O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
Wallace diesel stove / Cabin heater
The diesel fuel tank for the Wallace stove is located on 28’ and 30’ models, behind a
carpeted access hatch located to the outside of the helm seat box. On
the 25’ and 27’
models the fuel tank is located beneath the rear port side countertop.
To fill the fuel tank,
Undo the rubber bungee cord that secures the tank the mounting frame.
Unscrew the fuel cap.
Remove the tank from the cabin.
Fill the tank 7/8 full with fuel.
Carefully replace the tank in the mounting frame and secure it with the bungee cord.
Tightly screw on the fuel cap.
Prior to operating the Wallace system check that:
The battery switch is turned on.
Confirm that the battery system is fully charged and functioning and that all wires
leading to the batteries are secured firmly to the battery posts.
Refer to the Wallace stove manufacturer’s owners manual for operating and safety
If diesel fuel spills onto your skin, immediately wash with soap and water. Change
clothing if saturated with diesel fuel. If diesel fuel gets into your eyes or diesel fumes
are inhaled, seek medical attention. If diesel fuel is swallowed, seek medical attention.
To avoid potentially dangerous onboard fuel spills, always remove the diesel tank out of
the cabin area before filling it with fuel.
Care should be taken not to overfill the diesel fuel tank as fuel may expand and
overflow out of the tank or fittings. Only fill the fu
el tank to 7/8 of the tank’s capacity.