SPN 65604 FMI 2: Pedal Position (PP) Sensor 2 Data Erratic, Intermittent or
SPN 65604 FMI 12: Pedal Position (PP) Sensor 2 Bad Intelligent Device or
SPN 65605 FMI 2: Pedal Position (PP) Sensor 1 Data Erratic, Intermittent or
SPN 65605 FMI 12: Pedal Position (PP) Sensor 1 Bad Intelligent Device or
SPN 65613 FMI 2: Pedal Position (PP) Sensor 1 and 2 Data Erratic, Intermittent
or Incorrect
SPN 65615, 65616, or 65618
SPN Descriptors
SPN 65615 FMI 7: Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Actuation Fault Mechanical
System Not Responding or Out of Adjustment
SPN 65616 FMI 12: Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Process Fault Bad
Intelligent Device or Component
SPN 65618 FMI 7: Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Return Fault Mechanical
System Not Responding or Out of Adjustment
SPN 65620 or 65621
SPN Descriptors
SPN 65620 FMI 4: 5 Volt Reference A Circuit Voltage Below Normal or Shorted
SPN 65621 FMI 4: 5 Volt Reference B Circuit Voltage Below Normal or Shorted
SPN 65673 or 65674
SPN Descriptors
SPN 65673 FMI 15: Catalytic Converter A Temperature Sensor Data Valid But
Above Normal Range-Least Severe Level
SPN 65674 FMI 15: Catalytic Converter B Temperature Sensor Data Valid But
Above Normal Range-Least Severe Level
SPN 65690
SPN Descriptors
SPN 65690 FMI 3: Variable Governor Control Voltage Above Normal or Shorted
SPN 65690 FMI 4: Variable Governor Control Voltage Below Normal or Shorted
SPN 65701 or 65702
SPN Descriptors
SPN 65701 FMI 31: General Warning Sensor 1 Not Available
SPN 65702 FMI 31: General Warning Sensor 2 Not Available
SPN 65710
SPN Descriptors
SPN 65710 FMI 31: Emergency Stop Warning Not Available
SPN 65723
SPN Descriptors