The servo-motor, KRS-2552RHV or KRS-2552HV, used in this product has a maximum
angular operating range of approximately 270 degrees. Like human joints, it does not
turn limitlessly and its rotational movement is restricted. For the robot to operate
properly, it must be assembled taking into consideration its mechanical restrictions and
actual operation. Because of this, setting the Servo origin is very important.
If the origin setting is not correct, problems may occur when performing sample
motions. Therefore, please understand the origin setting method correctly and proceed
Refer to the KHR-3 HV Assembly manual for the origin setting method.
The servo that sets the origin setting is five servos for expansion.
In addition, since the servo arm is installed again, please set the servo (ID 4 (red)) and
servo (ID 4 (blue)) to the origin setting.
* The corresponding servo manager software differs depending on the servo being used.
KRS-2552HV:Serial Manager for ICS3.0
KRS-2552RHV:ICS3.5/3.6 Manager softwar
The sample project for the robot of 22 axis "22DOF̲KHR3 (V2.0)" is set at the ICS
baudrate of 1250000bps. Since the initial values of KRS-2552HV and KRS-2552RHV
are 115200bps, when using the sample project change all servos to 1250000bps.
* If you are using the KRI-3 for the wireless controller, please also change this to
1250000 bps. Please use "KRI-3 Manager" for the baud rate of KRI-3.
Also, when using the KRR-5FH as a receiver, please change it to 1250000 bps. Please
use "KRR 5 Maneger" to change the KRR-5FH.
Check parts
Please also check the parts included in this set and the parts to be used
from the set of the KHR-3HV.
or KRS-2552HV
5(Yellow)/ 5(Green)
Nylon Strap (20)
CD-ROM (1)
Kit guidance (1)
ZH Connection Cable
(ZH/ZH Connector) 50mm
ZH Connection Cable
(ZH/ZH Connector) 350mm
ZH Connection Cable
(ZH/ZH Connector) 550mm
ZH Connection Cable
(ZH/ZH Connector) 200mm
ZH Connection Cable
(ZH/ZH Connector) 300mm
M2-4 Low Head Screw (10)
Small horn
(PCDφ12-M2-offset0) (5)
Low Head Horn Screw (5)
* Use screws removed from
the KHR-3HV.
* Please use in conjunction with the cables
already used for assembly of the KHR-3HV.
* It is a part not used in the assembly of
the KHR-3HV.
Servo Motor
Connection Cable (Total 11pcs)
Parts included with KHR-3HV