1 Table of Contents
4.2 Wake-and-Shake support over SynqNet
4.3 STO state ignored by "Not Ready for Remote Control" status bit
4.4 WorkBench must re-connect after SynqNet reset
4.5 WorkBench GUI requires Ethernet service port connection
4.6 Service motion disabled while SynqNet operational (cyclic)
4.7 Fieldbus fault cleared only by reset
5.3.1 Recommended SynqNet Cabling
5.5.3 String and Dual String Topology with Termination
7 Enable PWM Output on RS485 I/O
7.2 Brake Support for AKD SynqNet
7.3 AKD-SynqNet Compare FB1.INITSIGNED
8.1 SynqNet Supported Parameters
AKD SynqNet | 1 Table of Contents
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2020