There are three parameters critical for AKD-SynqNet brake operation. All AKD-SQ brake users should be set
to the following:
MOTOR.TBRAKETO = 0 (AKD default = -1 = disabled)
AKD firmware will not delay brake
MOTOR.BRAKEIMM = 1 (AKD default = 0 = disabled)
AKD firmware will not delay brake
DRV.DISMODE = 0 (AKD default = 0)
7.3 AKD-SynqNet Compare FB1.INITSIGNED
When using the AKD-SynqNet Compare feature, set FB1.INITSIGNED depending on the feedback type:
Feedback types: Incremental (A-Quad-B, Sin/Cos, Resolver)
Feedback types: Absolute feedback and serial feedbacks (SFD, EnDat 2.2, BiSS) FB1.INITSIGNED 0
The AKD-SynqNet Compare feature uses an internal 64-bit FPGA position value.
Depending on the feedback type and initial position, the AKD firmware multi-turn count may differ from the
internal FPGA value. This offset (if any) is determined only at SynqNet discovery and is /-1 multi-
turn count (+/-1 rev = +/- 2^32 counts). This issue does not affect any feature other than AKD-SQ Compare.
This offset can also be detected by comparing the SynqNet (MPI) ActualPosition the AKD FB1.P position.
The check should run one time after each SynqNet initialization. Use the MPI objects to read the axis Actu-
alPosition and axis Origin offset if any. If an offset exists, the difference between raw MPI position and FB1.P
will be near 1 rev.
| (ActualPosition-Orign) - FB1.P | ~= 2^32
AKD SynqNet | 7 Enable PWM Output on RS485 I/O
Kollmorgen | | October 2020