Water-bearing Components
Burner Safety Devices
KÖB & SCHÄFER GmbH, Flotzbachstr. 33, A-6922 Wolfurt, Tel. +43/5574/6770-0, Fax 65707, E-Mail: [email protected]
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
Therm. discharge safety device 100°C
[Art.-No. K-TS-131]
Standard design for fixed response temperature approx. 100°C, R ¾“ connection
Included in the delivery:
Thermal discharge safety device, incl. dipping shell
Note: We also always recommend the K-TS-131 even when the local regulations do not make it mandatory.
Thermal Run-off Safety Valve 120°C
[Art. No. K-TS-140]
Activation temperature, adjustable, 50-120°C, approved for burners as per DIN 4702, hot water generator, Group 2,
120°C, (model Pyrtec, Pyrot special-purpose design), R ¾" connection
Note: Spare for Art. No. K-TS-131; use only with manufacturer’s declaration
Thermal Extinguishing Valve R ½", 50-90°C
[Art. No. K-SLV]
This is a thermally opening extinguishing valve with adjustable opening temperature for connection by customers to a
pressurised water line or an extinguisher water container.
Extinguishing valve (Danfoss AVTA), adjustable 50-90° with dirt trap
Automatic Fire-extinguishing System
[Art. No. K-SLE]
In the event of any burn-back, the Thermal Extinguishing Valve will open and reliably prevent it with a limited amount of
Location: On the feed auger
Extinguishing valve (Danfoss AVTA), adjustable 50-90° with dirt trap
Extinguishing water container, 25 litres with holding device and level-monitoring system (level float switch)
Note: We recommend the K-SLE for the PYROMAT-DYN for burning remnant wood left over from wood processing.
Not required by the fire-prevention regulations for pellets and smaller fuel depots!
This equipment is included with PYROT and PYRTEC boiler systems.
Please observe local fire-prevention provisions!