O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L
w w w . k i n g f i s h e r b o a t s . c o m
When beaching the boat, it is critical that the motor be turned off and the motor or leg tilted
up so that the propeller does not strike sand or rocks on the beach. When approaching the
shore for beaching, slow the boat down so that a sudden stop will not cause jarring to the
passengers or damage to the boat. As you approach the beach and the water becomes
shallower turn the motor off, tilt the drive up f
ully, and drift onto the beach. If you don’t
have enough momentum, use the paddles on your boat to assist you. Once on the beach,
disembark from the boat over the bow and secure the boat to a fixed object on shore.
Take care in tidal waters that the boat is not beached long enough for the tide to come in
and carry your boat away, or for the tide to go out and leave your boat stranded.
When you’re ready to leave the beach, have your passengers board the boat, untie your
boat from shore, and push it into the water. If the bow is wedged onto the beach, moving
passengers to the stern of the boat can help.. Do not lower the outboard until there is
sufficient water to avoid engine damage.
Post Operation Checks
After you are finished enjoying your boat for the day return to the dock or boat
ramp and turn your motor off.
Check propeller or impellor for nicks and tangled debris
Check the bilge for gasoline and water
Remove garbage from the boat
Tilt the outboard and trolling motor to the secure traveling position
Secure all loose items prior to trailering
When the boat is removed from the water
Wash the boat down with fresh water and pull the hull’s drain plugs to remove any
water from the boat, securely replacing them afterwards.
Consult your engine owners manual for special instructions on purging water from
your boat’s exhaust system and flushing your boat’s cooling system
Perform any post operation maintenance specified in your engine owner’s manual
Trailer Checklist
Refer to local and regional laws to ensure that your trailer complies with regulations
Check the trailer for any loose fasteners, corrosion or damage.
Check the tires for proper inflation and wear.
Check all trailer lights for function.
Secure the bow of the boat to the trailer with the winch line and safety chain.
Secure the transom of the boat to the trailer with the supplied tie-downs.
Check the trailer hitch on your vehicle and make sure that it is the correct size and
load rating for the trailer you are towing.
Take down the fabric top and stow it securely.
Check your trailer wheel hubs periodically during your trip to ensure that they are
not overheating.
Secure the trailer tongue over the hitch on your vehicle using the release handle
and locking pin on the trailer.
Attach the trailer’s break-away chains to your vehicle. Properly secured chains
cross over each other.