Wood-burning Pyromat-DYN
Installation, Open System
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: [email protected]
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
To reliably prevent burner corrosion caused by condensation of exhaust gases, the burner return flow temperature
must not by any means be below 65°C. To do so, a burner circuit pump should be provided with a burner control
valve as per the diagram.
The burner circuit should be configured such that the temperature difference between the forward and return flow is
equal to or less than 15°C.
This is the case in the design below if no additional resistors are installed in the burner/accumulator circuit. Any
installation of slide valves or of a heat meter in the burner/accumulator circuit will require reconfiguration of the
burner pump and burner control valve by the heating technician (exception: Art. No. LPM-... pump blockage units
with full passageway).
For incorporation of heat consumers, refer to Spec Sheets 4000ff.