1 :
Please keep in mind that due to the nature of this product as an assembly kit, the motion of the assembled product cannot
be guaranteed. Further, due to the fact that the movements of the assembled product depend in large part on the method
by which it was assembled, we may not be able to provide precise answers to your questions regarding operations.
2 :
This product is constructed for people of all ages to enjoy a bipedal robot. However, this product is not a toy, and
contains parts and tasks that would be difficult for young children to understand or perform. For those parts and tasks,
parents or teachers should provide assistance.
3 :
The assembly and operation of this product requires the use of a personal computer (Windows XP(SP2) or Vista) with a
USB port. It is assumed that the user has basic computer skills. Please note that we cannot provide answers to general
questions or inquiries regarding computers or Windows.
•All company names, trade names, and logo marks that appear in this Instruction are trade marks or registered
trade marks of each respective company.
•The contents of this Instruction and product are subject to change without notice for improvement or other
The following items are required for the assembly and operation of this product:
Personal computer
#0 and #1 screwdriver
Small blade
for cutting parts and board cover
Screw locking adhesive
(moderate strength)
convenient for preventing screws and nuts
from loosening.
OS: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
CD-ROM drive(for installation) 1 or more USB 2.0 port(s)
※ Microsoft. NET Frame work 2.0 is required