AKD SynqNet | 7 Enable PWM Output on RS485 I/O
4. Set Motor I/O Type to Source 5 (PWM0) in MotionConsole.
7.1 PWM Parameter Scaling
When using the SynqNet Drive Parameter methods, the scaling is:
DUTYCYCLE: (32-bit unsigned integer) Percent * 1000
//min 0 max 100000
Example: 12500 represents 12.5% duty cycle
PERIOD: (32-bit unsigned integer) uSec * 1000
//min 1000 max 500000
Example: 40000 represents a 40 uSec period.
MODE: (32-bit unsigned integer) 0 = parameter; 1 = fieldbus (aka cyclic)
When using the SynqNet Cyclic control method, the scaling is:
sqNodeIoAnalogOut[1] = DUTYCYCLE
= (16-bit unsigned integer) (DUTYCYCLE_
PERCENT / 100) * 0x8000
//min 0 max 0x8000
Example: 0x1000 represents 12.5% duty cycle
Since the hardware multiply truncates without roundoff, adding 1 count may be helpful.
sqNodeIoAnalogOut[2] = PERIOD = (16-bit unsigned integer) PERIOD_USEC *
//min 25 max 12500
Example: 1000 represents a 40 uSec period.
7.2 Brake Support for AKD SynqNet
AKD-SynqNet supports all MPI/SynqNet brake features. Brake delay (configured via MPI) is supported.
AKD-SynqNet does NOT support all AKD drive brake features (controlled stop is not available since AKD-SQ
velocity control is always from SynqNet).
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2020