Make sure there are no fuel leaks before going any further.
Clean up any spills and always work in a well-ventilated area.
To avoid any electrical injuries always replace any broken
wires before proceeding.
The bilge can accumulate explosive fumes. The bilge
blower will evacuate the fumes. The bilge blower must be run for a
minimum of 10 minutes prior to cranking the engine.
A. Engine Does Not Crank
Engine Does Not Crank
Check all fuses and relays
Check electrical leads – something may be loose or disconnected.
Check battery cables – adjust any loose connections and clean any corrosion.
Check battery charge
Refer to Pre-Operational checklist for further checks.
Engine Will Crank Intermittently
If you have to turn the key to START several times, check the ignition switch for
loose, corroded, disconnected or broken wires. Tighten or replace as necessary.
When The Engine Makes A Stuttering Or Chattering Noise.
Check the battery cables for loose connections
Check battery charge – charge if necessary
Check the starter motor and solenoid switch for loose or disconnected wires.
Check ground connections for loose, corroded, disconnect or broken wires.
If all electrical connections have been checked for loose connections, corrosion,
broken wires and disconnected wires and after you have reviewed and
performed the Operational Instructions, contact your service dealer.