User Manual
Klegg Electronics Inc.
9. I've installed my NetDisk and it shows up as a Black Sqaure (Disconnected).
Note: If you are using NetDisk via USB, then no software installation is required, therefore, please ignore
the Black Sqaure.
Please check to make sure of the following:
A. You are using the latest version of our software which can be found at
B. Power cable is plugged in tightly, and NetDisk hard drive is spinning.
C. There is a link light on the port where it is connected to (switch), and the dip switches (if any) are
in the down position.
D. Please make sure that any firewall/antivirus software is disabled before installing. The latest
versions of antivirus software have a new feature called script blocking. Please also ensure that
this feature is disabled before continuing
E. You might also need to enable our protocol and programs to run in your Antivirus/Firewall pro-
gram as well.
F. Even after you have done these things, it is still possible that the firewall/antivirus software is
blocking access. For troubleshooting purposes, if it still does not work, please try uninstalling the
firewall/antivirus software, reboot, then reinstall our software to see if it works. If it works, then
you can go ahead and re-install the antivirus/firewall software.
G. If using Wireless, then please make sure that you are connected to the wireless router and that
your signal is good. Try going to your wireless router's website and check for the latest firmware
and also check for the latest drivers for your wireless card as well.
H. Try plugging in via wired connection and see if it works that way.
Powercycle your switch/router.
If you are using VPN software, please try unchecking the box for Deterministic Network Enhan-
cer or any other VPN protocol in your NIC Properties.
K. Check to see if you have any Spyware installed.
L. For further help, please contact
or call 510-683-9700 (US ).
10. When adding NetDisk to my computer, why does the "NEXT" button stay gray?
You may not have entered all the alpha-numeric values correctly. There are no letter "O"s; please
verify that you have used the number "0" (zero) for anything resembling an "O." Also please check
your other letters as well; two V's may look like a W. Start by entering only the NetDisk ID. The ADD
button should not be grayed out if the correct ID is entered. Once it is not grayed out, proceed to add
the Write Key as well.
Please also make sure that there are 20 characters for the NetDisk ID, not including the Write Key.
11. Using Windows file sharing function, after reboot, share gets lost. Is there any work around ?
Create a batch file and place it in your startup folder. To create batch file:
Open up notepad - type in "net share sharename=DriveLetter:path" (For example net share
NetDisk =F:)
Save the file as a .bat extension. For example, the file name would be called " NetDisk.bat".