Account number selectivity not supported in Meganet protocol.
Edit new number by pressing CONF key. Double click on CONF key will leave current value
as is. For new value type a number or SHIFT+0 for letters (see Section 2.1.2 for functional
keys). Confirm address by pressing CONF key.
At LARS protocol user needs to set also a group field.
By default all accounts are selected.
System Address Mask Setting
The RCI5000 allows user to ‘force’ the ‘System Address’ parameter sent through
‘COM port’ to PC to be a constant value, even though different value / values are
received and decoded by the RCI5000 in the specific channel.
The need for such a parameter raised from a limitation exist in several ‘Central
Station Software’ PC application available in market.
This feature is can be set ONLY by using ‘Front Panel’ setup – Keyboard and LCD.
If no mask required, parameter ‘System Mask = -‘ appears on LCD. (To select ‘-‘ use in ‘Edit
mode’ (e): ‘Shift’ > ‘0’, use arrows to select ‘-‘.)
To select wanted System Address Mask value, enter one digit number, 0-9.
Channel Quiet Time Setting
The channel quiet code enables the operator to identify a deviation from normal radio
channel functioning. Channel quiet determines the minimum time that the RCI5000
does not receive any message within the time period set by user.
Whenever a channel quiet event occurs, a corresponding message is sent to LCD, PC
and printer. Also when channels retrieves from quiet status a corresponding message is
sent to LCD, PC and printer. The channel may be quiet beyond the preset time if, for
example, the antenna is broken. In such case, whenever the problem is last more then
one hour, a corresponding error message will be send to LCD, PC and printer.
Channel quiet time is in minutes time resolution from 0 (no monitoring) to 60 minutes,
and by default (factory default), the channel quiet module is disabled (0).
Entering this mode is made by entering in main screen to Setup
User password
Channel Setup
Set Ch. Quiet Time.
Channel Busy Time Setting
The channel busy code enables the operator to identify a deviation from normal radio
channel functioning. Channel busy determines the minimum time that the RCI5000
senses a busy channel (receives continuously a message) within the time period set by