FingerVein Online
Installation and Programming Manual
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Each of the above instructions will be sent to the reader as follows:
• Instruction:
• Argument: Byte 1 =
(i.e. transmission to UART2-UI)
• Extra Data:
- Via Bio-OCX:
- The actual frame sent in Extra Data is, in Hexadecimal and from
A.1.4. 1:N Identification
In this type of identification, the scanned biometric information is compared with the
entire biometric information database stored in the terminal.
The approximate sequence of the process will be:
1. When users position their fingers on the biometric sensor, a
event is
received with argument value ‘A’ (in general, the value is configured in the
) parameter.
2. General a suitable information message via the display:
3. Start user identification by sending the
instruction to the terminal.
4. The terminal identifies the user, using its internal database. After a few seconds, the
identifier of the identified user is received via the response to instruction event:
5. Depending on the outcome of the identification, you can decide whether to enable a
relay or display a message, etc.
A.1.5. 1:1 Identification:
In this type of identification, whether the scanned biometric information coincides with
the information stored in the Host for that user is checked.
In this case, identification begins by presenting the user card:
event is received with the user's identification information.
2. Access the Host database to retrieve the biometric information corresponding to the
3. Generate a suitable information message via the Display:
4. Check the biometric information via the
5. The terminal compares the biometric data received with the scanned data and it
sends the outcome of the operation to the host via the response event of the
6. Depending on the outcome of the previous result, you can decide whether to enable
a relay or display a message, etc.