O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
When you arrive at the boat ramp remove the rear tie-downs from your boat and perform
all pre-operation checks. Ensure the drain plug is in place. When safe to do so, back your
trailer slowly down the ramp until the underside of the boat is touching the water. Stop
your vehicle and set the parking brake. Disconnect the trailer safety chain from your boat
and let out a few feet of winch line. Ensure you do not let out enough winch line to become
tangled on your vehicle or the trailer. Back your trailer down the ramp until the boat is
ready to float free. Set your parking brake. Disconnect your winch line from the boat and
attach a long mooring line to the bow. Guide your boat off of the trailer and secure it to the
shore using the mooring line or have someone on shore hold the line. Park your trailer and
vehicle. Board your boat. Ensure that there is enough water under your boat before
lowering the motor.
Tilt your outboard motor into the traveling position. Moor your boat on shore or have
someone on shore hold the mooring line. Carefully back your trailer down the ramp when
safe to do so until the trailer bunks are just underwater. Set your parking brake. Guide
your boat onto the trailer as squarely between the trailer fenders as possible. Attach the
trailer winch line to the bow eye of the boat, detach the mooring line and winch the boat
the remainder of the way onto the trailer. Attach the safety chain to the bow eye of the
boat. Remove your boat from the water and perform all post operation checks prior to
leaving the parking lot. Attach the tie downs to the transom, stow all loose items securely
and store the boats fabric top in the down position. Perform all trailer checks.