4000 MiD® Instructions, V6695
2.2 Chemical hazards
Any chemicals used for analysis should be handled according to good
laboratory practice. They should also be stored, used, and disposed of
in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, as well as local and
national regulations.
The responsible individual must ensure that personnel are not exposed
to hazardous levels of toxic substances as outlined in the Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS), or any documentation provided by local governing
bodies such as The Health Protection Agency (UK) or The Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (US).
Potentially hazardous chemicals can be used with the
MiD. Use care when handling chemicals and wear appropriate
Des produits chimiques potentiellement dange-
reux peuvent être utilisés avec le MiD. Faire preuve de prudence
lors de la manipulation des produits chimiques et porter des EPI
The pump exhausts from the MiD must be connected
to a suitable extraction system. Appropriate extraction must also
be provided to the microspray area when analysing hazardous
Les gaz d’échappement de la pompe du MiD
doit être connecté à un système d’extraction approprié. Une
extraction adéquate doit également être fournie à la zone micros-
pray lors de l’analyse de produits chimiques dangereux.
This system operates using high voltages. This can intro-
duce additional hazards when certain solvents are used. Ensure all
solvents and instruments are properly connected, vented, or set
up with manufacturer approved settings.
Ce système fonctionne avec des tensions électriques
élevées. Cela peut présenter des dangers supplémentaires
lorsque certains solvants sont utilisés. S’assurer que tous les sol-
vants et les instruments sont correctement connectés, ventilé, ou
mis en place avec les paramètres homologués par le constructeur.
2.3 Compressed gas hazards
The MiD requires a source of dry nitrogen gas for correct operation.
Always follow local health and safety regulations if handling cylinders of
compressed gas. Environmental monitoring must be deployed to detect
and alert the user to the occurrence of a reduction of oxygen due to a ni-
trogen leak in the environment. In case of oxygen reduction, all personnel
need to leave the room and alert the proper health and safety represent-
Symbols and signs