ECOTRONIC Heat Control Unit
Heat Consumer
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: [email protected]
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Controller for Air Handling Unit Group
[Art. No. ECO-L]
The burner storage system supplies the air heaters with maximum flow temperature. The fans are
switched by switches or controllers provided by the customer. The flow rate for the heating water is
controlled by the return flow temperature and so adjusted to the heat output of the air heater
(quantity control). This produces optimum storage stratification for a long time and at a high
temperature at the accumulator flow pipe. An integrated timer can be used to set the heating
periods (daily and weekly schedules).
Pushbutton for air handling unit group
Controller output for pump (1) and mixing valve (2)
Return flow sensor QAD 21, uninstalled
Controller for Domestic Water Heater
[Art. No. ECO-B1]
When the temperature of the domestic water drops, it is reheated by the built-in heat exchanger
either from the burner or from the heat accumulator. A prerequisite for this is the temperature
difference required (choice of control either according to temperature difference or fixed
An integrated timer can be used to set the heating periods (daily and weekly schedules).
Pushbutton for domestic water heater
Controller output for pump (1) and shut-off valve (2)
Domestic water sensor QAZ 21.5220 with dipping shell, ½" x 200 mm, uninstalled
Controller for Domestic Water Heater
[Art. No. ECO-B2]
When the temperature of the domestic water drops, it is reheated by the built-in heat exchanger
either from the burner or from the heat accumulator. A prerequisite for this is the temperature
difference required (there is a choice of control either according to temperature difference or fixed
The flow rate for the heating water is controlled by the return flow temperature (quantity control).
This produces optimum storage stratification for a long time and at a high temperature at the
accumulator flow pipe. An integrated timer can be used to set the heating periods (daily and
weekly schedules).
Pushbutton for domestic water heater
Controller output for pump (1) and control valve (2)
Return flow sensor QAD 21, uninstalled
Domestic water sensor QAZ 21.5220 with dipping shell, ½" x 200 mm, uninstalled
Controller for Domestic Water Circulation System
[Art. No. ECO-BZ]
An integrated timer can be used to set the circulation periods (daily and weekly schedules).
The duration for the circulation pump to be switched on can be adjusted using a cyclical switching
Pushbutton for circulation system
Controller output for pump (1)