4 Important Things to Know
This section addresses important things to know about AKD SynqNet.
4.1 Torque mode only
AKD SynqNet supports torque mode only. It does not support Velocity mode.
4.2 Wake-and-Shake support over SynqNet
Wake-and-shake is supported over SynqNet as of MPI 04.02.Beta04 and later. Wake-and-shake is triggered
by the MPI “PhaseFind” function.
See the utility sqDrivePhaseFind.exe:
For the software API, see:
Before using PhaseFind, configure the wake-and-shake mode and parameters. These can be set using Syn-
qNet parameters or through WorkBench. We recommend saving the parameters to NVM in the AKD SynqNet
drive. The MPI PhaseFind function will then issue the final WS.ARM command and enable the drive, which
triggers the actual wake-and-shake action. When the AKD drive reports PhaseFind is complete, the MPI
clears the AmpEnable flag and return status (pass or fail).
Before PhaseFind, clear any pending faults in the AKD SynqNet drive or on the controller (including position
limit, HW Pos Limit, etc. associated with this motor).
The AKD offers 3 wake-and-shake modes, each with different parameters. The best results are with mode 1
(commutation). Mode 2 (auto) is least complex – no parameters required.
Over WorkBench, wake-and-shake is not affected by SynqNet unless SynqNet is cyclic, which blocks
WorkBench from enabling the motor.
4.3 STO state ignored by "Not Ready for Remote Control" status bit
The cyclic status bit “Not Ready for Remote Control” should indicate when the motor is ready to be enabled.
However, if the AKD is disabled by STO, the Not Ready for Remote Control is not cleared.
The STO input status is not directly visible over SynqNet (except by the parameter STO.STATE).
4.4 WorkBench must re-connect after SynqNet reset
Each SynqNet reset causes a full AKD reset, disconnecting any existing WorkBench session. You must re-
connect from WorkBench after the reset.
SynqNet reset is triggered by the meiReset.exe utility, controller reset from MotionConsole, SynqNet ini-
tialization from MotionConsole, and similar events from any other utilities or customer applications.
4.5 WorkBench GUI requires Ethernet service port connection
WorkBench must be used over the Ethernet service port, X11. WorkBench is not supported through the Syn-
qNet network.
4.6 Service motion disabled while SynqNet operational (cyclic)
After SynqNet discovers an AKD drive and enters cyclic operation, service motion is disabled from
WorkBench. When SynqNet exits cyclic operation, the AKD drive remains disabled, causing service motion
to remain disabled until the next drive reset.
AKD SynqNet | 4 Important Things to Know
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2020