FingerVein Online
Installation and Programming Manual
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Appendix B. Troubleshooting
1. The FingerVein Online electronics does not open the session via UPD,
although it is detected via SLK
Using the Kimaldi Localisation Service, select the terminal in question and edit the
network configuration. Make sure that:
- The terminal's IP is properly assigned (there are no duplicities, you obtain
response to ‘ping’). If you are in a network with dynamic IP assignment, set the
field of the IP configuration to ‘TRUE’ (
- The submask and gateway are correctly configured.
- The server's IP is only necessary if DHCP is enabled.
- The Host to contact the FingerVein Online electronics is displayed in the
- The Host contacts the FingerVein Online electronics via its 5501 port in the case
of Bio-OCX UDP and via its 6001 port in the case of UDP-KSP.
- If Bio-OCX UDP is used to contact several FingerVein Online electronics at the
same time, the Host will require a different port for each one. In this case, con-
figure the Host port in the
field. Value 0 configures the suita-
ble port automatically with the limitation that it does not generate events until
the Host has started communications.
If configuration parameters are to be modified, remember to apply them (
before assessing their effectiveness. If the DHCP is enabled, IP initialisation may
take several seconds.
2. No warning is received when placing a finger on the biometric sensor
It the optical barrier has stopped working, an
event will have
been generated at some moment to indicate the error status. The most frequent causes
of this fault are:
- The finger is left on the biometric sensor for too long.
events are
generated until a Watchdog appears and equipment switches to error status. It
returns to normal when the finger has been removed.
- There is too much ambient light on the biometric sensor. This light stops the opti-
cal barrier from working correctly and probably also stops the FingerVein sen-
sor from making a correct identification. We advise you to protect the
FingerVein Online terminal against excessive light, especially sunlight.