editor
Enter the Channel Editor by pressing EDIT F1, and the display will show:
program name
xx is the currently active channel, and
xxx is the currently active program number.
To change the channel, enter the new channel number with the numeric button-pad and press or use the NEXT and PREV
keys to step through the numbers 1 through 16. If a number greater than 16 is entered using the numeric keypad, the channel
number will be set to the previous channel number when ENTR is pressed.
To de-activate a channel, use CLEAR or 0 ENTR.
Channel Editor Hints
The Channel Editor will not allow you to assign a non-existent program to a channel. In particular, the INCR and DECR
keys will skip over non-existent program numbers.