Keysight Technologies N8262A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 421

STATus Subsystem


Keysight N8262A Programming Guide




page 420




page 430


STATus:OPERation:CALibrating[:SUMMary] (

page 431


STATus:OPERation:LLFail[:SUMMary] (

page 432


STATus:OPERation:MEASuring[:SUMMary] (

page 433


STATus:OPERation:SENSe[:SUMMary] (

page 434


STATus:OPERation:TRIGger[:SUMMary] (

page 435


STATus:OPERation:ULFail[:SUMMary] (

page 436


STATus:QUEStionable (

page 437


STATus:QUEStionable (

page 439


STATus:QUEStionable:CALibration[:SUMMary] (

page 440


STATus:QUEStionable:POWer[:SUMMary] (

page 441



– To  use  the 


 command to examine the 




– To  use  the 


 command to examine the 




This chapter describes the status register set commands and the status registers 

which they are used to examine. 

Содержание N8262A

Страница 1: ...Keysight N8262A P Series Modular Power Meter Programming Guide ...

Страница 2: ...s customarily provided to the public to use modify reproduce release perform display or disclose commercial computer software or commercial computer software documentation No additional government requirements beyond those set forth in the EULA shall apply except to the extent that those terms rights or licenses are explicitly required from all providers of commercial computer software pursuant to...

Страница 3: ...e agreement shall control Duration and conditions of warranty for this product may be superseded when the product is integrated into becomes a part of other Keysight products During the warranty period Keysight will at its option either repair or replace products which prove to be defective The warranty period begins on the date of delivery or on the date of installation if installed by Keysight R...

Страница 4: ...perator serviceable parts inside Refer servicing to qualified personnel To prevent electrical shock do not remove covers For continued protection against fire hazard replace the line fuse s only with fuses of the same type and rating for example normal blow time delay etc The use of other fuses or material is prohibited WARNING A WARNING notice denotes a hazard It calls attention to an operating p...

Страница 5: ...ply with these requirements User Environment This instrument is designed for indoor use only WARNING Before this instrument is switched on make sure it has been properly grounded through the protective conductor of the ac power cable to a socket outlet provided with protective earth contact Any interruption of the protective grounding conductor inside or outside the instrument or disconnection of ...

Страница 6: ...6 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 7: ...ration 57 Zeroing and Calibrating the P Series Power Sensor 59 Zeroing 59 Calibration 59 Making Measurement 61 Using MEASure 62 Using the CONFigure Command 67 Using the Lower Level Commands 75 Using Frequency Dependent Offset Tables 77 Overview 77 Editing Frequency Dependent Offset Tables 79 Selecting a Frequency Dependent Offset Table 82 Enabling a Frequency Dependent Offset Table 82 Making the M...

Страница 8: Mode 98 How Measurements are Calculated 99 Status Reporting 100 The General Status Register Model 100 How to Use Register 103 The Condition Polling Method 103 Device Status Register 104 Using the Operation Complete Commands 105 Saving and Recalling Power Meter Configurations 106 How to Save and Recall a Configuration 106 Using Device Clear to Halt Measurements 107 An Introduction to the SCPI La...

Страница 9: ...nt Commands MEASurement Commands 125 Optional Parameters 126 CONFigure 1 2 3 4 130 Syntax 130 Example 131 Reset Condition 131 CONFigure 1 2 3 4 Commands 132 CONFigure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC expected_value resolution source list 133 Syntax 133 Parameters 133 Example 134 CONFigure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RELative expected_value resolution source list 135 Syntax 135 Parameters 135 Example 136 CONFig...

Страница 10: ...ATio RELative expected_value resolution source list 143 Syntax 143 Parameters 143 Example 144 FETCh 1 2 3 4 Queries 145 FETCh 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC expected_value resolu tion source list 146 Syntax 146 Parameters 146 Example 147 Error Messages 147 FETCh 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RELative expected_value resolution source list 148 Syntax 148 Parameters 148 Example 149 Error Messages 149 FETCh 1 2 3 ...

Страница 11: ...Ch 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RATio RELative expected_val ue resolution source list 156 Syntax 156 Parameters 156 Example 157 Error Messages 157 READ 1 2 3 4 Commands 158 READ 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC expected_value resolu tion source list 159 Syntax 159 Parameters 159 Example 160 Error Messages 160 READ 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RELative expected_value resolution source list 161 Syntax 161 Parameters 1...

Страница 12: 167 Parameters 167 Example 168 Error Messages 168 READ 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RATio RELative expected_val ue resolution source list 169 Syntax 169 Parameters 169 Example 170 Error Messages 170 MEASure 1 2 3 4 Commands 171 MEASure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC expected_value resolu tion source list 172 Syntax 172 Parameters 172 Example 173 MEASure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RELative expected_value resol...

Страница 13: ...esolution source list 180 Syntax 180 Parameters 180 Example 181 MEASure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RATio RELative expected_val ue resolution source list 182 Syntax 182 Parameters 182 Example 183 3 CALCulate Subsystem CALCulate Subsystem 186 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 FEED 1 2 string 189 Syntax 189 Parameters 190 Example 190 Reset Condition 190 Query 191 Query Example 191 Error Message 191 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GA...

Страница 14: ...2 3 4 LIMit Commands 197 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar AUTo boolean ONCE 198 Syntax 198 Example 199 Reset Condition 199 Query 199 Query Example 199 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar IMMediate 200 Syntax 200 Example 200 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FAIL 201 Syntax 201 Example 201 Reset Condition 201 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FCOunt 202 Syntax 203 Example 203 Reset Condition 203 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit LOWer D...

Страница 15: ...209 Syntax 209 Example 209 Reset Condition 209 Query 209 Query Example 210 Error Message 210 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH Commands 211 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPRession string 212 Syntax 212 Parameters 213 Example 213 Reset Condition 213 Query 214 Query Example 214 Error Messages 214 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPRession CATalog 215 Syntax 215 Example 215 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 PHOLd CLEar 216 Syntax 216 Example...

Страница 16: ...ery 220 Query Example 221 Error Message 221 4 CALibration Subsystem CALibration Subsystem 224 CALibration 1 2 ALL 226 Syntax 227 Example 227 Error Messages 227 CALibration 1 2 ALL 228 Syntax 229 Query Example 229 Error Messages 229 CALibration 1 2 AUTO ONCE ON OFF 0 1 230 Syntax 231 Example 231 Reset Condition 231 Query 231 Error Messages 231 CALibration 1 2 RCALibration boolean 232 Syntax 232 Exa...

Страница 17: ...on 1 2 ZERO AUTO ONCE ON OFF 0 1 237 Syntax 237 Example 237 Reset Condition 237 Query 238 Error Messages 238 CALibration 1 2 ZERO NORMal AUTO boolean 239 Syntax 239 Example 239 Reset Condition 239 Query 240 Error Messages 240 5 DISPlay Subsystem DISPlay Subsystem 242 DISPlay ENABle boolean 243 Syntax 243 Example 243 Reset Condition 243 Query 243 Query Example 244 DISPlay SCReen FORMat character_da...

Страница 18: ...ition 251 Query 251 Query Example 251 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog UPPer numeric_value 252 Syntax 253 Parameters 253 Example 253 Reset Condition 254 Query 254 Query Example 254 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 FORMat character_data 255 Syntax 255 Parameters 256 Example 256 Reset Condition 256 Query 257 Query Example 257 Error Messages 257 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer Commands 258 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer LOWer numeric...

Страница 19: ...ric_value 265 Syntax 265 Parameters 265 Example 266 Reset Condition 266 Query 266 Query Example 266 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 SELect 1 2 267 Syntax 267 Example 267 Reset Condition 267 Query 268 Query Example 268 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 STATe boolean 269 Syntax 269 Examples 269 Reset Condition 269 Query 270 Query Example 270 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe FEED character_data 271 Syntax 272 Parameters 272 Example 272...

Страница 20: ...ADings DATA character_data 279 Syntax 279 Parameters 279 Example 280 Reset Condition 280 Query 280 Query Example 280 7 MEMory Subsystem MEMory Subsystem 282 MEMory CATalog Commands 284 MEMory CATalog ALL 285 Syntax 286 Example 286 MEMory CATalog STATe 287 Syntax 287 Example 287 MEMory CATalog TABLe 288 Syntax 290 Example 290 MEMory CLEar Commands 291 MEMory CLEar NAME character_data 292 Syntax 293...

Страница 21: ... STATe 297 Syntax 297 Example 297 MEMory FREE TABLe 298 Syntax 298 Example 298 MEMory NSTates 299 Syntax 299 Example 299 MEMory STATe Commands 300 MEMory STATe CATalog 301 Syntax 301 Example 301 MEMory STATe DEFine character_data numeric_value 302 Syntax 302 Parameters 302 Example 302 Query 302 Query Example 303 Error Messages 303 MEMory TABLe Commands 304 MEMory TABLe FREQuency numeric_value nume...

Страница 22: ...alue 309 Syntax 310 Parameters 310 Example 310 Query 310 Query Example 311 Error Messages 311 MEMory TABLe GAIN MAGNitude POINts 312 Syntax 312 Example 312 MEMory TABLe MOVE character_data character_data 313 Syntax 313 Parameters 313 Example 313 Error Messages 313 MEMory TABLe SELect character_data 314 Syntax 314 Parameters 314 Example 314 Query 314 8 OUTPut Subsystem OUTPut Subsystem 316 OUTPut R...

Страница 23: ...319 Query 320 Query Example 320 OUTPut RECorder 1 2 LIMit UPPer numeric_value 321 Syntax 321 Parameters 321 Example 321 Reset Condition 321 Query 322 Query Example 322 OUTPut RECorder 1 2 STATe boolean 323 Syntax 323 Example 323 Reset Condition 323 Query 323 Query Example 323 OUTPut ROSCillator STATe boolean 324 Syntax 324 Example 324 Reset Condition 324 Query 324 Query Example 324 OUTPut TRIGger ...

Страница 24: ...tic 1 2 CCDF DATa MAX numeric_value 331 Syntax 331 Parameters 331 Example 331 Reset Condition 331 Query 332 Query Example 332 Error Messages 332 PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF POWer numeric_value 333 Syntax 333 Parameters 333 Example 333 Error Messages 334 PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF PROBability numeric_value 335 Syntax 335 Parameters 335 Example 336 Error Messages 336 PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF TABle 337 Syntax 338 Exampl...

Страница 25: ... COUNt AUTO boolean 350 Syntax 351 Example 351 Reset Condition 351 Query 351 Query Example 352 Error Messages 352 SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage SDETect boolean 353 Syntax 354 Example 354 Reset Condition 354 Query 354 Query Example 354 SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe boolean 355 Syntax 355 Example 355 Reset Condition 355 Query 355 Query Example 356 Error Messages 356 SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage2 Commands 357 SENS...

Страница 26: ...IDeo character_data 362 Syntax 362 Parameters 362 Example 362 Reset Condition 362 Query 363 Query Example 363 Error Messages 363 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection Commands 364 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CFACtor GAIN 1 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value 365 Syntax 365 Parameters 366 Example 366 Reset Condition 366 Query 366 Query Example 367 Error Messages 367 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 Commands 368 ...

Страница 27: ...SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 Commands 373 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value 374 Syntax 375 Parameters 375 Example 375 Reset Condition 376 Query 376 Query Example 376 Error Messages 376 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 STATe boolean 377 Syntax 377 Example 377 Reset Condition 377 Query 377 Query Example 378 Error Messages 378 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection FDOFf...

Страница 28: numer ic_value 383 Syntax 383 Parameters 384 Example 384 Reset Condition 384 Query 384 Query Example 385 Error Messages 385 SENSe 1 SENSe2 FREQuency CW FIXed numeric_value 386 Syntax 386 Parameters 387 Example 387 Reset Condition 387 Query 387 Query Example 387 SENSe 1 SENSe2 MRATe character_data 388 Syntax 389 Parameters 389 Example 389 Reset Condition 389 Query 389 Query Example 390 Error Mes...

Страница 29: ...SENSe2 SWEep 1 2 3 4 Commands 395 SENSe 1 SENSe2 SWEep 1 2 3 4 OFFSet TIME numeric_value 396 Syntax 396 Parameters 396 Example 397 Reset Condition 397 Query 397 Query Example 397 Error Messages 397 SENSe 1 SENSe2 SWEep 1 2 3 4 TIME numeric_value 398 Syntax 398 Parameters 398 Example 398 Reset Condition 399 Query 399 Query Example 399 Error Messages 399 SENSe 1 SENSe2 TEMPerature 400 Syntax 400 Par...

Страница 30: ...E numeric_value 404 Syntax 404 Parameters 404 Example 404 Reset Condition 405 Query 405 Query Example 405 Error Messages 405 SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe UNIT character_data 406 Syntax 406 Parameters 406 Example 406 Reset Condition 406 Query 407 Query Example 407 SENSe 1 SENSe2 V2P ATYPe DTYPe 408 Syntax 408 Example 408 Reset Condition 408 Query 408 Query Example 409 Error Messages 409 SENSe 1 2 TRACe LIM...

Страница 31: ...13 SENSe 1 2 TRACe X SCALe PDIV numeric_value 414 Syntax 414 Parameters 414 Example 414 Reset Condition 415 Query 415 Query Example 415 Error Messages 415 SENSe 1 2 TRACe Y SCALe PDIV numeric_value 416 Syntax 416 Parameters 416 Example 417 Reset Condition 417 Query 417 Query Example 417 Error Messages 417 11 STATus Subsystem STATus Subsystem 420 Examples 421 Status Register Set Commands 422 CONDit...

Страница 32: ...s 426 Query 426 Device Status Register Sets 427 Operation Register Sets 429 STATus OPERation 430 Syntax 430 STATus OPERation CALibrating SUMMary 431 Syntax 431 STATus OPERation LLFail SUMMary 432 Syntax 432 STATus OPERation MEASuring SUMMary 433 Syntax 433 STATus OPERation SENSe SUMMary 434 Syntax 434 STATus OPERation TRIGger SUMMary 435 Syntax 435 STATus OPERation ULFail SUMMary 436 Syntax 436 ST...

Страница 33: ...448 Example 448 Query 448 Query Example 448 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN CURRent ADDRess 449 Syntax 449 Example 449 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN CURRent DGATeway 450 Syntax 450 Example 450 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN CURRent DNAMe 451 Syntax 451 Example 451 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN CURRent SMASk 452 Syntax 452 Example 452 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN ADDRess character_data 453 Syntax 453 Parameters 453 Example 453 Query 4...

Страница 34: ...Me character_data 456 Syntax 456 Parameters 456 Example 456 Query 456 Query Example 456 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN HNAMe character_data 457 Syntax 457 Parameters 457 Example 457 Query 457 Query Example 457 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN MAC 458 Syntax 458 Example 458 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN RESTart 459 Syntax 459 Example 459 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN SMASk character_data 460 Syntax 460 Parameters 460 Example 460 ...

Страница 35: ...ntax 469 Example 469 SYSTem PERSona MANufacturer character_data 470 Syntax 470 Parameters 470 Examples 470 Reset condition 470 Query 471 Query Example 471 Error Message 471 SYSTem PERSona MANufacturer DEFault 472 Syntax 472 Example 472 Query 472 Query Example 472 SYSTem PRESet character_data 473 Syntax 474 Parameters 474 Example 475 Error messages 475 Preset Values 476 SYSTem VERSion 535 Syntax 53...

Страница 36: ...dition 543 Query 543 Query Example 543 TRACe 1 2 DEFine TRANsition REFerence numeric_value numeric_value 544 Syntax 544 Parameters 544 Example 545 Reset Condition 545 Query 545 Query Example 545 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement INSTant REFerence numeric_value 546 Syntax 546 Parameters 546 Example 547 Error Messages 547 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement PULSe 1 10 DURation 548 Algorithm 548 Syntax 548 Example 548 Error M...

Страница 37: ...4 Error Messages 554 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement TRANsition 1 10 NEGative OCCurrence 555 Syntax 555 Reset Condition 555 Example 555 Error Messages 555 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement TRANsition 1 10 POSitive DURation 556 Syntax 556 Reset Condition 556 Example 556 Error Messages 556 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement TRANsition 1 10 POSitive OCCurrence 557 Syntax 557 Reset Condition 557 Example 557 Error Messages 557 TRACe 1 2...

Страница 38: ...r_data 562 Syntax 562 Parameters 562 Example 562 Reset Condition 563 Query 563 Query Example 563 14 TRIGger Subsystem TRIGger Subsystem 566 ABORt 1 2 568 Syntax 568 Example 568 INITiate Commands 569 INITiate 1 2 CONTinuous boolean 570 Syntax 570 Example 571 Reset Condition 571 Query 571 Query Example 571 INITiate 1 2 IMMediate 572 Syntax 572 Example 572 Error Messages 572 INITiate CONTinuous ALL b...

Страница 39: ...INITiate IMMediate ALL 577 Syntax 577 Example 577 Error Messages 577 INITiate IMMediate SEQuence 1 2 578 Syntax 578 Example 578 Error Messages 578 TRIGger Commands 579 TRIGger 1 2 DELay AUTO boolean 580 Syntax 580 Example 581 Reset Condition 581 Query 581 TRIGger 1 2 IMMediate 582 Syntax 582 Example 582 Error Messages 582 TRIGger 1 2 SOURce BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMediate INTernal 1 2 583 Syntax 583 P...

Страница 40: ...ondition 587 TRIGger SEQuence HOLDoff numeric_value 588 Syntax 588 Parameters 588 Example 589 Reset Condition 589 Query 589 Query Example 589 TRIGger SEQuence HYSTeresis numeric_value 590 Syntax 590 Parameters 590 Example 591 Reset Condition 591 Query 591 Query Example 591 TRIGger SEQuence LEVel numeric_value 592 Syntax 592 Parameters 592 Example 592 Reset Condition 592 Query 593 Query Example 593...

Страница 41: ...ce 1 2 COUNt numeric_value 597 Syntax 597 Parameters 597 Example 598 Reset Condition 598 Query 598 Query Example 598 Error Messages 598 TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 DELay AUTO boolean 599 Syntax 599 Example 600 Reset Condition 600 Query 600 Query Example 600 TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 IMMediate 601 Syntax 601 Example 601 TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 SOURce BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMediate INTer nal 1 2 602 Syntax 602 Parame...

Страница 42: ...ery 608 Query Example 608 UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio ratio_unit 609 Syntax 609 Parameters 609 Example 610 Reset Condition 610 Query 610 16 SERVice Subsystem SERVice Subsystem 613 SERVice BIST CALibrator boolean 615 Syntax 615 Example 615 Query 615 Query Example 615 SERVice BIST CW 1 2 LINearity 616 Syntax 616 Example 616 SERVice BIST CW 1 2 LINearity PERRor 617 Syntax 617 Example 617 SERVice BIST CW...

Страница 43: ...T 621 Syntax 621 Example 621 SERVice BIST PEAK 1 2 ZSET NUMber 622 Syntax 622 Example 622 SERVice BIST TBASe STATe 623 Syntax 623 Example 623 SERVice BIST TBASe STATe boolean 624 Syntax 624 Example 624 Reset Condition 625 Query 625 Query Example 625 SERVice BIST TRIGger TEST 626 Syntax 626 Example 626 SERVice CALibrator ADJ COUR numeric_value 627 Syntax 627 Parameters 627 Query 627 SERVice CALibra...

Страница 44: ...1 SERVice SENSor 1 2 CPLace 632 Syntax 632 Example 632 Error Messages 632 SERVice SENSor 1 2 FREQuency MAXimum 633 Syntax 633 Example 633 Error Messages 633 SERVice SENSor 1 2 FREQuency MINimum 634 Syntax 634 Example 634 Error Messages 634 SERVice SENSor 1 2 PCALfactor cal_factor_data 635 Syntax 635 Parameters 635 Query 635 Query Example 636 Error Messages 636 SERVice SENSor 1 2 POWer AVERage MAXi...

Страница 45: ...SENSor 1 2 POWer USABle MINimum 640 Syntax 640 Example 640 Error Messages 640 SERVice SENSor 1 2 RADC 641 Syntax 641 Example 641 Error Messages 641 SERVice SENSor 1 2 SNUMber 642 Syntax 642 Example 642 Error Messages 642 SERVice SENSor 1 2 TNUMber 643 Syntax 643 Example 643 Error Messages 643 SERVice SENSor 1 2 TYPE 644 Syntax 644 Example 644 Error Messages 644 SERVice SNUMber character_data 645 S...

Страница 46: ...647 Syntax 647 Parameters 647 Example 647 Query 647 17 IEEE 488 2 Command Reference SCPI Compliance Information 652 CLS 653 Syntax 653 DDT arbitrary block program data string program data 654 Syntax 654 Parameters 654 Reset Condition 655 Query 655 Error Message 655 ESE NRf 656 Syntax 656 Parameters 657 Query 657 ESR 658 Syntax 658 IDN 659 Syntax 659 OPC 660 Syntax 660 Query 660 ...

Страница 47: ...1 RCL NRf 662 Syntax 662 Parameters 662 Error Message 662 RST 663 Syntax 663 SAV NRf 664 Syntax 664 Parameters 664 SRE NRf 665 Syntax 665 Parameters 666 Query 666 STB 667 Syntax 668 TRG 669 Syntax 669 Error Message 669 TST 670 Syntax 670 WAI 671 Syntax 671 ...

Страница 48: ...48 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide ...

Страница 49: ...s 102 Figure 1 9 Hierarchical structure of SCPI 108 Figure 1 10 Format of character_data 111 Figure 1 11 Format of non decimal numeric 113 Figure 1 12 Format of NR1 114 Figure 1 13 Format of NR2 114 Figure 1 14 Format of NR3 115 Figure 1 15 Format of string 116 Figure 2 1 Measurement display CONFigure block window 126 Figure 3 1 Measurement display CALCulate block window 186 Figure 3 2 CALCulate b...

Страница 50: ...50 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 51: ...s 286 Table 7 2 8480 Series power sensor tables 289 Table 7 3 Frequency and Calibration Offset factor list 305 Table 7 4 Frequency and Calibration Offset factor list 309 Table 10 1 Measurement units 410 Table 10 2 Measurement units 412 Table 11 1 Commands and events affecting status register 420 Table 12 1 DEFault Power meter presets 476 Table 12 2 GSM900 Power meter presets 480 Table 12 3 GSM900 ...

Страница 52: ...meter presets for secondary channel sensors 502 Table 12 20 MPCA Power meter presets 502 Table 12 21 MPCA Power meter presets Window Measurement settings 503 Table 12 22 MCPA Power meter presets for secondary channel sensors 504 Table 12 23 RADAR Power meter presets 505 Table 12 24 RADAR Power meter presets Window Measurement settings 507 Table 12 25 RADAR Power meter presets for secondary channel...

Страница 53: ...ings 523 Table 12 40 TD SCDMA Power meter presets Window Measurement settings 524 Table 12 41 NADC Power meter presets 525 Table 12 42 NADC Power meter presets Window Measurement settings 526 Table 12 43 NADC Power meter presets for secondary channel sensors 527 Table 12 44 iDEN Power meter presets 528 Table 12 45 iDEN Power meter presets Window Measurement settings 530 Table 12 46 iDEN Power mete...

Страница 54: ...54 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 55: ... Setting Offsets 88 Setting Measurement Limits 90 Getting the Best Speed Performance 94 How Measurements are Calculated 99 Status Reporting 100 Saving and Recalling Power Meter Configurations 106 Using Device Clear to Halt Measurements 107 An Introduction to the SCPI Language 108 SCPI Compliance Information 117 Summary of Commands 119 Making Measurements on Wireless Communication Standards 120 Thi...

Страница 56: ... Frequency Dependent Offset Tables on page 77 Setting the Range Resolution and Averaging on page 84 Setting Offsets on page 88 Setting Measurement Limits on page 90 Getting the Best Speed Performance on page 94 How Measurements are Calculated on page 99 Status Reporting on page 100 Saving and Recalling Power Meter Configurations on page 106 Using Device Clear to Halt Measurements on page 107 An In...

Страница 57: Dynamic IP mode the IP Address Subnet Mask and Default Gateway values are obtained from a DHCP server Using this Dynamic IP mode does not require a detailed knowledge of your network configuration The IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway and Host settings can be changed manually or remotely To individually specify the LAN settings use the following commands IP Address SYSTem COMMuniucate LAN ...

Страница 58: ... and 255 255 255 255 The LAN setting values are stored in non volatile memory and are not part of the save recall function NOTE If you configure an invalid IP Address or an IP address that is used by another device or host an error message is generated This error can be read by using the SYSTem ERRor command NOTE For more information about Keysight IO Libraries software refer to the Connectivity G...

Страница 59: ... channel when enabled This adjusts the power meter for a zero power reading with no power supplied to the power sensor 1 ON can only be used with a P Series sensor When 1 ON is enabled the zero is maintained by a combination of zero on the fly for measurements and temperature compensation Zeroing of the power meter happens automatically When a 5 C change in temperature occurs When you change the p...

Страница 60: ... consists of 1 Zeroing the power meter CALibration 1 2 ZERO AUTO ONCE 2 Calibrating the power meter CALibration 1 2 AUTO ONCE The query enters a number into the output buffer when the sequence is complete If the result is 0 the sequence was successful If the result is 1 the sequence failed Refer to CALibration 1 2 ALL on page 228 for further information NOTE The CALibration 1 2 ALL command is iden...

Страница 61: ...native method to program the power meter is to use the lower level commands The advantage of using the lower level commands over the CONFigure command is that they give you more precise control of the power meter As shown in Table 1 1 the CONFigure command presets various states in the power meter It may be likely that you do not want to preset these states Refer to Using the Lower Level Commands ...

Страница 62: ...he following commands show a few examples of how to use the MEASure query to make a measurement It is advisable to read through these examples in order as they become increasingly more detailed These examples configure the power meter for a measurement as described in each individual example automatically place the power meter in the wait for trigger state internally trigger the power meter to tak...

Страница 63: ...vious example details the three optional parameters which can be used with the MEASure command The first optional parameter is used to enter an expected power value Entering this parameter is only relevant if you are using an E Series power sensor The value entered determines which of the power sensor s two ranges is used for the measurement If the current setting of the power sensor s range is no...

Страница 64: ...s 3 significant digits if the measurement suffix is W or and 0 01 dB if the suffix is dB or dBm Refer to Chapter 2 MEASurement Commands on page 123 for further details on the resolution parameter The expected power and source list parameters are defaulted in the example The expected power value remains unchanged at its current setting The source list parameter defaults as described in the note Key...

Страница 65: ... at their current settings MEAS1 POW AC RAT DEF DEF 1 2 specifies window specifies the relationship of the channels in the ratio Channel A B NOTE Keysight N8262A The operation of the MEASure command when the source list parameter is defaulted depends on the current setup of the window concerned for example A B A B A B etc and on the particular command used for example MEAS POW AC and MEAS POW AC R...

Страница 66: ...up Measurement MEAS1 POW AC Upper Window A A B B Any Other Any Other A MEAS2 POW AC Lower Window A A B B Any Other B MEAS1 POW AC RAT Upper Window A B A B B A B A Any Other A B MEAS2 POW AC RAT Lower Window A B A B B A B A Any Other A B MEAS1 POW AC DIFF Upper Window A B A B B A B A Any Other A B MEAS2 POW AC DIFF Lower Window A B A B B A B A Any Other A B ...

Страница 67: ...ery takes the measurement using the parameters set by the CONFigure command then sends the reading to the output buffer Using the READ query obtains new data Using INITiate and FETCh CONFigure does not take the measurement One method of obtaining the result is to use the INITiate and FETCh commands The INITiate command causes the measurement to be taken The FETCh query retrieves a reading when the...

Страница 68: ... If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder RST Reset instrument CONF1 Configure upper window defaults to a Channel A measurement READ1 Take upper window Channel A measurement RST Reset instrument CONF2 Configure lower window defaults to a Channel B measurement READ2 Take lower window measurement Channel B RST Reset instrument CONF1 Config...

Страница 69: ...ed with the CONFigure and READ commands The first optional parameter is used to enter an expected power value Entering this parameter is only relevant if you are using an E Series power sensor The value entered determines which of the power sensor s two ranges is used for the measurement If the current setting of the power sensor s range is no longer valid for the new measurement specifying the ex...

Страница 70: ... commands For example in the above program segment some fine tuning can be performed by setting the filter length to 1024 and the trigger delay off 1 ABOR2 2 CONF1 50 DEF 2 3 SENS2 AVER COUN 1024 4 TRIG2 DEL AUTO OFF 5 READ1 Using INITiate and FETCh ABOR2 Aborts Channel B CONF1 50 DEF 2 Configures the upper window to make a Channel B measurement using an expected power of 50 dBm and the current re...

Страница 71: 85 Since the filter length used for a channel with auto averaging enabled is dependent on the window resolution setting a conflict arises when a given channel is set up in both windows and the resolution settings are different In this case the higher resolution setting is used to determine the filter length The following example uses the resolution parameter to specify a resolution setting of 3...

Страница 72: ... A is currently being measured on the upper window ABOR1 Aborts Channel A CONF1 DEF 3 Configures the upper window to make a measurement using the current setting of the expected power and source list and a resolution setting of 3 READ1 Takes the upper window s measurement This is Channel A or B measurement depending on current window setup ABOR1 Aborts Channel A CONF1 DEF 3 Configures the upper wi...

Страница 73: ...s the lower window to make a difference measurement of Channel A Channel B The expected power level and resolution parameters are defaulted leaving them at their current settings Some fine tuning of the measurement is carried out by setting the averaging and the trigger delay to off Using READ ABOR1 ABOR2 CONF2 POW AC DIFF DEF DEF 1 2 SENS1 AVER COUN 1024 SENS2 AVER COUN 1024 TRIG1 DEL AUTO OFF TR...

Страница 74: ...xample 6 Making a Ratio Measurement The following program segment can be carried out on the N8262A It queries the lower window to make a ratio measurement of Channel A B The expected power level and resolution parameters are defaulted leaving them at their current settings Some fine tuning of the measurement is carried out by setting the averaging Using READ ABOR1 ABOR2 CONF2 POW AC RAT DEF DEF 1 ...

Страница 75: ...s is to use the lower level commands to set up the expected range and resolution This can be done using the following commands SENSe 1 SENSe2 POWER AC RANGe DISPlay WINDow 1 2 RESolution The measurement type can be set using the following commands in the CALCulate subsystem CALCulate 1 2 MATH EXPRession CALCulate 1 2 RELative MAGNitude The advantage of using the lower level commands over the CONFi...

Страница 76: ...el commands The measurement is a single Channel A measurement carried out on the lower window ABOR1 Aborts Channel A CALC2 MATH EXPR SENS1 Displays Channel A on lower window SENS1 POW AC RANG 50 Sets lower range E Series sensors only DISP WIND2 RES 3 Sets the lower window s resolution to setting 3 INIT1 Causes Channel A to make a measurement FETC2 Retrieves the lower window s measurement ...

Страница 77: ...ected frequency dependent offset correction is IN ADDITION to any correction applied for sensor frequency response The power meter is capable of storing 10 frequency dependent offset tables of 80 frequency points each To use frequency dependent offset tables you 1 Edit a frequency dependent offset table if necessary 2 Select the frequency dependent offset table 3 Enable the frequency dependent off...

Страница 78: ... FREQ FREQ 1 FREQ 2 80 OFFSET OFFSET 1 2 80 TABLE 10 FREQ FREQ 1 FREQ 2 80 OFFSET OFFSET 1 OFFSET 2 80 OFFSET Frequency Dependent Offset FREQ FREQ 1 FREQ 2 80 OFFSET OFFSET 1 OFFSET 2 80 Frequency of the signal you want to measure TABLE SELECTED OFFSET 2 OFFSET Frequency dependent offset used to make Measurement Calculated by the power meter using linear interpolation ...

Страница 79: ...nt Offset Tables on page 81 For information on the current names which you can select refer to Listing the Frequency Dependent Offset Table Names on page 80 2 Enter the frequency data using MEMory TABle FREQuency numeric_value numeric_value 3 Enter the offset factors as shown in the table below using MEMory TABle GAIN numeric_value numeric_value 4 If required rename the frequency dependent offset ...

Страница 80: ...ltipliers are any of the IEEE suffix multipliers for example KHZ MHZ and GHZ If no units are specified the power meter assumes the data is Hz PCT is the only legal unit for offset factors and can be omitted The frequency and offset data must be within range Refer to the individual commands in Chapter 4 for their specified ranges Any offset values entered into the table should exclude the effect of...

Страница 81: ...lower case alphabetic characters or numeric 0 9 or an underscore _ No spaces are allowed in the name Reviewing Table Data To review the data stored in a frequency dependent offset table use the following commands MEMory TABLe SELect Offset1 Select the sensor calibration table named Offset1 MEMory TABLe SELect Query command which returns the name of the currently selected table MEMory TABLe FREQuen...

Страница 82: ...ently selected use the query SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET2 SELect Enabling a Frequency Dependent Offset Table To enable the frequency dependent offset table use the following command SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET2 STATe ON If you set SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET2 STATe to ON and no frequency dependent offset table is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs Making the Measurement To make t...

Страница 83: a frequency in the frequency dependent offset table the power meter calculates the offset using linear interpolation If you enter a frequency outside the frequency range defined in the frequency dependent offset table then the power meter uses the highest or lowest frequency point in the table to set the offset To find out the value of the offset being used by the power meter to make a measurem...

Страница 84: ...fix is W or this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement suffix is dB or dBM 1 through 4 represents 1 0 1 0 01 and 0 001 dB respectively Refer to the RESolution command on page 265 for further information Averaging The power meter has a digital filter to average power readings The number of readings averaged can range from 1 to 1024 This filter is used to reduce ...

Страница 85: ...t power measurements The number of readings averaged together depends on the resolution and the power level currently being measured Figure 1 2 lists the number of readings averaged for each range and resolution when the power meter is in auto filter mode Figure 1 2 Typical averaged readings on 8480 Series sensors NOTE Figure 1 2 applies to 8480 Series sensors only 10 dB 10 dB Minimum Sensor Power...

Страница 86: this command disables automatic filter length selection Increasing the value of the filter length reduces measurement noise However the time to take the measurement is increased Range The power meter has no internal ranges which can be set The only ranges that can be set are those of the E Series power sensor With an E Series power sensor the range can be set either automatically or manually U...

Страница 87: ...0 to 13 5 dBm for the E4412A power sensor 1 the sensor s upper range is selected For example this range is 14 5 to 20 dBm for the E4412A power sensor For details on the range limits of other E Series power sensor refer to the appropriate power sensor manual For further information on this command refer to page 391 To enable autoranging use the following command SENSe 1 SENSe2 POWer AC RANGe AUTO O...

Страница 88: ...e2 CORRection GAIN2 STATe or SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection LOSS2 STATe commands LOSS2 is coupled to GAIN2 by the equation when the default unit is linear and when the default is logarithmic Display Offsets Display offset values can be entered using the CALCulate 1 2 GAIN MAGNitude command CALCulate 1 2 GAIN STATe must be set to ON to enable the offset value If you enter an offset value the state is au...

Страница 89: ... CORR GAIN2 10 130 OUTPUT POWER SENS2 CORR GAIN2 10 140 Enable the gain correction 150 OUTPUT POWER SENS CORR GAIN2 STATe ON 160 OUTPUT POWER SENS2 CORR GAIN2 STATe ON 170 Set the power meter for a display offset of 20 dB 180 OUTPUT POWER CALC1 GAIN 20 DB 190 PRINT MAKING THE MEASUREMENT 200 Initiate the measurement 210 OUTPUT Power INIT1 IMM 220 OUTPUT Power INIT2 IMM 230 and get the result 240 O...

Страница 90: ... can be applied to power ratio or difference measurements Setting Limits The power meter can be configured to verify the power being measured against an upper and or lower limit value The range of values that can be set for lower and upper limits is 150 00 dBm to 230 00 dBm The default upper limit is 90 00 dBm and the default lower limit is 90 00 dBm A typical application for this feature is shown...

Страница 91: ... 91 Figure 1 5 Limits checking results The range of values that can be set for the upper and lower limits and the default values depends on the measurement units in the currently measurement line see Table 1 3 4 dBm 10 dBm Amplitude Frequency o o o o o o o Fail Fail ...

Страница 92: limit failures in Figure 1 5 would return the following results Use the equivalent CALCulate commands for checking window limit failures Table 1 3 Range of values for window limits Window Units Default Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum dB 200 dB 180 dB 60 dB 120 dB dBm 230 dBm 150 dBm 90 dBm 90 dBm 999 9 X 100 0 a 100 0 M 100 0 p W 100 000 XW 1 000 aW 1 000 MW 1 000 pW SENSe LIMit FAIL Retur...

Страница 93: ...more efficient method than using SENSe or CALCulate since you do not need to check the limit failures after every power measurement Refer to Status Reporting on page 100 and STATus Subsystem on page 419 for further information NOTE If TRIGger DELay AUTO is set to ON then the number of failures returned by SENSe LIMit FCOunt or CALCulate 1 2 LIMit FCOunt is affected by the current filter settings ...

Страница 94: ...ST mode there are other influences which are described in Fast Mode on page 98 The following paragraphs give a brief description of the above factors and how they are controlled from SCPI Measurement Rate There are three possible speed settings NORMal DOUBle and FAST These are set using the SENSe MRATe command and can be applied to each channel independently In NORMal and DOUBle modes full instrum...

Страница 95: ...h time a trigger event is detected A channel is in Triggered Free Run Continuous Trigger when INITiate CONTinuous is set to ON and TRIGger SOURce is not set to IMMediate Single Shot When a channel is in Single Shot it takes a new measurement when a trigger event is detected and then returns to the idle state A channel is in Single Shot when INITiate CONTinuous is set to OFF Note that a measurement...

Страница 96: ... the current length of the filter and the number of readings that have been taken since a change in power level With trigger with delay enabled the measurement speed can be calculated roughly using the following equation readings sec speed as set by SENSe SPEed filter length For example with a filter length of 4 and SENS SPE set to 20 approximately 5 readings sec is calculated by the power meter T...

Страница 97: ... performance is achieved when the results output are also in linear units since the overhead of performing a log function is removed Command Used In Free Run mode FETCh must be used to return a result In other trigger modes there are a number of commands which can be used for example MEASure READ FETCh Note that the MEAS and READ commands are compound commands they perform a combination of other l...

Страница 98: ... the speed of the controller being used to retrieve results from the power meter and to a certain extent the volume of remote traffic The latter can be reduced using the FORMat REAL command to return results in binary format The former is a combination of two factors the hardware platform being used the programming environment being used ...

Страница 99: ...itch FEED CALCulate1 Maths Offset Relative Limits MATH GAIN REL LIM Switch Switch FEED CALCulate3 Maths Offset Relative Limits MATH GAIN REL LIM Switch Switch FEED WINDow 1 FORMat METer SELect 1 2 NUMeric 1 RESolution NUMeric2 RESolution Upper Meas Lower Meas SENSe1 Sensor Filter Freq Corr Offset Duty Cycle SPEed POW AC RANG POW AC RANG AUTO DIR DET FUNC AVER 1 FREQ CORR CFAC CORR CSET CORR GAIN2 ...

Страница 100: ...r Device Status Register There are other registers that exist behind the main registers and are described later in this chapter Status and Standard Event registers are read using the IEEE 488 2 common commands Operation and Questionable Status registers are read using the SCPI STATus command subsystem The General Status Register Model The generalized status register model shown in Figure 1 7 is th...

Страница 101: ... bits in the event register Transition filter bits may be set for positive transitions PTR negative transitions NTR or both Transition filters are read write They are unaffected by CLS or queries After STATus PRESet the NTR register is set to 0 and all bits of the PTR are set to 1 Event Register The event register latches transition events from the condition register as specified by the transition...

Страница 102: ... position in a typical status group for various settings The changing state of the condition in question is shown at the bottom of the figure A small binary table shows the state of the chosen bit in each status register at the selected times T1 to T5 Figure 1 8 Typical status register bit changes 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0...

Страница 103: ...nged when the controller asks When you monitor a condition with the polling method you must 1 Determine which register contains the bit that monitors the condition 2 Send the unique query that reads that register 3 Examine the bit to see if the condition has changed The polling method works well if you do not need to know about the changes the moment they occur The SRQ method is more effective if ...

Страница 104: ...device status register Bit Number Meaning EVENts Causing Bit Changes 1 Channel A sensor connected SET When a power sensor is connected to the Channel A input CLEARED When no power sensor is connected to the Channel A input 2 Channel B sensor connected SET When a power sensor is connected to the Channel B input CLEARED When no power sensor is connected to the Channel B input 3 Channel A error SET I...

Страница 105: ... Standard Event Status Register when all pending power meter operations are complete Procedure Send a device clear message to clear the power meter s output buffer Clear the event registers with the CLS clear status command Enable operation complete using the ESE 1 command standard event register Send the OPC operation complete query command and enter the result to assure synchronization Send your...

Страница 106: ...ration Power meter configurations are saved and recalled with the following commands SAV NRf RCL NRf The range of values for NRf in the above commands is 1 to 10 Example Program 10 ASSIGN POWER TO 713 20 Configure the power meter 30 OUTPUT POWER UNIT POW W 40 OUTPUT POWER SENS CORR LOSS2 10 50 OUTPUT POWER SENS CORR LOSS2 STAT ON 60 Save the configuration 70 OUTPUT POWER SAV 5 80 PRINT Configurati...

Страница 107: ...ity through their own unique commands The status registers the error queue and all configuration states are left unchanged when a device clear message is received Device clear performs the following actions All measurements in progress are aborted The power meter returns to the trigger idle state The power meter s input and output buffers are cleared The power meter is prepared to accept a new com...

Страница 108: ... a long and a short form A standard notation is used to differentiate the short form keyword from the long form keyword The long form of the keyword is shown with the short form portion shown in uppercase characters and the rest of the keyword shown in lowercase characters For example the short form of TRIGger is TRIG Using a Colon When a colon is the first character of a command keyword it indica...

Страница 109: ... Using a Comma If a command requires more than one parameter you must separate adjacent parameters using a comma Using Whitespace You must use whitespace characters tab or space to separate a parameter from a command keyword Whitespace characters are generally ignored only in parameter lists Using Commands The bus controller may send commands at any time but a SCPI instrument may only send respons...

Страница 110: ...cate that you must substitute a value for the enclosed parameter Bars can be read as or and are used to separate alternative parameter options Syntax Diagram Conventions Solid lines represent the recommended path Ovals enclose command mnemonics The command mnemonic must be entered exactly as shown Dotted lines indicate an optional path for by passing secondary keywords Arrows and curved intersecti...

Страница 111: ...defined rigid format boolean Definition Throughout this document boolean is used to represent ON OFF NRf boolean parameters have a value of 0 or 1 and are unitless ON corresponds to 1 and OFF corresponds to 0 On input an NRf is rounded to an integer A nonzero result is interpreted as 1 Queries always return a 1 or 0 never ON or OFF character_data Definition Throughout this document character_data ...

Страница 112: ...ot a number is defined in IEEE 754 non decimal numeric Definition Throughout this document non decimal numeric is used to represent numeric information in bases other than ten that is hexadecimal octal and binary The following syntax diagram shows the standard for these three data structures For examples HA2F ha4e Q62 q15 B01011 ...

Страница 113: ...meric Refer to section 7 7 4 1 of IEEE 488 2 for further details NRf Definition Throughout this document NRf is used to denote a flexible numeric representation For example 200 56 9 9E36 Refer to section 7 7 2 1 of IEEE 488 2 for further details A a B b C c D d E e F f digit H h 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 Q q 0 1 B b ...

Страница 114: ...a is defined as Figure 1 12 Format of NR1 For example 146 146 12345 Refer to section 8 7 2 of IEEE 488 2 for further details NR2 Definition Throughout this document NR2 numeric response data is defined as Figure 1 13 Format of NR2 For example 12 3 1 2345 0 123 Refer to section 8 7 3 of IEEE 488 2 for further details digit digit digit ...

Страница 115: ... example 1 23E 6 123 4E 54 1234 567E 90 Refer to section 8 7 4 of IEEE 488 2 for further details numeric_value Definition Throughout this document the decimal numeric element is abbreviated to numeric_value For example NRf MINimum MAXimum DEFault or Not A Number NAN string Definition Throughout this document string is used to represent 7 bit ASCII characters digit digit digit E ...

Страница 116: ... a newline character and may also be used to terminate a message in place of the newline character A carriage return followed by a newline is also accepted Many programming languages allow you to specify a message terminator character or EOI state to be automatically sent with each bus transaction Message termination always sets the current path back to the root level inserted non double quote cha...

Страница 117: ...d they follow all of the syntax rules of the standard CALibration 1 2 RCALibration CALibration 1 2 RCFactor DISPlay WINDow 1 2 FORMat DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer LOWer DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer UPPer DISPlay WINDow 1 2 RESolution DISPlay WINDow 1 2 SELect MEMory CLEar NAME MEMory TABLe SELect MEMory STATe DEFine MEMory TABLe GAIN MAGNitude MEMory TABLe GAIN POINts MEMory TABLe MOVE SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVER...

Страница 118: ... CURRent DNAMe SYSTem COMMunicate LAN CURRent SMASk SYSTem COMMunicate LAN ADDRess SYSTem COMMunicate LAN DGATeway SYSTem COMMunicate LAN DHCP SYSTem COMMunicate LAN HNAMe SYSTem COMMunicate LAN RESTart SYSTem COMMunicate LAN SMASk SYSTem LOCal SYSTem REMote SYSTem RWLock UNIT 1 2 POWer RATio ...

Страница 119: ...a channel selection or a window selection Refer to the appropriate command description to verify the meaning of the numeric suffix With commands that require you to specify a channel Channel A is represented by a 1 and Channel B by a 2 If you omit the channel number Channel A is assumed With commands that require you to specify a window the upper window is represented by a 1 and the lower window b...

Страница 120: 487 for greater detail CDMA2000 See CDMA2000 on page 491 for greater detail WCDMA See W CDMA on page 495 for greater detail BLUetooth See BLUetooth on page 499 for greater detail MCPa See MCPA on page 502 for greater detail RADar See RADAR on page 505 for greater detail WL802DOT11A See 802 11a and HiperLan2 on page 508 for greater detail WL802DOT11B See 892 11b g on page 511 for greater detai...

Страница 121: ...Clears error queue 20 RST Resets meter settings to their default states 30 SYST ERR read string The system error query should return 0 No Error 40 SERV SENS TYPE The sensor type query should return one of the following N1921A N1922A The GSM setup is only valid with these sensors 50 SYSTem PRESet GSM900 ...

Страница 122: ...1 Power Meter Remote Operation 122 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 123: ...NFigure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RATio expected_value resolution source list 141 CONFigure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RATio RELative expected_value resolution source list 143 FETCh 1 2 3 4 Queries 145 FETCh 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC expected_value resolution source list 146 FETCh 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RELative expected_value resolution source list 148 FETCh 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC DIFFerence expected_...

Страница 124: ...tive expected_value resolution source list 169 MEASure 1 2 3 4 Commands 171 MEASure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC expected_value resolution source list 172 MEASure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC RELative expected_value resolution source list 174 MEASure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC DIFFerence expected_value resolution source list 176 MEASure 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC DIFFerence RELative expected_value resolution sour...

Страница 125: ...a power meter for measurements MEASure is a compound command which is equivalent to an ABORT followed by a CONFigure and a READ It does not enable much flexibility or control over measurement settings CONFigure Used to change the power meter s configuration values CONFigure must then be followed by another command which takes the measurement for example a READ followed by a FETCh READ Takes a meas...

Страница 126: ... you are using an E Series power sensor It has no effect on P Series or 8480 Series Power Sensor The value entered determines which of the power sensor s two ranges is used for the measurement If the current setting of the power sensor s range is no longer valid for the new measurement specifying the expected power value decreases the time taken to obtain a result upper window upper measurement CO...

Страница 127: ...rce List The source list parameter is used to define What channels the measurements will be made on for a dual channel measurement Whether the calculation is A B or B A for a dual channel difference measurement Whether the calculation is A B or B A for a ratio measurement Enter a source list is required before you proceed The following commands are described in this chapter Keyword Parameter Form ...

Страница 128: ... 150 RELative expected_value resolution source list query only non SCPI page 152 RATio expected_value resolution source list query only page 154 RELative expected_value resolution source list query only non SCPI page 156 READ 1 2 3 4 SCALar POWer AC expected_value resolution source list query only page 159 RELative expected_value resolution source list query only non SCPI page 161 DIFFerence expec...

Страница 129: ...nly page 172 RELative expected_value resolution source list query only non SCPI page 174 DIFFerence expected_value resolution source list query only non SCPI page 176 RELative expected_value resolution source list query only non SCPI page 178 RATio expected_value resolution source list query only page 180 RELative expected_value resolution source list query only non SCPI page 182 Keyword Parameter...

Страница 130: format function expected_value resolution source list CONF 1 2 3 4 CALCulate MATH CALCulate RELative STATe Function source list SENSe1 OFF POW AC 1 SENSe2 OFF POW AC 2 SENSe1 ON POW AC REL 1 SENSe2 ON POW AC REL 2 SENSe1 SENSe2 OFF POW AC DIFF 1 2 SENSe2 SENSe1 OFF POW AC DIFF 2 1 SENSe1 SENSe2 ON POW AC DIFF REL 1 2 SENSe2 SENSe1 ON POW AC DIFF REL 2 1 SENSe1 SENSe1 OFF POW AC DIFF 1 1 SENSe2...

Страница 131: ...ommand function is set to POWer AC The expected power level is set to 20 dBm The source list on the N8262A is set to Channel A for the upper measurement on both windows and Channel B for the lower measurement on both windows SENSe2 SENSe1 OFF POW AC RAT 2 1 SENSe1 SENSe2 ON POW AC RAT REL 1 2 SENSe2 SENSe1 ON POW AC RAT REL 2 1 SENSe1 SENSe1 OFF POW AC RAT 1 1 SENSe2 SENSe2 OFF POW AC RAT 2 2 SENS...

Страница 132: ... make the measurement The CONFigure command also applies the following defaults to the channel s which are in the specified window the channel s in the window are specified in the source list parameter Default Settings Description INITiate CONTinuous OFF Sets the power meter to make one trigger cycle when INITiate is sent TRIGger SOURce IMMediate When TRIG SOURis set to BUSor HOLD sets the power m...

Страница 133: ...ndow measurement The channel on which the measurement will be made Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command Space expected_value DEF resolution POW AC SCAL DEF source list CONF 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value A numeric value for the expected power level The units of measurement are dBm and W ...

Страница 134: ...not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement ...

Страница 135: ...lative value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list CONF 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level A numeric value for the expected power ...

Страница 136: ...valent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement result i...

Страница 137: ...olution A numeric value for the resolution If unspecified the current resolution setting is used 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies between which channels the difference is calculated If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DE...

Страница 138: ...N8262A Programming Guide Example CONF2 DIFF DEF 1 2 1 This command configures the lower window upper measurement to make a difference measurement of Channel B Channel A using the current sensor range and a resolution of 1 on both channels ...

Страница 139: ... this command POW AC SCAL DIFF REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list CONF 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The power meter ignores the numeric value entered in this parameter Any value entered is treated like DEF Sensor dependent DEF a resolution A numeric value for the resolution If unspecified the current resolution se...

Страница 140: ...ult is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves teh parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement result is logarithmic 1 to 4 represents of 1 0 1 0 01 and 0 001 respectively CONF1 DIFF REL DEF 1 1 2 This command configures the upper window upper measurement to make a difference measurement of C...

Страница 141: ...dent DEF a resolution A numeric value for the resolution If unspecified the current resolution setting is used 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies the channels used to calculate the ratio If unspecified and the current window setup is a ratio measurement then this ratio setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means...

Страница 142: ...2A Programming Guide Example CONF1 RAT DEF 4 1 2 This command configures the upper window upper measurement to make a ratio measurement of Channel A over Channel B using the current sensor range and a resolution setting of 4 on both channels ...

Страница 143: ...ers in this command POW AC SCAL RAT REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list CONF 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The power meter ignores the numeric value entered in this parameter Any value entered is treated like DEF Sensor dependent DEF a resolution A numeric value for the resolution If unspecified the current resoluti...

Страница 144: used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement result is logarithmic 1 to 4 represents of 1 0 1 0 01 and 0 001 respectively CONF1 RAT REL DEF 1 1 2 This command configures the upper window upper measurement to make a ratio measurement of Channel A o...

Страница 145: ... FETCh query is not completed until all data becomes valid The exceptions to this are if the power meter is in the idle state and the data is invalid or the power meter has been reconfigured as defined above and no new measurement has been initiated In such cases the FETCh routine generates the error 230 Data corrupt or stale and no result is returned A common cause for this error is receiving a F...

Страница 146: ... by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list FETC 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The expected power level parameter can be set to DEF or a numeric value If a value is entered it sh...

Страница 147: ... 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list The channel which the command is implemented on If unspecified the current window setup is used However if the window shows a ratio or difference measurement the upper window defaults to Channel A and the lower window to Channel B 1 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parame...

Страница 148: ...alue used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list FETC 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The expected power level parameter can be set t...

Страница 149: which the command is implemented on If unspecified the current window setup is used However if the window shows a ratio or difference measurement the upper window defaults to Channel A and the lower window to Channel B 1 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If...

Страница 150: ...fined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL DIFF Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list FETC 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The expected power level parameter can be set to DEF or a numeric value If a value is ent...

Страница 151: ...4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The paramete...

Страница 152: ...ive value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL DIFF REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list FETC 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The expected power level parameter ca...

Страница 153: ... specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters ar...

Страница 154: ...y UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL RAT Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list FETC 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The expected power level parameter can be set to DEF or a numeric value If a value is enter...

Страница 155: ...hannel list specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If pa...

Страница 156: ...alue used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL RAT REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list FETC 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level The expected power level parameter can be s...

Страница 157: ... 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters ...

Страница 158: ... to Chapter 6 FORMat Subsystem on page 275 for further information For the N8262A carrying out a single channel measurement the READ queries are equivalent to ABORt1 INITiate1 FETCh1 or ABORt2 INITiate2 FETCh2 For the N8262A carrying out a difference measurement the READ DIFFerence queries are equivalent to ABORt1 and ABORt2 INITiate1 INITiate2 FETCh DIFFerence For the N8262A carrying out a ratio ...

Страница 159: ...easurement result and places the result on the bus The result is a power based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command NOTE INITiate CONTinuous must be set to OFF otherwise error 213 INIT ignored occurs If TRIGger SOURce is set to BUS error 214 Trigger...

Страница 160: ...ting is used If a value is entered it should correspond to the current resolution setting otherwise an error occurs 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list The channel which the command is implemented on If unspecified the current window setup is used However if the window shows a ratio or difference measurement the upper window defaults to Channel A and the lower window to Channel B 1 2 a T...

Страница 161: ...he bus The result is a ratio based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio The relative value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command NOTE INITiate CONTinuous must be set to OFF otherwise error 213 INIT ignored occurs If...

Страница 162: ...orrespond to the current resolution setting otherwise an error occurs 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list The channel which the command is implemented on If unspecified the current window setup is used However if the window shows a ratio or difference measurement the upper window defaults to Channel A and the lower window to Channel B 1 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equi...

Страница 163: ...t result and places the result on the bus The result is a power based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command NOTE INITiate CONTinuous must be set to OFF on both channels otherwise error 213 INIT ignored occurs If TRIGger SOURce is set to BUS on either...

Страница 164: ... correspond to the current resolution setting otherwise an error occurs 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equ...

Страница 165: ...e result is a ratio based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio The relative value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command NOTE IINITiate CONTinuous must be set to OFF on both channels otherwise error 213 INIT ignored ...

Страница 166: ...ror occurs 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub syst...

Страница 167: ...d places the result on the bus The result is a ratio based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command NOTE INITiate CON Tinuous must be set to OFF on both channels otherwise error 213 INIT ignored occurs If TRIGger SOURce is set to BUS on either cha...

Страница 168: ...rwise an error occurs 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the comma...

Страница 169: ...bus The result is a ratio based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio The relative value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command NOTE IINITiate CONTinuous must be set to OFF on both channels otherwise error 213 INIT ig...

Страница 170: ...espond to the current resolution setting otherwise an error occurs 1 to 4 b 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 001 DEF a source list This channel list specifies the channels used to calculate the difference If unspecified and the current window setup is a difference measurement then this difference setup is used otherwise it defaults to Channel A B 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 a The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivale...

Страница 171: ...ter 6 FORMat Subsystem on page 275 for further information MEASure is a compound command which is equivalent to For the N8262A carrying out a single channel measurement the MEASure queries are equivalent to ABORt1 CONFigure READ1 or ABORt2 CONFigure READ2 For the N8262A carrying out a difference measurement the READ DIFFerence queries are equivalent to ABORt1 ABORt2 CONFigure DIFFerence READ DIFFe...

Страница 172: ...CAL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list MEAS 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected power level A numeric value for the expected power level The units of measurement are dBm and W The default units are defined by UNIT POWer Sensor dependent DEF a resolution A numeric value for the resolution If unspecified the current resolution setting is ...

Страница 173: ...t from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement result is logarithmic 1 to 4 represents of 1 0 1 0 01 and 0 001 respectively MEAS2 POW AC 70DBM 1 1 This command queries the lower window upper measurement of Chan...

Страница 174: ...easurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio The relative value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list MEAS 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values ...

Страница 175: ...t equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement re...

Страница 176: ... and places the result on the bus The result is a power based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL DIFF Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list MEAS 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expe...

Страница 177: ...The mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of s...

Страница 178: ...t is a ratio based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio The relative value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL DIFF REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list MEAS 1 2 3 4 Item Description...

Страница 179: ...e DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement result is logarithmi...

Страница 180: ...s the result on the bus The result is a ratio based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL RAT Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list MEAS 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values expected_value for the expected ...

Страница 181: ...alent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of significant digits When the measurement result is...

Страница 182: ...o based measurement and is expressed in the units defined by UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio The relative value used is that set by the CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO command Syntax Parameters Refer to Optional Parameters on page 126 for additional details on the parameters in this command POW AC SCAL RAT REL Space expected_value DEF resolution DEF source list MEAS 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Ran...

Страница 183: ... mnemonic DEF means DEFault This is not equivalent to the DEFault parameter used in the command sub systems The parameters must be entered in the specified order If parameters are omitted they default from the right The parameter DEFault is used as a place holder Specifying DEF leaves the parameter value unchanged b When the measurement result is linear this parameter represents the number of sign...

Страница 184: ...2 MEASurement Commands 184 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 185: ...ulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FAIL 201 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FCOunt 202 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit LOWer DATA numeric_value 204 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit UPPer DATA numeric_value 206 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit STATe boolean 209 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH Commands 211 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPRession string 212 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPRession CATalog 215 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 PHOLd CLEar 216 CALCulate 1 2 3 4 RELative ...

Страница 186: ...eter two for each window as shown in Figure 3 1 The numeric suffix of the CALCulate command determines which CALCulate block is used and where the measurement result is displayed Figure 3 1 Measurement display CALCulate block window Data from both SENSe blocks may feed any or all of the CALCulate blocks via the MATH command Figure 3 1 details where the commands are applied with in the CALCulate bl...

Страница 187: ...t N8262A Programming Guide 187 Figure 3 2 CALCulate block A B A A A A MATH GAIN REL CALCulate Block SENSe1 Input from SENSe1 block SENSe2 Input from SENSe2 block FEED1 FEED2 FEED B B B B A B A B B A B A A B Peak or Avg Peak or Avg ...

Страница 188: ...STATe boolean page 195 LIMit CLEar AUTO boolean ONCE page 198 IMMediate page 200 FAIL query only page 201 FCOunt query only page 202 LOWer DATA numeric_value page 204 UPPer DATA numeric_value page 206 STATe boolean page 209 MATH EXPRession string page 212 CATalog query only page 215 PHOLd CLEar no query page 216 RELative MAGNitude AUTO boolean ONCE page 218 STATe boolean page 220 ...

Страница 189: ... has been used to specify which channel the feed is taken from Measurement modes are coupled for combination measurements for example ratio measurements For example if one feed is changed to PTAV the other is automatically changed to PTAV Under certain circumstances the measurement mode is changed by the CALC MATH EXPR command Refer to CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPRession string on page 212 for furth...

Страница 190: ...lues may be followed by ON SWEEP 1 2 3 4where the numeric specifies the gate to be used for the feed For example POW PEAK ON SWEEP2 If ON SWEEP 1 2 3 4 is not supplied the gate used is left unchanged A feed of empty string disables the CALC block and switches off that display line POW PEAK POW PTAV POW AVER CALC3 FEED2 POW AVER ON SWEEP2 This command selects the input for FEED2 of CALC block CALC3...

Страница 191: ... s TRIG SOUR is not INT or EXT for single channel power meters or INT1 INT2 or EXT for dual channel power meters error 221 Settings conflict occurs If the command changes the measurement mode to PEAK or PTAV when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected or a P Series sensor is connected and set to AVERage mode rather than NORMal mode error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CALC1 FEED2 T...

Страница 192: ...nds are used to enter and enable a display offset on the specified window measurement The display offset is applied to the measurement signal after any math calculation The following commands are detailed in this section CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GAIN MAGNitude numeric value CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GAIN STATe boolean ...

Страница 193: ...ed to the measurement signal after any math calculation Entering a value using this command automatically turns the CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GAIN STATe command to ON Syntax Parameters CALC MAGN GAIN Space numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the display offset DEF the default value is 0 dB MIN 100 000 dB MAX 100 000 dB ...

Страница 194: ... of the display offset or the value associated with MIN and MAX Query Example Error Message If CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GAIN MAGNitude is set to ON while SENSe SPEed is set to 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CALC2 GAIN 20 This command enters a display offset of 20 dB to the lower window lower measurement CALC1 GAIN This command queries the current setting of the display offset on the upper window ...

Страница 195: ...and Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the gain is disabled Query CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GAIN STATe The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of the display offset 1 is returned when the display offset feature is enabled 0 is returned when the display offset feature is disabled CALC2 GAIN STAT 1 This command enables the display offset for the lower window upper measure...

Страница 196: ...ide Query Example Error Message If CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GAIN STATe is set to ON while SENSe SPEed is set to 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CALC1 GAIN STAT This command queries whether the display offset in the upper window upper measurement is on or off ...

Страница 197: ... lower level limits Query if there has been a failure Count the number of failures Clear the counter The following commands are detailed in this section CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar AUTo boolean CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar IMMediate CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FAIL CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FCOunt CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit LOWer DATA CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit UPPer DATA CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit STATe bool...

Страница 198: ...Culate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FAIL query If ON is specified the FCO is set to 0 each time a measurement is Initiated using INITiate IMMediate Initiated using INITiate CONTinuous ON Measured using MEASure Read using READ If OFF is specified the FCO is not cleared by the above commands If ONCE is specified the FCO is cleared only after the first initialization then starts accumulating any limit failures Synt...

Страница 199: failures are cleared automatically when a new measurement is initiated 0 is entered into the output buffer when limit failures are not cleared automatically when a new measurement is initiated In the case where limit failures are cleared once when a query occurs a 1 is entered into the output buffer if no measurement is initiated If a measurement is initiated then 0 is entered Query Example CAL...

Страница 200: ...mmand immediately clears the FCO fail counter of any limit failures for the specified window The FCO is used to determine the results returned by the CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FAIL query Syntax Example CALC2 LIM CLE IMM This command clears the FCO for the lower window upper measurement LIM CLE IMM CALC 1 2 3 4 ...

Страница 201: ...4 LIMit FCO being non zero The FCO fail counter can be zeroed using the CALC 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar command 1 is returned when one or more limit failures have occurred 0 is returned when no limit failures have occurred Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the buffer is set to zero for both upper and lower window measurements CALC1 LIM FAIL This command queries if there have been any limit failures...

Страница 202: ...reset to zero by any of the following commands RST CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar IMMediate CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar AUTO ON When CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar AUTO is set to ON the counter is set to zero each time a measurement is measured using MEASure read using READ initiated using INITiate IMMediate or INITiate CONTinuous ON When CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit CLEar AUTO is set to ONCE the count...

Страница 203: ...Guide 203 Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the counter is set to zero for both measurements of the upper and lower windows CALC1 LIM FCO This command queries the number of limit failures on the upper window upper measurement LIM FCO CALC 1 2 3 4 ...

Страница 204: Table 3 1 When the measured value is less than the value specified in CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit LOWer DATA CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FAIL reports a fail When the measured value is greater than or equal to the limit a fail is not reported Syntax Table 3 1 Measurement units Measurement Mode Measurement Type CALC REL STAT OFF CALC REL STAT ON Linear Log Linear Log Single Channel Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk ...

Страница 205: ...X for the specified window Query Example Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the lower test limit DEF the default is 90 00 dBm or 90 db MIN 150 dBm or 180 dB MAX 230 dBm or 200 dB 150 to 230 dBm or 180 to 200 dB DEF MIN MAX CALC2 LIM LOW DATA 0 1 This command enters a lower limit for the lower window upper measurement depending on the window s units as follow...

Страница 206: Table 3 2 When the measured power is greater than the value specified in CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit UPPer DATA CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit FAIL reports a fail When the measured level is less than or equal to the limit a fail is not reported Syntax Table 3 2 Measurement units Measurement Mode Measurement Type CALC REL STAT OFF CALC REL STAT ON Linear Log Linear Log Single Channel Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk ...

Страница 207: ...IN MAX Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the lower test limit DEF the default is 90 00 dBm or 90 db MIN 150 dBm or 180 dB MAX 230 dBm or 200 dB 150 to 230 dBm or 180 to 200 dB DEF MIN MAX CALC2 LIM UPP DATA 5 This command enters an upper limit for the lower window upper measurement depending on the window s units as follows dBm 5 dBm W 5 W dB 5 dB 5 ...

Страница 208: ... Query Example The query returns the current setting of the upper limit or the values associated with MIN and MAX for the specified window measurement CALC2 LIM UPP DATA This command queries the setting of the upper limit for the lower window upper measurement ...

Страница 209: is disabled Query CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit STATe The query enters 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of the limits testing feature for the specified window measurement 1 is returned when limits testing is enabled 0 is returned when limits testing is disabled CALC2 LIM STAT 1 This command enables the limit checking function for the lower window upper measurement 0 OFF 1 ON Space...

Страница 210: ...Example Error Message If CALCulate 1 2 3 4 LIMit STATe is set to ON while SENSe 1 SENSe2 SPEed is set to 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CALC1 LIM STAT This command queries whether the limit checking function for the upper window upper measurement is on or off ...

Страница 211: ... 4 MATH Commands These commands define and carry out the following mathematical transformations on SENSe data Single channel Difference Ratio The following commands are detailed in this section CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPRession string CALCulate 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPRession CATalog ...

Страница 212: ... ratio measurement The command may result in a change to the measurement mode set by CALC FEED string The following sequence of commands provides an example 1 SENS2 DET FUN AVERage 2 CALC MATH SENS1 3 CALC FEED1 POW PEAK 4 CALC MATH SENS2 The FEED1 measurement mode set in step 3 is made invalid by step 4 and automatically changed to POW AVER Syntax 2 EXPR MATH Space string CALC 1 3 4 ...

Страница 213: A single string value detailing the measurement type The default is SENS1 if the upper window is selected or SENS2 if the lower window is selected SENS1 a SENS2 a SENS1 SENS1 a SENS2 SENS2 a SENS1 SENS1 a SENS2 SENS2 a SENS1 SENS2 a SENS2 SENS1 a SENS1 SENS2 a SENS2 SENS1 a a Quotes are mandatory Either single or double quotes may be used CALC2 MATH SENS2 SENS1 This command sets the lower wind...

Страница 214: ...e current math measurement setting on the specified window Query Example Error Messages If string is not set to SENS1 or SENS2 while SENS1 SPEEd or SENS2 SPEEd is set to 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CALC1 MATH This command queries the current setting of the math expression on the upper window upper measurement ...

Страница 215: ...ined expressions The response is a list of comma separated strings Each string contains an expression The string is SENS1 SENS2 SENS1 SENS2 SENS2 SENS1 SENS1 SENS2 SENS2 SENS1 SENS1 SENS1 SENS2 SENS2 SENS1 SENS1 SENS2 SENS2 Syntax Example CALC1 MATH CAT This command lists all the defined math expressions CALC 1 2 3 4 EXPR MATH CAT ...

Страница 216: ... missing occurs If a sensor other than an P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If SENS DET FUNC is set to AVER or TRIG SOUR is set to INT1 INT2 or EXT error 221 Settings conflict occurs NOTE Clearing the peak hold value for a specified CALC block may affect the peak hold value of other CALC blocks depending on the CALC channel set up set by CALC MATH EXPR CALC2 PHOL...

Страница 217: ... measurement signal to a reference value Within the CALCulate block the relative value is applied to the measurement signal after any math calculations and display offsets have been applied The commands described in this section CALCulate 1 2 3 4 RELative MAGNitude AUTO boolean ONCE CALCulate 1 2 3 4 RELative STATe boolean ...

Страница 218: ...lecting ONCE sets the reference value to that of the measurement signal after any math calculations and display offsets have been applied After the reference value has been set the command returns to OFF Setting this command to ONCE turns the CALCulate 1 2 3 4 RELative STATe command to ON If 0 OFF is selected no reference value is applied to the measurement signal There is no situation in which yo...

Страница 219: ...ns OFF Error Message If CALCulate RELative MAGNitude AUTO is set to ONCE while SENSe SPEed is set to 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs If the value is set to ON error 224 Illegal parameter value occurs CALC1 REL AUTO ONCE This command sets a reference value to be used in the relative measurement on the upper window upper measurement ...

Страница 220: CALCulate RELative MAGnitude AUTO is applied to the measurement signal Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset relative mode is disabled Query CALCulate 1 2 3 4 RELative STATe The query returns a 1 or 0 into the output buffer 1 is returned when relative mode is enabled 0 is returned when relative mode is disabled CALC1 REL STAT OFF This command disables the relative mode on the upper window upp...

Страница 221: ...ide 221 Query Example Error Message If CALCulate RELative STATe is set to ON while SENSe SPEed is set to 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CALC1 REL STAT This command queries whether relative mode is off or on for the upper window upper measurement ...

Страница 222: ...3 CALCulate Subsystem 222 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 223: ...ALibration 1 2 ALL 228 CALibration 1 2 AUTO ONCE ON OFF 0 1 230 CALibration 1 2 RCALibration boolean 232 CALibration 1 2 RCFactor numeric_value 234 CALibration 1 2 ZERO AUTO ONCE ON OFF 0 1 237 CALibration 1 2 ZERO NORMal AUTO boolean 239 This chapter explains how the CALibration command subsystem is used to zero and calibrate the power meter ...

Страница 224: ...l CALibration1 represents Channel A CALibration2 represent Channel B Zeroing and calibration of the power meter is recommended When a 5 o C change in temperature occurs When you change the power sensor Every 24 hours Prior to measuring low level signals For example 10 dB above the lowest specified power for your sensor The following CALibration commands are overlapped commands CAL ALL CAL AUTO CAL...

Страница 225: ... Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page CALibration 1 2 ALL event no query page 226 ALL event query page 228 AUTO boolean ONCE page 230 RCALibration boolean page 232 RCFactor numeric_value non SCPI page 234 ZERO AUTO boolean ONCE page 237 NORMal AUTO boolean page 239 ...

Страница 226: ...ed using CALibration RCFactor The actual value used is the one which was most recently set That is a value entered using CALibration RCFactor is overridden if a sensor calibration table is subsequently selected and enabled Conversely CALibration RCFactor overrides any reference calibration factor previously set from a sensor calibration table To determine the currently set reference calibration fa...

Страница 227: ...The error message will specify which channel failed calibration If zeroing was not carried out successfully the error 231 Data Questionable ZERO ERROR occurs The error message will specify which channel failed calibration If there is no sensor connected the error 241 Hardware Missing occurs CAL1 ALL This command causes the power meter to perform a calibration sequence on Channel A ALL CAL 1 2 ...

Страница 228: ...g this calibration can be derived from either an active sensor calibration table or the value entered using CALibration RCFactor The actual value used is the one which was most recently set That is a value entered using CALibration RCFactor is overridden if a sensor calibration table is subsequently selected and enabled Conversely CALibration RCFactor overrides any reference calibration factor pre...

Страница 229: ...or message will specify which channel failed calibration If zeroing was not carried out successfully the error 231 Data Questionable ZERO ERROR occurs The error message will specify which channel failed calibration If there is no sensor connected the error 241 Hardware Missing occurs CAL1 ALL This command causes the power meter to perform a calibration sequence on Channel A and return a result ALL...

Страница 230: ...ROM which means that the reference calibration factor is automatically downloaded by the power meter For 8480 Series power sensors the reference calibration factor used during this calibration can be obtained from an active sensor calibration table or the value entered using CALibration RCFactor The actual value used is the one which was most recently set For example a value entered using CALibrat...

Страница 231: ... an 8480 Series or E Series power sensor is connected the error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the calibration was not carried out successfully the error 231 Data Questionable CAL ERROR occurs The error message will specify which channel failed calibration If there is no sensor connected the error 241 Hardware Missing occurs CAL1 AUTO ONCE This command causes the power meter to perform a calibrati...

Страница 232: ...ed sensor has been zeroed and calibrated Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the state of the zero cal lockout is unaffected Query CALibration 1 2 RCALibration The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating whether zero cal lockout is enabled or disabled 1 is returned if zero cal lockout is enabled 0 is returned if zero cal lockout is disabled CAL1 RCAL 1 This command enables the ...

Страница 233: ...librated then any SCPI command which would normally return a measurement result for example FETC READ MEAS etc does not return a result and generates the error 230 Data corrupt or stale Please zero and Cal After the sensor has been zeroed and calibrated the return measurement results commands function normally CAL1 RCAL This command queries whether or not the zero cal lockout facility is enabled f...

Страница 234: ...tor numeric_value This command is used with 8480 Series power sensors to set the reference calibration factor of the specified channel Reference calibration factors can also be set using sensor calibration tables The power meter uses the most recently set reference calibration factor ...

Страница 235: ...reference calibration factor is set to 100 RCF Space numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space CAL 1 2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value DEF the default is 100 MIN 1 MAX 150 1 0 to 150 0 PCT DEF MIN MAX CAL1 RCF 98 This command enters a reference calibration factor of 98 to Channel A ...

Страница 236: ... the current setting of the reference calibration factor or the values associated with MIN and MAX Query Example Error Messages If this command is used when a P Series or E Series power sensor is connected the error 241 Hardware missing occurs CAL2 RCF This command queries the reference calibration factor of Channel B ...

Страница 237: ... sensor When 1 ON is enabled the the zero is maintained by a combination of on the fly zero measurements and temperature compensation The 0 OFF parameter is only required for the query response and is ignored in the command Except when using a P Series sensor this command assumes that a power sensor is not connected to a power source Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset automatic zeroing is dis...

Страница 238: ... If this command is set to ON and an 8480 Series or E Series power sensor is connected the error 241 Hardware missing occurs If zeroing was not carried out successfully the error 231 Data Questionable ZERO ERROR occurs The error message will specify which channel failed zeroing If there is no sensor connected the error 241 Hardware Missing occurs ...

Страница 239: ... is selected This adjusts the power meter for a zero power reading with no power supplied to the power sensor The 0 OFF parameter is only required for the query response and is ignored in the command Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset automatic zeroing is disabled NOTE The P Series sensor only has a NORMAL path CAL2 ZERO NORM AUTO ONCE This command causes the power meter to perform a zeroing ...

Страница 240: ...ages If zeroing was not carried out successfully the error 231 Data Questionable ZERO ERROR occurs The error message will specify which channel failed zeroing If this command is set to ON the error 224 Illegal parameter value occurs If there is no sensor connected or if a sensor other than P Series is connected the error 241 Hardware missing occurs ...

Страница 241: numeric_value 252 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 FORMat character_data 255 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer Commands 258 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer LOWer numeric_value 259 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer UPPer numeric_value 262 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 NUMeric 1 2 RESolution numeric_value 265 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 SELect 1 2 267 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 STATe boolean 269 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe FEED character_data 271 This chapter expla...

Страница 242: ...rd Parameter Form Notes Page DISPlay ENABle boolean page 243 SCReen FORMat character_data page 245 WINDow 1 2 ANALog LOWer numeric_value page 249 UPPer numeric_value page 252 FORMat character_data non SCPI page 255 METer LOWer numeric_value non SCPI page 259 UPPer numeric_value non SCPI page 262 NUMeric 1 2 RESolution numeric_value page 265 SELect 1 2 page 267 STATe boolean page 269 TRACe FEED cha...

Страница 243: ...y At power up the display is always enabled Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the display is enabled Query DISPlay ENABle The query returns a 1 or 0 into the output buffer 1 is returned when the display is enabled 0 is returned when the display is disabled DISP ENAB 0 This command disables the display DISP ENAB 0 OFF 1 ON Space ...

Страница 244: ...5 DISPlay Subsystem 244 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide Query Example DISP ENAB This command queries whether the display is on or off ...

Страница 245: ... Sets the display format WINDowed the windowed format provides two display windows Each window can display two measurements EXPanded the expanded format provides one display window which can display a single measurement The EXP display format provides access to softkeys FSCReen the full screen format provides one display window which can display a single measurement The FSCR display format does no...

Страница 246: ...ample Reset Condition On reset the display format is WIND Query DISPlay SCReen FORMat The query returns WIND EXP or FSCR Query Example DISP SCReen FORM FSCR This command sets the display format to full screen DISP SCR FORM This command queries the display format ...

Страница 247: ...ollowing commands are detailed in this section DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog LOWer numeric_value DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog UPPer numeric_value DISPlay WINDow 1 2 FORMat character_data DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer LOWer numeric_value DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer UPPer numeric_value DISPlay WINDow 1 2 NUMeric 1 2 RESolution numeric_value DISPlay WINDow 1 2 SELect 1 2 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 STATe boolean DISPlay WIN...

Страница 248: DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog Commands These commands control the upper and lower scale limits of the analog meter The following commands are detailed in this section DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog LOWer numeric_value DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog UPPer numeric_value ...

Страница 249: ...ent setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 1 NOTE This command has the same purpose as DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer LOWer numeric_value Table 5 1 Measurement units Measurement Mode Measurement Type CALC REL STAT OFF CALC REL STAT ON Linear Log Linear Log Single Channel Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB Ratio Avg Pk Pk Avg dB dB Difference Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB ...

Страница 250: ...t Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the analog meter lower scale limit DEF the default is 70 dBm MIN 150 dBm MAX 230 dBm Units used are determined by the current setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 1 150 to 230 dBm DEF MIN MAX DISP WIND1 ANAL LOW 50 This command sets the upper window s analog meter lower scale limit to 50 dBm ...

Страница 251: ...urrent setting of the analog meter s lower scale limit or the value associated with MIN or MAX The format of the response is NR3 The units in which the results are returned are determined by the current setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 1 Query Example DISP WIND1 ANAL LOW This command queries the lower scale limit set on the analog meter in the upper window ...

Страница 252: ...ent setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 2 NOTE This command has the same purpose as DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer UPPer numeric_value Table 5 2 Measurement units Measurement Mode Measurement Type CALC REL STAT OFF CALC REL STAT ON Linear Log Linear Log Single Channel Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB Ratio Avg Pk Pk Avg dB dB Difference Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB ...

Страница 253: ...t Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the analog meter upper scale limit DEF the default is 20 dBm MIN 150 dBm MAX 230 dBm Units used are determined by the current setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 2 150 to 230 dBm DEF MIN MAX DISP WIND2 ANAL UPP 50 This command sets the lower window s analog meter upper scale limit to 50 dBm ...

Страница 254: setting of the analog meter s upper scale limit or the value associated with MIN or MAX The format of the response is NR3 The units in which the results are returned are determined by the current setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 2 Query Example DISP WIND2 ANAL UPP This command queries the upper scale limit set on the analog meter in the lower window ...

Страница 255: ...DISPlay Subsystem 5 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 255 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 FORMat character_data This command selects the format of the selected window Syntax WIND 1 2 DISP FORM character_data Space ...

Страница 256: ...indow display to analog using the currently SELected measurement SNUMeric sets the window display to single numeric The currently SELected measurement is displayed This setting is the same as DIGital DNUMeric sets the window display to dual numeric TRACe trace display using the currently SELected measurement Used to determine the channel from which the trace is taken CTABle sets the window display...

Страница 257: ...ACe and the selected channel from which TRACe is taken has no sensor connected or has on a sensor other than a P Series power sensor connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the command is set to TRACe and the selected channel has a P Series power sensor connected in AVERage measurement mode the error 221 Settings conflict occurs DISP FORM This command queries the current format of the upper...

Страница 258: ...ide DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer Commands These commands control the upper and lower scale limits of the analog meter The following commands are detailed in this section DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer LOWer numeric_value DISPlay WINDow 1 2 METer UPPer numeric_value ...

Страница 259: ...nt setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 3 NOTE This command has the same purpose as DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog LOWer numeric_value Table 5 3 Measurement units Measurement Mode Measurement Type CALC REL STAT OFF CALC REL STAT ON Linear Log Linear Log Single Channel Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB Ratio Avg Pk Pk Avg dB dB Difference Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB ...

Страница 260: ...alue for the analog meter lower scale limit DEF the default is 20 dBm MIN 150 dBm MAX 230 dBm The default units are defined by UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe 150 to 230 dBm DEF MIN MAX DISP WIND2 MET LOW 10 This command sets the lower window s analog meter lower scale limit MET Space numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space LOW WIND 1 2 DISP ...

Страница 261: ... current setting of the analog meter s lower scale limit or the value associated with MIN and MAX The format of the response is NR3 The units in which the results are returned is dependent on the current setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 3 Query Example DISP MET LOW This command queries the lower scale limit set on the analog meter in the upper window ...

Страница 262: ...nt setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 4 NOTE This command has the same purpose as DISPlay WINDow 1 2 ANALog UPPer numeric_value Table 5 4 Measurement units Measurement Mode Measurement Type CALC REL STAT OFF CALC REL STAT ON Linear Log Linear Log Single Channel Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB Ratio Avg Pk Pk Avg dB dB Difference Avg Pk Watt dBm dB Pk Avg dB dB ...

Страница 263: ...efault Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the analog meter upper scale limit DEF the default is 20 dBm MIN 150 dBm MAX 230 dBm Units used are determined by the current setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in Table 5 4 150 to 230 dBm DEF MIN MAX DISP WIND2 MET UPP 20 This command sets the lower window s analog meter upper scale limit ...

Страница 264: ... setting of the analog meter s upper scale limit or the value associated with MIN and MAX The format of the response is NR3 The units in which the results are returned is dependent on the current setting of UNIT POWer and CALCulate RELative STATe as shown in the previous table Query Example DISP WIND2 MET UPP This command queries the upper scale limit set on the analog meter in the lower window ...

Страница 265: ...alue This command sets the resolution of the measurement result in the specified window Syntax Parameters RES Space numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space NUM WIND 1 2 DISP 1 2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the window resolution DEF 3 MIN 1 MAX 4 1 to 4 DEF MIN MAX ...

Страница 266: ...of the window s resolution or the value associated with MIN and MAX The format of the response is NR1 Query Example DISP WIND2 RES 4 This command sets the lower window s resolution to four significant digits if the measurement result is linear or to 0 001 if the measurement result is logarithmic DISP WINDow1 NUMber2RES This command queries the resolution setting of the upper window lower measureme...

Страница 267: ...ond numeric value is not sent the upper measurement of the relevant window is selected This command is used to specify which measurement is used for the analog trace or single numeric display Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the upper window upper measurement is selected DISP WIND2 SEL1 This command selects the upper measurement in the lower window SEL 1 2 WIND 1 2 DISP ...

Страница 268: ... a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating whether the window specified is currently selected 1 is returned if the specified window is selected 0 is returned if the specified window is not selected Query Example DISP SEL1 This command queries whether or not the upper measurement in the upper window is selected ...

Страница 269: ...rement only either the single measurement that was shown on the window or the currently selected measurement if two measurements had been shown Syntax Examples Reset Condition On reset both windows are enabled DISP WIND2 STAT OFF This command disables the lower window The upper window in shown in expanded format displaying its currently selected measurement DISP WIND2 STAT ON This command enables ...

Страница 270: ...Play WINDow 1 2 STATe This enters a 1 or 0 in the output buffer indicating the selected window 1 is returned if the window is enabled 0 is returned if the window is disabled Query Example DISP WIND2 STAT This command queries whether or not the lower window is displayed ...

Страница 271: ...DISPlay Subsystem 5 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 271 DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe FEED character_data This command selects which channel s trace is displayed in the specified window ...

Страница 272: ...D 1 2 TRAC Space character_data DISP FEED Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Identifies which channel s trace is displayed SENS1 Channel A SENS2 Channel B SENS1 SENS2 DISP WIND2 TRAC FEED SENS1 This command selects Channel A s trace to be displayed in the lower window ...

Страница 273: Upper window SENS1 Lower window dual channel only SENS2 Query DISPlay WINDow 1 2 TRACe FEED The query returns the channel of the trace currently displayed in the specified window Query Example DISP WIND2 TRAC FEED This command queries the channel of the trace currently displayed in the lower window ...

Страница 274: ...5 DISPlay Subsystem 274 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 275: ...amming Guide 275 6 FORMat Subsystem FORMat Subsystem 276 FORMat READings BORDer character_data 277 FORMat READings DATA character_data 279 This chapter explains how the FORMat subsystem is used to set a data format for transferring numeric information ...

Страница 276: ...ferring numeric information This data format is used only for response data by commands that are affected by the FORMat subsystem The queries affected are FETCh READ MEASure The same FORMat is used on both channels Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page FORMat READings BORDer character_data page 277 DATA character_data page 279 ...

Страница 277: ...swapped Byte ORDer It is only used when FORMat READings DATA is set to REAL Syntax Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset this value is set to NORMal FORM READ BORD Space character_data Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Byte order of binary data transfer NORMal SWAPped NORMal SWAPped FORM BORD SWAP This command sets the byte order to swapped ...

Страница 278: ... N8262A Programming Guide Query FORMat READings BORDer The query returns the current setting of the byte order The format of the response is NORMalor SWAPped Query Example FORM BORD This command queries the current byte order setting ...

Страница 279: ... type is REAL numeric data is output as IEEE 754 64 bit floating point numbers in a definite length block The result is an 8 byte block per number Each complete block is terminated by a line feed character The same FORMat is used on both channels Syntax Parameters NOTE FORMat data formatting is not affected by TRACe subsystem data formatting FORM READ DATA Space character_data Item Description Def...

Страница 280: ...le Reset Condition On reset the format is set to ASCii Query FORMat READings DATA The query returns the current setting of format either ASCii or REAL Query Example FORM REAL This command sets the format to REAL FORM This command queries the current format setting ...

Страница 281: ...EMory FREE TABLe 298 MEMory NSTates 299 MEMory STATe Commands 300 MEMory STATe CATalog 301 MEMory STATe DEFine character_data numeric_value 302 MEMory TABLe Commands 304 MEMory TABLe FREQuency numeric_value numeric_value 305 MEMory TABLe FREQuency POINts 308 MEMory TABLe GAIN MAGNitude numeric_value numeric_value 309 MEMory TABLe GAIN MAGNitude POINts 312 MEMory TABLe MOVE character_data character...

Страница 282: ... power meter s memory during power down The power meter is capable of storing 20 sensor calibration tables and 10 frequency dependent offset tables of 80 frequency points each NOTE The MEMory subsystem is not used for E Series and P Series power sensors calibration tables These are automatically downloaded to the power meter and cannot be reviewed or edited Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page MEMory...

Страница 283: ...er_data numeric_value non SCPI page 302 TABLe FREQuency numeric_value numeric_value page 305 POINts query only page 308 GAIN MAGNitude numeric_value numeric_value non SCPI page 309 POINts query only non SCPI page 312 MOVE character_data character_data no query non SCPI page 313 SELect character_data no query non SCPI page 314 Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page ...

Страница 284: ...ds are used to query information on the current contents of a power meter s Sensor calibration tables 8480 Series sensors only Frequency dependent offset tables Save recall registers The following commands are detailed in this section MEMory CATalog ALL MEMory CATalog STATe MEMory CATalog TABLe ...

Страница 285: ... indicates the name type and size of a stored table or save recall register string type size string indicates the name of the table or save recall register type indicates TABL for sensor calibration and frequency dependent offset tables or STAT for a save recall register size indicates the size of the table or save recall register in bytes A sample of a response may look like the following 1178 26...

Страница 286: ...83A 4 8481D 8481D 5 8485A 8485A 6 R8486A R8486A 7 Q8486A Q8486A 8 R8486D R8486D 9 8487A 8487A a There are also ten sensor calibration tables named CUSTOM_0 through CUSTOM_9 and ten frequency dependent offset tables named CUSTOM _A through CUSTOM _J which do not contain any data when the power meter is shipped from the factory MEM CAT This command queries the list of tables and save recall register...

Страница 287: ... for the storage of registers The second parameter indicates the memory in bytes available for the storage of registers Each string parameter returned indicates the name type and size of a save recall register string type size string indicates the name of the save recall register type indicates STAT for save recall register size indicates the size of the save recall register in bytes For example a...

Страница 288: ...ble for the storage of tables Each string parameter returned indicates the name type and size of a stored table string type size string indicates the name of the table type indicates TABL for a table size indicates the size of the table in bytes For example a sample of a response may look like 1178 10040 DEFAULT TABL 14 8481A TABL 116 8482A TABL 74 8483A TABL 62 The power meter is shipped with a s...

Страница 289: ...shipped from the factory Table 7 2 8480 Series power sensor tables Table Power Sensor Table Name 0 None DEFAULT a 1 8481A 8481A 2 8482A 8482B 8482H 8482A 3 8483A 8483A 4 8481D 8481D 5 8485A 8485A 6 R8486A R8486A 7 Q8486A Q8486A 8 R8486D R8486D 9 8487A 8487A a Default is a sensor calibration table in which the reference calibration factor and calibration factors are 100 This sensor calibration tabl...

Страница 290: ...7 MEMory Subsystem 290 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide Syntax Example MEM CAT TABL This command queries the list of stored tables MEM CAT TABL ...

Страница 291: ...0 Series sensors only frequency dependent offset tables and save recall registers This subsystem removes the data contents but does not affect the name of the associated table or save recall register The following commands are detailed in this section MEMory CLEar NAME character_data MEMory CLEar TABLe NOTE The contents cleared using these commands are non recoverable ...

Страница 292: ...ble or save recall register Although the table remains a MEMory TABLe FREQuency GAIN POINts query returns a 0 as there are no contents in the table For sensor calibration tables and frequency dependent offset tables this command is an alternative form of the MEMory CLEar TABLE command the only difference being the method in which the table is selected NOTE The contents cleared using this command a...

Страница 293: ... name does not exist error 224 Illegal parameter value occurs MEM CLE NAME Space character_data Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Contains an existing table name or save recall register Any existing table name or save recall register MEM CLE 8485A This command clears the contents of sensor calibration table 8485A ...

Страница 294: ...IN POINts query returns a 0 as the table contents are empty This command is an alternative form of the MEMory CLEar NAME command The difference is the method in which the table is selected Syntax Example Error Message If no table is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs NOTE The contents cleared using this command are non recoverable MEM CLE TABL This command clears the contents of the curre...

Страница 295: ...are used to return information on the amount of free memory space available for sensor calibration tables 8480 Series sensors only frequency dependent offset tables and save recall registers The following commands are described in this section MEMory FREE ALL MEMory FREE STATe MEMory FREE TABLe ...

Страница 296: ... the amount of memory free for sensor calibration tables 8480 Series sensors only frequency dependent offset tables and save recall registers The format of the response is bytes_available bytes_in_use Syntax Example MEM FREE This command queries the amount of free memory in total MEM FREE ALL ...

Страница 297: ...Mory FREE STATe This query returns the amount of memory free for save recall registers The format of the response is bytes_available bytes_in_use Syntax Example MEM FREE STAT This command queries the amount of free memory for save recall registers MEM FREE STAT ...

Страница 298: ... returns the amount of memory free for sensor calibration tables 8480 Series sensors only and frequency dependent offset tables The format of the response is bytes_available bytes_in_use Syntax Example MEM FREE TABL This command queries the amount of free memory for tables MEM FREE TABL ...

Страница 299: ...299 MEMory NSTates This query returns the number of registers that are available for save recall As there are ten registers this query always returns ten Syntax Example MEM NST This command queries the number of registers available for save recall MEM NST ...

Страница 300: ...tem 300 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide MEMory STATe Commands These commands are used to query and define register names The following commands are described in this section MEMory STATe CATalog MEMory STATe DEFine ...

Страница 301: ...301 MEMory STATe CATalog This query returns a list of the save recall register names in ascending order of register number The format of the response is string string string Syntax Example MEM STAT CAT This command queries the register names MEM STAT CAT ...

Страница 302: ...tring The query returns the register number for the given register name MEM STAT numeric_value DEF Space Space character_data character_data Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Details the register name A maximum of 12 characters can be used A to Z uppercase a to z lowercase 0 9 _ underscore numeric_value A numeric value NRf for the register number 0 to 9 MEM STAT DEF SETUP1 4 ...

Страница 303: ...r is out of range error 222 Data out of range occurs If the name is invalid error 224 Illegal parameter value occurs If a register or sensor calibration table with the same name already exists error 257 File name error occurs command only MEM STAT DEF SETUP1 This command queries the register number of SETUP1 ...

Страница 304: ...quency dependent offset table and to write to and read data from it The following commands are described in this section MEMory TABLe FREQuency numeric_value numeric_value MEMory TABLe FREQuency POINts MEMory TABLe GAIN MAGNitude numeric_value numeric_value MEMory TABLe GAIN MAGNitude POINts MEMory TABLe MOVE character_data character_data MEMory TABLe SELect character_data ...

Страница 305: lists NOTE For sensor calibration tables only the first calibration factor entered using the MEMory TABLe GAIN command is used as the reference calibration factor Table 7 3 Frequency and Calibration Offset factor list Table Power Sensor Table Name 0 None DEFAULT a 1 8481A 8481A 2 8482A 8482B 8482H 8482A 3 8483A 8483A 4 8481D 8481D 5 8485A 8485A 6 R8486A R8486A 7 Q8486A Q8486A 8 R8486D R8486D...

Страница 306: ...frequency outside the frequency range defined in the table then the power meter uses the highest or lowest point in the table to calculate the calibration factor offset Depending on available memory the power meter is capable of storing 20 sensor calibration tables and 10 frequency dependent offset tables each containing 80 points Syntax Parameters MEM TABL FREQ numeric_value Space Item Descriptio...

Страница 307: ...n ascending order error 220 Parameter error Frequency list must be in ascending order occurs If a table has not been specified using the MEMory TABLe SELect command the data cannot be entered into the table and error 221 Settings conflict occurs If a frequency is sent which is outside of the allowed frequency range error 222 Data out of range occurs MEM TABL FREQ 200kHz 600kHz This command enters ...

Страница 308: ...r of frequency points for the table currently selected The response format is NRf If no frequency values have been set this command returns 0 If no table is selected this command returns NAN Syntax Example MEM TABL FREQ POIN This command queries the number of frequency points in the current table MEM TABL POIN FREQ ...

Страница 309: command For sensor calibration tables only the first parameter is the reference calibration factor each subsequent parameter is a calibration factor point in the sensor calibration table Entries in the frequency lists correspond as shown in Table 7 4 with entries in the calibration offset factor lists For sensor calibration tables the number of frequency points must be one less than the number ...

Страница 310: ...he currently selected table MEM TABL GAIN MAGN numeric_value Space Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the calibration offset factors The units are PCT 1 0 to 150 0 MEM TABL SEL Sensor_1 MEM TABL GAIN 97 99 5 97 4 This command enters a reference calibration factor of 97 and calibration factors of 99 5 and 97 4 into the sensor calibration table ...

Страница 311: ...fset tables are in the list error 108 Parameter not allowed occurs If a table is not specified using the MEMory TABLe SELect command the data cannot be entered and error 221 Settings conflict occurs If any of the calibration offset factors are outside of the allowed range error 222 Data out of range occurs MEM TABL GAIN This command queries the calibration factor offset in the current table ...

Страница 312: ...rently selected table If the currently selected table is a sensor calibration table 8480 Series sensors only the reference calibration factor is included If no values have been set 0 is returned If no table is selected NAN is returned Syntax Example MEM TABL GAIN POIN This command queries the number of calibration factor offset points in the current table MEM TABL GAIN MAGN POIN ...

Страница 313: ...t match an existing table name error 256 File name not found occurs If the second parameter matches an existing table name or save recall register error 257 File name error occurs MEM TABL MOVE Space character_data character_data Item Description Default Range of Values character_data 1st parameter Contains the existing table name existing table name character_data 2nd parameter Details the new ta...

Страница 314: ...ed before any operation can be performed on it Syntax Parameters Example Query MEMory TABLe SELect The query returns the name of the currently selected table MEM TABL SEL Space character_data Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Details the new table name A maximum of 12 characters can be used A to Z uppercase a to z lowercase 0 9 _ underscore MEM TABL SEL Sensor1 This command s...

Страница 315: ...ED data_handle 317 OUTPut RECorder 1 2 LIMit LOWer numeric_value 319 OUTPut RECorder 1 2 LIMit UPPer numeric_value 321 OUTPut RECorder 1 2 STATe boolean 323 OUTPut ROSCillator STATe boolean 324 OUTPut TRIGger STATe boolean 325 This chapter explains how the OUTPut command subsystem is used to switch the POWER REF output on and off ...

Страница 316: ...the trigger output switch on and off the POWER REF output and controls the recorder output Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page OUTPut RECorder 1 2 FEED data_handle page 317 LIMit LOWer numeric_value page 319 UPPer numeric_value page 321 STATe boolean page 323 ROSCillator STATe boolean page 324 TRIGger STATe boolean page 325 ...

Страница 317: ...g RECorder RECorder1 and RECorder2 Syntax Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset data_handle is set to its previous value OUTP FEED REC Space 1 2 data_handle Item Description Default Range of Values data_handle The CALC block specifying the measurement to be sent to the recorder output CALC1 or CALC CALC2 CALC3 CALC4 OUTP REC2 FEED CALC1 This command sends the CALC1 measurement to recorder ou...

Страница 318: ...8 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide Query OUTPut RECorder 1 2 FEED The query command returns the current value of data_handle Query Example OUTP REC2 FEED This command queries the value of data_handle for recorder output 2 ...

Страница 319: ...D data_handle Syntax Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset the minimum scaling value is set to 150 dBm OUTP LIM REC Space LOW numeric_value 1 2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the minimum scaling value The units used dBm W or are dependent on the units currently set for the CALC block specified in OUTPut RECorder 1 2 FEED data_handle 150 to 230 dBm ...

Страница 320: ...ght N8262A Programming Guide Query OUTPut RECorder 1 2 LIMit LOWer The query command returns the minimum scaling value Query Example OUTP REC LIM LOW This command returns the minimum scaling value for the specified recorder output ...

Страница 321: ...ED data_handle Syntax Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset the maximum scaling value is set to 20 dBm OUTP LIM REC Space UPP numeric_value 1 2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the minimum scaling value The units used dBm W or are dependent on the units currently set for the CALC block specified in OUTPut RECorder 1 2 FEED data_handle 150 to 230 dBm ...

Страница 322: ...ght N8262A Programming Guide Query OUTPut RECorder 1 2 LIMit UPPer The query command returns the maximum scaling value Query Example OUTP REC LIM UPP This command returns the maximum scaling value for the specified recorder output ...

Страница 323: ...RECorder 1 2 STATe The query command enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating whether or not the specified recorder is switched on 1 is returned when the recorder output is switched ON 0 is returned when the recorder output is switched OFF Query Example OUTP REC1 STAT 1 This command enables the specified recorder output OUTP STAT REC 0 OFF 1 ON Space 1 2 OUTP REC2 STAT This command querie...

Страница 324: ...d Query OUTPut ROSCillator STATe The query command enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating whether or not the POWER REF is enabled 1 is returned when the POWER REF output is enabled 0 is returned when the POWER REF output is disabled Query Example OUTP ROSC STAT 1 This command enables the POWER REF output OUTP STAT ROSC 0 OFF 1 ON Space OUTP ROSC This command queries the status of the PO...

Страница 325: ...Gger STATe The query command enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating whether or not the trigger output signal is enabled disabled 1 is returned when the trigger output signal is enabled 0 is returned when the trigger output signal is disabled Query Example OUTP TRIG STAT 1 This command enables the trigger output signal OUTP STAT TRIG 0 OFF 1 ON Space OUTP TRIG STAT This command queries t...

Страница 326: ...8 OUTPut Subsystem 326 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 327: ...29 PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF DATa MAX numeric_value 331 PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF POWer numeric_value 333 PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF PROBability numeric_value 335 PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF TABle 337 Chapter 9 explains how the PSTatistic command subsystem is used to configure the settings of Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function CCDF ...

Страница 328: ... is used to configure the settings of Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function CCDF Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page PSTatistic 1 2 CCDF DATa query only page 329 MAX numeric_value page 331 POWer numeric_value query only page 333 PROBability numeric_value query only page 335 TABle query only page 337 ...

Страница 329: ...ATa MAX numeric_value By default the maximum value is 50 dB The power interval between each reading probability value is determined by the defined maximum power level divided by 500 NOTE This command is only applicable when P Series sensors are present and the following conditions are met Free run acquisition mode is selected NORMal or DOUBle measurement speed setting is chosen PST 2 CCDF DAT 1 PS...

Страница 330: ...Hardware missing occurs If sensor s connected are not P Series sensors error 241 Hardware missing occurs If measurement speed setting is FAST error 221 Settings conflict occurs If the acquisition mode is in continuous triggering or triggering source is set to either INT1 INTl2 or EXT error 221 Settings conflict occurs ...

Страница 331: Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset the maximum value for CCDF trace X axis is set to 50 dB PST 2 1 CCDF DAT MAX numeric_value Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value X axis CCDF trace maximum value in dB Minimum value 5 00 dB Maximum value 50 00 dB 5 00 to 50 00 PST1 CCDF DAT MAX 10 This command sets the maximum value of X axis CCDF trace to 10 dB ...

Страница 332: ...aximum value Query Example Error Messages If the parameter set is less than 5 0 error 222 Data out of range value clipped to lower limit occurs If the parameter set is more than 50 0 error 222 Data out of range value clipped to upper limit occurs PST1 CCDF DAT MAX This command queries the maximum value of X axis CCDF trace for Channel A ...

Страница 333: ...only applicable when P Series sensors are present and the following conditions are met Free run acquisition mode is selected NORMal or DOUBle measurement speed setting is chosen PST 2 1 CCDF POW numeric_value space Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The probability at the queried power Maximum value 0 Minimum value 100 0 0 to 100 PST1 CCDF POW 30 This command queries the power ...

Страница 334: ... 241 Hardware missing occurs If measurement speed setting is FAST error 221 Settings conflict occurs If the acquisition mode is in continuous triggering or triggering source is set to either INT1 INT2 or EXT error 221 Setting conflict occurs If the parameter specified is less than 0 0 or more than 100 0 error 220 Parameter error occurs If no parameter is specified error 109 Missing parameter occur...

Страница 335: ...ters NOTE This command is only applicable when P Series sensors are present and the following conditions are met Free run acquisition mode is selected NORMal or DOUBle measurement speed setting is chosen PST 2 1 CCDF PROB numeric_value space Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The power level at the queried probability Maximum value 50 00 dB Minimum value 0 00 dB 0 00 to 50 0 ...

Страница 336: ... speed setting is FAST error 221 Settings conflict occurs If the acquisition mode is in continuous triggering or triggering source is set to either INT1 INT2 or EXT error 221 Setting conflict occurs If the parameter specified is less than 0 0 or more than 50 0 error 220 Parameter error occurs If no parameter is specified error 109 Missing parameter occurs PST1 CCDF PROB 50 This command queries the...

Страница 337: ...f the power in dB 4 Power level power to average power ratio that has 1 of the power in dB 5 Power level power to average power ratio that has 0 1 of the power in dB 6 Power level power to average power ratio that has 0 01 of the power in dB 7 Power level power to average power ratio that has 0 001 of the power in dB 8 Power level power to average power ratio that has 0 0001 of the power in dB 9 P...

Страница 338: ...robability steps 10 1 0 1 0 01 0 001 and 0 0001 peak to average power ratio and sample count for Channel A PST2 CCDF TAB This command returns the data in CCDF table average input power probabilty at the average input power power level at various predefined probability steps 10 1 0 1 0 01 0 001 and 0 0001 peak to average power ratio and sample count for Channel B NOTE The sample count will always b...

Страница 339: ...rdware missing occurs If sensor sensors connected are not P Series sensors error 241 Hardware missing occurs If measurement speed setting is FAST error 221 Settings conflict occurs If the acquisition mode is in continuous triggering or triggering source is set to either INT1 INT2 or EXT error 221 Settings conflict occurs ...

Страница 340: ...9 PSTatistic Subsystem 340 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 341: ...ction CFACtor GAIN 1 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value 365 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 Commands 368 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 SELect string 369 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 STATe boolean 371 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 Commands 373 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value 374 SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 STATe boolean 3...

Страница 342: ...2 TRACe Commands 401 SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe OFFSet TIME numeric_value 402 SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe TIME numeric_value 404 SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe UNIT character_data 406 SENSe 1 SENSe2 V2P ATYPe DTYPe 408 SENSe 1 2 TRACe LIMit LOWer numeric_value 410 SENSe 1 2 TRACe LIMit UPPer numeric_value 412 SENSe 1 2 TRACe X SCALe PDIV numeric_value 414 SENSe 1 2 TRACe Y SCALe PDIV numeric_value 416 This chapter expla...

Страница 343: ...y cycle and AVERage without completely re configuring the power meter The SENSe command subsystem also allows you to select the measurement speed a sensor calibration table and a frequency dependent offset table The numeric suffix of the SENSe program mnemonic in the SENSe commands refers to a channel that is SENSe1 and SENSe2 represent Channel A and Channel B respectively Keyword Parameter Form N...

Страница 344: ...Ffset GAIN4 INPut MAGNitude query only page 379 GAIN2 STATe boolean page 381 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value page 383 FREQuency CW FIXed numeric_value page 386 MRATe character_data page 388 POWer AC RANGe numeric_value non SCPI page 391 AUTO boolean page 393 SWEep 1 2 3 4 OFFSet TIME numeric_value page 396 TIME numeric_value page 398 TEMPerature query only page 400 TRACe Keyword Parameter Form Notes...

Страница 345: 402 TIME numeric_value page 404 UNIT character_data page 406 V2P ATYPe DTYPe non SCPI page 408 SENSe 1 2 TRACe LIMit LOWer numeric_value page 410 UPPer numeric_value page 412 X SCALe PDIV numeric_value page 414 Y SCALe PDIV numeric_value page 416 Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page ...

Страница 346: ...ging which is used to improve measurement accuracy They combine successive measurements to produce a new composite result The following commands are detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt AUTO boolean SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage SDETect boolean SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe boolean ...

Страница 347: ...increases the time taken to make a power measurement Entering a value using this command automatically turns the SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe command to ON NOTE For most applications automatic filter length selection SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt AUTO ON is the best mode of operation However manual filter length selection SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt numeric_value is useful in applications requirin...

Страница 348: ...length is set to 4 COUN Space numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space SENS 1 AVER SENS2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value defining the filter length DEF the default value is 4 MIN 1 MAX 1024 1 to 1024 DEF MIN MAX AVER COUN 400 This command enters a filter length of 400 for Channel A ...

Страница 349: ...The format of the response is NR1 Query Example Error Messages If a filter length value is entered using SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt while SENSe 1 SENSe2 SPEed is set to 200 the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs However the filter length value is set but the SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe command is not automatically set ON AVER COUN This command queries the filter length for Channel A ...

Страница 350: ...aged number of readings for each range and resolution when the power meter is in auto measurement average mode and using a P Series power sensor Setting this command to ON automatically sets the SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe command to ON Figure 10 1 Example of averaged readings If SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt AUTO is set to OFF the filter length is set by the SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt command U...

Страница 351: ...lter length is disabled NOTE For most applications automatic filter length selection SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt AUTO ON is the best mode of operation However manual filter length selection SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage COUNt numeric_value is useful in applications requiring either high resolution or fast settling times where signal variations rather than measurement noise need filtering or when approxi...

Страница 352: ...Nt AUTO is set to ON while SENSe 1 SENSe2 SPEed is set to 200 the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs However automatic averaging is enabled but the SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe command is not automatically set ON AVER COUN AUTO This command queries whether automatic filter length selection is on or off for Channel A ...

Страница 353: ...ubstantially for the filter output to get to its final value Note that this result appears to settle faster although true settling to the final value is unaffected NOTE Step detection is automatically disabled when TRIG DEL AUTO is ON and the trigger mode is set to free run Under this circumstances the value of SENS AVER SDET is ignored Note also that SENS AVER SDET is not set by the instrument th...

Страница 354: ...The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of step detection 1 is returned when step detection is enabled 0 is returned when step detection is disabled Query Example SENS AVER SDET OFF This command disables step detection SENS 1 AVER SENS2 SDET 0 OFF 1 ON Space SENS AVER SDET This command queries whether step detection is on or off ...

Страница 355: ... Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset averaging is OFF Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of averaging 1 is returned when averaging is enabled 0 is returned when averaging is disabled AVER 1 This command enables averaging on Channel A SENS 1 STAT AVER 0 OFF 1 ON Space SENS2 ...

Страница 356: ...ramming Guide Query Example Error Messages If SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage STATe is set to ON while SENSe 1 SENSe2 SPEed is set to 200 the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs SENS2 AVER This command queries whether averaging is on or off for Channel B ...

Страница 357: ...accuracy for the P Series power sensor They combine successive measurements to produce a new composite result The following commands are detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage2 COUNt numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage2 STATe boolean NOTE If the command is used when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs ...

Страница 358: ...uce noise without affecting the dynamic characteristic of the signal Syntax Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset the filter length is set to 4 COUN Space numeric_value DEF SENS 1 AVER2 SENS2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value defining the filter length DEF the default value is 4 1 to 256 a DEF a This is only implemented in powers of 2 2n AVER2 COUN 16 Thi...

Страница 359: ...the current setting of the video filter length The format of the response is NR1 Query Example Error Messages If the command is used when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs AVER2 COUN This command queries the video filter length for Channel A ...

Страница 360: sensor Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset averaging is enabled Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVERage2 STATe The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of averaging 1 is returned when averaging is enabled 0 is returned when averaging is disabled AVER2 1 This command enables video averaging on Channel A SENS 1 STAT AVER2 0 OFF 1 ON Space SENS2 ...

Страница 361: ...amming Guide 361 Query Example Error Messages If the command is used when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SENS2 AVER2 This command queries whether averaging is on or off for Channel B ...

Страница 362: ...andwidth on a P Series sensor Syntax Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset sensor bandwidth is set to OFF SENS 1 VID BAND SENS2 BWID Space character_data Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Defines the sensor bandwidth HIGH MEDium LOW OFF SENSe1 BAND VID HIGH This command sets sensor bandwidth to high for Channel A ...

Страница 363: occurs If the command is used when a P Series sensor is connected and set to AVERage mode rather than NORMal mode the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs SENS2 BAND VID This command queries the current sensor bandwidth setting for Channel B NOTE Selection of video bandwidth to LOW MED or HIGH implements digital signal processing to ensure a flat bandwidth up to the frequency shown bandwidths are...

Страница 364: ...e detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CFACtor GAIN 1 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 SELect string SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 STATe boolean SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 STATe boolean SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection FDOFfset GAIN4 INPut MAGNitude SENSe 1 SENSe2 CO...

Страница 365: ...alibration factor The power meter corrects every measurement by this factor to compensate for the gain Either CFACtor and GAIN1 can be used in the command both have an identical result Using GAIN1 complies with the SCPI standard whereas CFACtor does not this may make your program easier to understand Syntax SENS 1 CORR SENS2 INP MAGN Space numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space GAIN 1 CFAC ...

Страница 366: ...urrent gain correction setting or the values associated with MIN and MAX Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value for CFACtor and GAIN1 A numeric value DEF the default value is 100 MIN 1 MAX 150 1 to 150 PCT a DEF MIN MAX a For example a gain of 60 corresponds to a multiplier of 0 6 and a gain of 150 corresponds to a multiplier of 1 5 SENS2 CORR GAIN1 This command sets a gain correct...

Страница 367: ...SENSe2 CORRection CFACtor GAIN1 command can be used for the 8480 Series Power Sensor when no sensor calibration table has been set up If a sensor calibration table is selected the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CORR GAIN1 This command queries the current calibration factor setting for Channel A ...

Страница 368: ...table using CSET1 and the active frequency dependent offset table using CSET2 The following commands are detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 SELect string SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 STATe boolean NOTE If any of the CSET1 commands are used when a P Series or E Series power sensor is connected the error 241 Hardware missing occurs ...

Страница 369: ...ble The calibration factor is interpolated from the table using the setting for SENSe 1 SENSe2 FREQuency Syntax Parameters NOTE If SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 STATe is set to OFF the selected sensor calibration table or frequency offset table is not being used Item Description Default Range of Values string String data representing a sensor calibration table or frequency dependent offse...

Страница 370: ...s selected the power meter verifies that the number of calibration points defined is one more than the number of frequency points defined When a frequency dependent offset table is selected the power meter verifies that the number of offset points defined is equal to the number of frequency points defined If this is not the case error 226 Lists not the same length occurs If the CSET1 command is us...

Страница 371: ...ored in it can be used by specifying the required frequency using the SENSe 1 SENSe2 FREQuency command When the CSET1 command is set to ON the reference calibration factor is taken from the sensor calibration table and is used during calibration Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the sensor calibration table and frequency dependent offset table are not affected CORR CSET1 STAT 1 This command ...

Страница 372: ... table is enabled 0 is returned when the table is disabled Query Example Error Messages If you attempt to set this command to ON and no table has been selected using SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 SELect then error 221 Settings conflict occurs and SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET 1 CSET2 STATe remains OFF SENS2 CORR CSET1 STAT This command queries whether there is currently an active sensor ...

Страница 373: ...ower meter The following commands are detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 STATe boolean NOTE You can use either DCYCLe or GAIN3 in these commands both do the same Using GAIN3 complies with the SCPI standard whereas DCYCle does not but may make your program more understandable ...

Страница 374: ...signal and then divides the result by the duty cycle value to obtain a pulse power reading Entering a value using this command automatically turns the SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 STATe command to ON NOTE Pulse measurements are not recommended using E Series power sensors at power levels above 20 dBm Pulse power averages out any deviations in the pulse such as overshoot or ringing Hence ...

Страница 375: ...ce numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space GAIN3 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the duty cycle DEF the default value is 1 MIN 0 001 MAX 99 999 The units are PCT and are optional 0 001 to 99 999 PCT DEF MIN MAX CORR DCYC 90PCT This command sets a duty cycle of 90 for Channel A ...

Страница 376: ...ENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 while SENSe 1 SENSe2 SPEed is set to 200 the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs However the duty cycle value is set but the SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 STATe command is not automatically set ON If this command is used when an P Series or E Series Power Sensor is connected the error 310 System error Dty Cyc may impair accuracy with ECP sensor occurs If you a...

Страница 377: ... Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the pulse power measurement feature is disabled Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection DCYCle GAIN3 STATe The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of the pulse power measurement feature 1 is returned when the pulse power measurement feature is enabled 0 is returned when the pulse power measurement feature is disabled CORR DCYC STAT 1 ...

Страница 378: ...t to 200 the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs If this command is used when an P Series or E Series Power Sensor is connected the error 310 System error Dty Cyc may impair accuracy with ECP sensor occurs If you are using a dual channel power meter the error message specifies the channel CORR GAIN3 STAT This command queries whether the pulse measurement feature is on or off ...

Страница 379: ...e This command is used to return the frequency dependent offset currently being applied Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the frequency dependent offset is not affected CORR GAIN4 This command queries the current frequency dependent offset being applied to Channel A SENS 1 GAIN4 CORR SENS2 FDOFfset INP MAG ...

Страница 380: ... CORRection GAIN2 Commands These commands provide a simple correction to a measurement for an external gain loss The following commands are detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection GAIN2 STATe boolean SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection GAIN2 INPut MAGNitude numeric_value ...

Страница 381: ...s used to enter the loss gain value Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset channel offsets are disabled Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection GAIN2 STATe The query enters 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of the channel offsets 1 is returned if a channel offset is enabled 0 is returned if a channel offset is disabled CORR GAIN2 STAT ON This command enables a channel offset on Channel ...

Страница 382: ...uery Example Error Messages If SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection GAIN2 STATe is set to ON while SENSe 1 SENSe2 SPEed is set to 200 the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs CORR GAIN2 STAT This command queries whether or not there is a channel offset applied to Channel A ...

Страница 383: ...fset value for the power meter setup for example cable loss The power meter then corrects every measurement by this factor to compensate for the gain loss Entering a value for GAIN2 using this command automatically turns the SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection GAIN2 STATe command to ON Syntax SENS 1 CORR SENS2 INP MAGN Space numeric_value DEF MIN MAX MIN MAX Space GAIN2 ...

Страница 384: ...tion GAIN2 INPut MAGNitude MIN MAX The query returns the current setting of the channel offset or the values associated with MIN and MAX Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value DEF the default is 0 00 dB MIN 100 dB MAX 100 dB 100 to 100 dB DEF MIN MAX CORR GAIN2 50 This command sets a channel offset of 50 dB for Channel A ...

Страница 385: set to 200 the error 221 Settings Conflict occurs However the correction value is set but the SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection GAIN2 STATe command is not automatically set ON The SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection GAIN2 INPut MAGNitude command can be used for the 8480 Series Power Sensor when no sensor calibration table has been set up CORR GAIN2 This command queries the current setting of the channel offset o...

Страница 386: ...calibration factor using linear interpolation For 8480 Series Power Sensor the power meter uses linear interpolation to calculate the calibration factor for the frequency entered if SENSe 1 SENSe2 CORRection CSET STATe is ON For P Series and E Series Power Sensor the appropriate corrections are applied for the frequency selected dependant on the calibration data stored in the sensor s EEPROM Synta...

Страница 387: ...X The units in which the results are returned are Hz Query Example Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the frequency DEF the default value is 50 MHz MIN 1 kHz MAX 1000 0 GHz The default units are Hz 1 kHz to 1000 0 Ghz a DEF MIN MAX a The following measurement units can be used Hz kHz 103 MHz 106 GHz 109 FREQ 500kHz This command enters a Channel A frequency o...

Страница 388: ...e OFF a CALCulate 1 2 3 4 GAIN STATe OFF b CALCulate 1 2 3 4 RELative STATe OFF b CALCulate1 3 MATH EXPRession SENSe1 CALCulate2 4 MATH EXPRession SENSe2 a This change only occurs on the channel specified in the SENSe MRATe command When the specified channel is changed from FAST to NORMal or DOUBle the settings that were in place when FAST was entered are restored b This change occurs when either ...

Страница 389: ... or FAST SENS 1 SENS2 Space numeric_value MRAT Item Description Default Range of Values character_data A numeric value for the measurement speed NORMal 20 readings second DOUBle 40 readings second FAST up to 1000 readings second The default is NORMal NORMal a DOUBle a FAST a When a channel is set to NORMal or DOUBle TRIG COUNt is set automatically to 1 MRAT DOUBle This command sets the Channel A s...

Страница 390: ...If character_data is not set to NORMal DOUBle or FAST error 224 Illegal parameter value occurs If a P Series or an E Series Power Sensor is not connected and character_data is set to FAST error 241 Hardware missing occurs MRAT This command queries the current speed setting for Channel A ...

Страница 391: is selected Setting a range with this command automatically switches SENSe 1 SENSe2 POWer AC RANGe AUTO to OFF Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the upper range is selected Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 POWer AC RANGe The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of the power sensor s range 1 is returned when the upper range is selected 0 is returned when the lower range i...

Страница 392: ... Programming Guide Query Example Error Messages This command is used with the E Series Power Sensor If one is not connected the error 241 Hardware missing occurs POW AC RANG This command queries the current setting of the power sensor range ...

Страница 393: ...F the power meter remains in the currently set range The SENSe 1 SENSe2 POWer AC RANGe command disables autoranging If INITiate CONTinuous is set to ON and TRIGger SOURce is set to IMMediate the range tracks the input power if SENSe 1 SENSe2 POWer AC RANGe AUTO is ON If the power meter is not making measurements then autoranging only occurs when the power meter is triggered Syntax Example Reset Co...

Страница 394: indicating the status of autoranging 1 is returned when autoranging is enabled 0 is returned when autoranging is disabled Query Example Error Messages If this command is set to OFF when there is not an E Series Power Sensor connected the error 241 Hardware missing occurs POW AC RANG AUTO This command queries whether auto ranging is on or off ...

Страница 395: ...nt of the command The following commands are detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 SWEep 1 2 3 4 OFFSet TIME numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 SWEep 1 2 3 4 TIME numeric_value Incoming signal from sensor Trigger Point Defined using TRIG LEVel TRIG SLOPe TRIG HYSTeresis Pre Trigger With no trace internally calculated time Post Trigger With no trace internally calculated time Trigger Delay TRIG DEL Del...

Страница 396: ... the start of the time gated period the offset time for a P Series sensor set to NORMal mode Syntax Parameters SENS 1 TIME SENS2 OFFS numeric_value DEF Space SWE 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The delay between the trigger point and the start of the time gated period DEF the default value is 0 seconds Units are resolved to 1 ns 1 to 1 second DEF ...

Страница 397: ...rigger point and the start of the time gated period Query Example Error Messages If the command is used when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SENS2 SWE3 OFFS TIME 0 001 This command sets the delay to 0 001 seconds SENS2 SWE2 OFFS TIME The query returns the current delay between the trigger point and the start of the time gated period for Ch...

Страница 398: ...measurements for the P Series sensors which are set to NORMal mode Syntax Parameters Example SENS 1 TIME SENS2 numeric_value DEF Space SWE 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The length of the time gated period in seconds DEF the default value is 100 µs Units are resolved to 1 ns 0 to 1 second DEF SENS2 SWE3 TIME 0 001 This command sets the length to 0 001 seconds ...

Страница 399: ...NSe 1 SENSe2 SWEep 1 2 3 4 TIME The query returns the current length of the time gated period Query Example Error Messages If the command is used when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SENS2 SWE2 TIME This command queries the length of the time gated period for Channel B and gate 2 ...

Страница 400: ...eters Example Reset Condition On reset this parameter is not affected Error Messages If a P Series sensor is not connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SENS 1 TEMP SENS2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value defining sensor s temperature in degrees Celsius 50 to 100 SENS2 TEMP This command returns the current sensor temperature found on Channel B ...

Страница 401: of the trace The duration of the trace The trace units The following commands are detailed in this section SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe LIMit LOWer numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe LIMit UPPer numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe OFFSet TIME numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe TIME numeric_value SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe UNIT character_data SENSe 1 SENSe2 V2P ATYPe DTYPe NOTE These commands can only be used...

Страница 402: ...t of the trace for P Series sensors are set to NORMal mode Syntax Parameters Example SENS 1 TIME SENS2 numeric_value DEF Space TRAC OFFS Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The length of the delay in seconds DEF the default value is 0 seconds Units are resolved to 1 ns 1 to 1 second DEF SENS TRAC OFFS TIME TIME 0 05 This command sets the delay to 0 05 seconds ...

Страница 403: ...urns the current delay between the delayed trigger point and the start of the trace Query Example Error Messages If the command is used when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SENS TRAC OFFS TIME This command queries the current delay between the delayed trigger point and the start of the trace for Channel A ...

Страница 404: ...sor set to NORMal mode Syntax Parameters Example SENS 1 SENS2 numeric_value DEF Space TRAC TIME Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The duration of the trace in seconds DEF the default value is 100 µs Units are resolved to 1 ns 10 µs to 1 second DEF SENS2 TRAC TIME 0 5 This command sets the duration of the trace to 0 5 seconds for Channel B ...

Страница 405: ...00 µs Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe TIME The query returns the current duration of the trace Query Example Error Messages If the command is used when a sensor other than a P Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SENS2 TRAC TIME This command queries the current duration of the trace ...

Страница 406: ...the units for the trace for the specified channel Syntax Parameters Example Reset Condition On reset the units are set to dBm SENS TRAC Space character_data 1 2 UNIT Item Description Default Range of Values character_data DBM dBm W Watts DBM W SENS2 TRAC UNIT W This command sets the trace units for Channel B to Watts ...

Страница 407: ...Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 407 Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe UNIT The query command returns the current value of character_data Query Example SENS2 TRAC UNIT This command queries the current trace units for Channel B ...

Страница 408: ... table is automatically selected However for the V8486A and W8486A sensors the automatic selection must be overridden and the D type diode correction selected Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the linearity correction is set for A type Query SENSe 1 SENSe2 V2P The query returns the current type of linearity correction being used A type or D type SENS2 V2P DTYP This command selects the D type...

Страница 409: ...ramming Guide 409 Query Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected or the sensor is not an A type the error 241 Hardware missing occurs SENS V2P This command queries which linearity correction type is currently being used on Channel A ...

Страница 410: ...e 10 1 Syntax Table 10 1 Measurement units Units SENS TRAC UNIT Units SENS TRAC LIM LOW dBm dBm W W NOTE The trace lower scale limit is maintained at a lower power than the upper scale limit which is adjusted to be slightly greater than the lower scale limit if necessary Refer to SENSe 1 2 TRACe LIMit UPPer numeric_value on page 412 for further information on setting the trace upper scale limit SE...

Страница 411: ...or the value associated with MIN or MAX The format of the response is NR3 Query Example Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the trace lower scale limit DEF the default is 20 dBm MIN 150 dBm MAX 230 dBm 150 to 230 dBm DEF MIN MAX SENS2 TRAC LIM LOW 10 This command sets the trace lower scale limit to 10 dBm for Channel B SENSe TRAC LIM LOW This command queries ...

Страница 412: ...e 10 2 Syntax Table 10 2 Measurement units Units SENS TRAC UNIT Units SENS TRAC LIM UPP dBm dBm W W NOTE The trace lower scale limit is maintained at a lower power than the upper scale limit which is adjusted to be slightly greater than the lower scale limit if necessary Refer to SENSe 1 2 TRACe LIMit LOWer numeric_value on page 410 for further information on setting the trace lower scale limit SE...

Страница 413: ...r the value associated with MIN or MAX The format of the response is NR3 Query Example Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value A numeric value for the trace lower scale limit DEF the default is 20 dBm MIN 150 dBm MAX 230 dBm 150 to 230 dBm DEF MIN MAX SENS TRAC LIM UPP 100 This command sets the trace upper scale limit to 100 dBm for Channel A SENS TRAC LIM UPP This command queries t...

Страница 414: ...mand is only applicable when N192x sensor is present and trigger acquisition mode is selected 1 2 Space X SENS TRAC SCAL PDIV numeric_value Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The numeric value for X axis scale 2 ns to 0 1 s SENS TRAC X SCAL PDIV 0 02 This command sets the X Scale value of Channel A to 0 02 step SENS2 TRAC X SCAL PDIV 0 05 This command sets the X Scale value of ...

Страница 415: ...y Example Error Messages If no sensor or wrong sensor is connected to the channel error 241 Hardware missing occurs If channel is not in trigger acquisition mode error 221 Settings conflict occurs If limits of the values keyed in are exceeded error 222 Data out of range upper or lower limit exceeded no change occurs SENS TRAC X SCAL PDIV This command queries the Channel A current X axis scale sett...

Страница 416: ... by this SCPI command is dependant on the current Y axis unit which can be set using SENS TRAC UNIT command Syntax Parameters NOTE This command is only applicable when N192x sensor is present and trigger acquisition mode is selected 1 2 Space Y SENS TRAC SCAL PDIV numeric_value Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The numeric value for Y axis scale 0 001 dB to10 dB 1 nWatt to10 M...

Страница 417: ...ror 241 Hardware missing occurs If channel is not in trigger acquisition mode error 221 Settings conflict occurs If limits of the values keyed in are exceeded error 222 Data out of range upper or lower limit exceeded no change occurs SENS TRAC Y SCAL PDIV 0 002 This command sets the Channel A Y Scale value to 0 002 step SENS2 TRAC Y SCAL PDIV 0 05 This command sets the Channel B Y Scale value to 0...

Страница 418: ...10 SENSe Subsystem 418 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 419: ... OPERation MEASuring SUMMary 433 STATus OPERation SENSe SUMMary 434 STATus OPERation TRIGger SUMMary 435 STATus OPERation ULFail SUMMary 436 STATus PRESet 437 Questionable Register Sets 438 STATus QUEStionable 439 STATus QUEStionable CALibration SUMMary 440 STATus QUEStionable POWer SUMMary 441 This chapter explains how the STATus command subsystem enables you to examine the status of the power me...

Страница 420: ... examined using the following status register set commands CONDition ENABle NRf non decimal numeric EVENt NTRansition NRf non decimal numeric PTRansition NRf non decimal numeric Each of these can be used to examine any of the following eleven status registers Table 11 1 Commands and events affecting status register Status Register RST CLS Power On STATus PRESet SCPI Transition Filters NTR and PTR ...

Страница 421: ...s OPERation ULFail SUMMary page 436 STATus QUEStionable page 437 STATus QUEStionable page 439 STATus QUEStionable CALibration SUMMary page 440 STATus QUEStionable POWer SUMMary page 441 Examples To use the CONDition command to examine the STATus DEVice register STATus DEVice CONDition To use the NTRansition command to examine the STATus OPERation SENSe SUMMary register STATus OPERation SENSe SUMMa...

Страница 422: ...command STATus QUEStionable ENABle The Status Register Set commands detailed in this section are CONDition This query returns a 16 bit decimal weighted number representing the bits set in the Condition Register of the SCPI Register Set you require to control The format of the return is NR1 in the range of 0 to 32767 215 1 The contents of the Condition Register remain unchanged after it is read Syn...

Страница 423: ...ange of 0 to 32767 215 1 This query clears all bits in the register to 0 Syntax ENABle NRf non decimal numeric This command sets the Enable Register of the particular SCPI Register Set you require to control The parameter value when rounded to an integer and expressed in base 2 has its first 15 bits written into the Enable Register of the SCPI Register Set concerned The last bit bit 15 is always s...

Страница 424: 32767 215 1 NTRansition NRf non decimal numeric This command sets the Negative Transition Register of the SCPI Register Set you require to control The parameter value when rounded to an integer and expressed in base 2 has its first 15 bits written into the Negative Transition Register of the SCPI Register Set concerned The last bit bit 15 is always set to 0 Type Description Range of Values NRf ...

Страница 425: ... the range of 0 to 32767 215 1 PTRansition NRf non decimal numeric This command is used to set the Positive Transition Register of the SCPI Register Set you require to control The first 15 bits of the input parameter are written into the Positive Transition Register of the SCPI Register Set concerned The last bit bit 15 is always set to 0 NRf non decimal numeric NTR space Type Description Range of...

Страница 426: ...mal weighted number representing the contents of the Positive Transition Register of the SCPI register set being queried The format of the return is NR1 in the range of 0 to 32767 215 1 NRf non decimal numeric PTR space Type Description Range of Values NRf The value used to set the PTR Register 0 to 216 1 non decimal numeric ...

Страница 427: ...power meter The Channel A and B sensor connected bits bits 1 and 2 when queried with the STATus DEVice CONDition query are set to 1 when a power sensor is connected 0 when no power sensor is connected The Channel A and B sensor connected bits bits 1 and 2 when queried with the STATus DEVice EVENt query indicate whether a power sensor has been connected or disconnected depending on the state of the...

Страница 428: ...are set to 1 if the P Series or E Series power sensor EEPROM has failed 0 for every other condition The Soft front panel button click bit bit 14 when queried with the STATus DEVice EVENt query indicates whether any soft front panel softkeys have been clicked since power up or since you last queried the device status register This bit ignores the NTRansition and PTRansition registers and a CONDitio...

Страница 429: ... in Status Register Set Commands The following command descriptions detail the SCPI register you require to control but do not detail the Register Set commands The seven Operation Register Sets are STATUS OPERation STATus OPERation CALibrating SUMMary STATus OPERation LLFail SUMMary STATus OPERation MEASuring SUMMary STATus OPERation SENSe SUMMary STATus OPERation TRIGger SUMMary STATus OPERation ...

Страница 430: ...ed by the power meter Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 1 CALibrating Summary 1 2 Self Test Started 2 3 Not used 4 16 MEASuring Summary 5 32 Waiting for TRIGger Summary 6 9 Not used 10 1024 SENSe Summary 11 2048 Lower Limit Fail Summary 12 4096 Upper Limit Fail Summary 13 to 15 Not used bit 15 always 0 STAT OPER NOTE The Self Test Started bit is set to 1 when Self Test is in progress a...

Страница 431: ...power meter These bits are set at the beginning of zeroing CALibration ZERO AUTO ONCE and at the beginning of calibration CALibration AUTO ONCE Also for the compound command query CALibration ALL this bit is set at the beginning of the calibration sequence These bits are cleared at the end of zeroing or calibration Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 Not used 1 2 Channel A CALibrating St...

Страница 432: ...The appropriate bits are set if a channel lower limit test fails or a window lower limit test fails These bits are cleared if a measurement is made and the test is enabled and passes Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 Not used 1 2 Channel A LLFail Status 2 4 Channel B LLFail Status 3 8 Upper window LLFail Status 4 16 Lower widow LLFail Status 5 32 Upper window lower measurement LLFail S...

Страница 433: ... measuring status of the power meter The following bits in these registers are used by the power meter These bits are set when the power meter is taking a measurement These bits are cleared when the measurement is finished Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 Not used 1 2 Channel A MEASuring Status 2 4 Channel B MEASuring Status 3 15 Not used STAT OPER MEAS SUMM ...

Страница 434: ...ollowing bits in these registers are used by the power meter These bits are set when the power meter is reading data from the E Series power sensor EEPROM These bits are cleared when the power meter is not reading data from the E Series power sensor EEPROM Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 Not used 1 2 Channel A SENSe Status 2 4 Channel B SENSe Status 3 15 Not used STAT OPER SENS SUMM ...

Страница 435: ...atus trigger summary register set contains information on the trigger status of the power meter The following bits in these registers are used by the power meter Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 Not used 1 2 Channel A TRIGger Status 2 4 Channel B TRIGger Status 3 15 Not used STAT OPER TRIG SUMM ...

Страница 436: ...he appropriate bits are set if a channel upper limit test fails or a window upper limit test fails These bits are cleared if a measurement is made and the test is enabled and passes Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 Not used 1 2 Channel A ULFail Status 2 4 Channel B ULFail Status 3 8 Upper window ULFail Status 4 16 Lower window ULFail Status 5 32 Upper window lower measurement LLFail S...

Страница 437: ...ers to their preset values as shown below all other registers are unaffected Bit 15 is always 0 Syntax Register Filter Enable PRESet Value OPERational ENABle all zeros PTR all ones NTR all zeros QUEStionable ENABle all zeros PTR all ones NTR all zeros All Others ENABle all ones PTR all ones NTR all zeros STAT PRES ...

Страница 438: ...meter The contents of the individual registers in these register sets may be accessed by appending the commands listed in Status Register Set Commands The following command descriptions detail the SCPI register you require to control but do not detail the register set commands The three questionable register sets are STATus QUEStionable STATus QUEStionable CALibration SUMMary STATus QUEStionable P...

Страница 439: ...e power meter Bit 3 is set by the logical OR outputs of the STATus QUEStionable POWer SUMMary register set Bit 8 is set by the logical OR outputs of the STATus QUEStionable CALibration SUMMary register set Bit 9 is set if power on self test fails and cleared if it passes Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 to 2 Not used 3 8 POWer Summary 4 to 7 Not used 8 256 CALibration Summary 9 512 Po...

Страница 440: ...are used by the power meter These bits are set by the following Error 231 Data questionable CH A B ZERO ERROR Error 231 Data questionable CAL ERROR Error 231 Data questionable CAL ERROR ChA Error 231 Data questionable CAL ERROR ChB These bits are cleared when any of the three commands listed above succeed and no errors are placed on the error queue Syntax Bit Number Decimal Weight Definition 0 Not...

Страница 441: ...en the following error occurs Error 231 Data questionable Input Overload ChB Bits 3 is set when the following error occurs Error 230 Data corrupt or stale Error 231 Data questionable Upper window log error Bit 4 is set when the following error occurs Error 230 Data corrupt or stale Error 231 Data questionable Lower window log error Bit 5 is set when the following condition occurs Bit Number Decima...

Страница 442: ...el A requires zeroing Bit 6 is set when the following condition occurs Channel B requires zeroing These bits are cleared when no errors or events are detected by the power meter during a measurement covering the causes given for it to set Syntax STAT QUES POW SUMM ...

Страница 443: ...AT OPER CAL SUMM 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Logical OR Standard Event ESE ESR Operation Complete Request Control not used Query Error Device Dependent Error Execution Error Command Error User Request Power On 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Logical OR Operation MEASuring Summary STAT OPER MEAS SUMM Channel A MEASuring Channel B MEASuring 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Logical OR Operation TRIGge...

Страница 444: ...11 STATus Subsystem 444 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 445: ...icate LAN DHCP STATe boolean 455 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN DNAMe character_data 456 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN HNAMe character_data 457 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN MAC 458 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN RESTart 459 SYSTem COMMunicate LAN SMASk character_data 460 SYSTem DISPlay BMP 461 SYSTem ERRor 462 SYSTem HELP HEADers 469 SYSTem PERSona MANufacturer character_data 470 SYSTem PERSona MANufacturer DEFault 472 SYSTem...

Страница 446: ...nguage Query the SCPI version Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page SYSTem COMMunicate LAN AIP STATe boolean page 448 CURRent ADDRess query only page 449 DGATeway query only page 450 DNAMe query only page 451 SMASk query only page 452 ADDRess character_data page 453 DGATeway character_data page 454 DHCP STATe boolean page 455 DNAMe character_data page 456 HNAMe character_data page 457 MAC query only p...

Страница 447: ...acter_data page 460 DISPLAY BMP query only page 461 ERRor page 462 HELP HEADers query only page 469 PERSona MANufacturer character_data page 470 DEFault page 472 PRESet character_data event no query page 473 VERSion query only page 535 Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page ...

Страница 448: ...nnecting to the power meter in an isolated non site LAN network for example laptop to power meter Syntax Example Query SYSTem COMMunicate LAN AIP 1 is returned if AutoIP is enabled 0 is returned if AutoIP is disabled Query Example SYST COMM LAN AIP ON This command enables the AutoIP SYST COMM LAN AIP STAT 0 OFF 1 ON Space SYST COMM LAN AIP This command queries the state of the AutoIP ...

Страница 449: ...rrent setting of the IP address in use by the power meter Syntax Example NOTE If DHCP or AutoIP are enabled and successful then one of these IP address modes assigns the IP address otherwise it is the static IP address SYST COMM CURR ADDR LAN SYST COMM LAN CURR ADDR This command queries the current setting of the IP address ...

Страница 450: ...teway address in use by the power meter Syntax Example NOTE If DHCP or AutoIP are enabled and successful then one of these IP address modes assigns the LAN IP router gateway address otherwise it is the static LAN IP router gateway address SYST COMM CURR DGAT LAN SYST COMM LAN CURR DGAT This command queries the current setting of the LAN IP router gateway address ...

Страница 451: ...ting of the LAN domain name in use by the power meter Syntax Example NOTE If DHCP or AutoIP are successfully enabled then one of these IP address modes assign the LAN domain name otherwise it is the static LAN domain name SYST COMM CURR DNAM LAN SYST COMM LAN CURR DNAM This command queries the current setting of the LAN domain name ...

Страница 452: ...ting of the LAN subnet mask in use by the power meter Syntax Example NOTE If DHCP or AutoIP are successfully enabled then one of these IP address modes assign the LAN subnet mask otherwise it is the static LAN subnet mask SYST COMM CURR SMAS LAN SYST COMM LAN CURR SMAS This command queries the current setting of the LAN subnet mask ...

Страница 453: ...e current setting of the LAN address Query Example SYST COMM LAN ADDR Space character_data Item Description Range of Values character_data Numeric character values for the address Up to 15 characters formatted as follows A B C D where A B C D 0 to 225 0 to 225 no embedded spaces SYST COMM LAN ADDR 130 015 156 255 This command sets the LAN IP address to 130 015 156 255 SYST COMM LAN ADDR This comma...

Страница 454: ...rns the current setting of the LAN gateway address Query Example SYST COMM LAN DGAT Space character_data Item Description Range of Values character_data Numeric character values for the address Up to 15 characters formatted as follows A B C D where A B C D 0 to 225 0 to 225 no embedded spaces SYST COMM LAN DGAT 130 2 6 200 This command sets the gateway address to 130 2 6 200 SYST COMM LAN DGAT Thi...

Страница 455: ...he dynamic host configuration protocol Syntax Example Query SYSTem COMMunicate LAN DHCP 1 is returned if DHCP is enabled 0 is returned if DHCP is disabled Query Example SYST COMM LAN DHCP ON This command enables the DHCP SYST COMM LAN DHCP STAT 0 OFF 1 ON Space SYST COMM LAN DHCP This command queries the state of the DHCP ...

Страница 456: ...em COMMunicate LAN DNAM The query returns the current setting of the LAN domain name Query Example SYST COMM LAN DNAM Space character_data Item Description Range of Values character_data Character values of up to 16 characters Maximum of 16 characters SYST COMM LAN DNAM myco com This command sets the hostname to myco com SYST COMM LAN DNAM This command queries the setting of the domain name ...

Страница 457: ...r For example K N8262A 00204 Syntax Parameters Example Query SYSTem COMMunicate LAN HNAMe The query returns the current setting of the LAN hostname Query Example SYST COMM LAN HNAM Space character_data Item Description Range of Values character_data Character values of up to 15 characters Maximum of 15 characters SYST COMM LAN HNAM PowerMeter1 This command sets the hostname to PowerMeter 1 SYST CO...

Страница 458: ... Subsystem 458 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide SYSTem COMMunicate LAN MAC This query returns the LAN MAC address Syntax Example SYST COMM MAC LAN SYST COMM LAN MAC This command queries the current MAC address ...

Страница 459: ...COMMunicate LAN RESTart This command restarts the power meter s network stack any LAN configuration changes can only take effect after this is performed Syntax Example SYST COMM LAN REST SYST COMM LAN REST This command restarts the LAN network with new configuration ...

Страница 460: ...current setting of the LAN subnet mask Query Example SYST COMM LAN SMAS Space character_data Item Description Range of Values character_data Numeric character values for the address Up to 15 characters formatted as follows A B C D where A B C D 0 to 225 0 to 225 no embedded spaces SYST COMM LAN SMAS 255 255 248 0 This command sets the subnet mask to 255 255 248 0 SYST COMM LAN SMAS This command qu...

Страница 461: ...he display image in bitmap format This command is limited to a maximum of five image returns per second Syntax Example NOTE It is not recommended to use this command in Fast Mode as it slows down the measurement rate SYST DISP BMP SYST DISP BMP This command returns the display image in bitmap format ...

Страница 462: ... out this is the oldest erros are cleared first To clear all the errors from the error queue execute CLS command When the error queue is emply subsequent SYSTem ERRor queries return a 0 No error message The error queue has a maximum capacity of 30 errors Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the error queue is unaffected Error Messages If the error queue overflows the last error is replaced with...

Страница 463: ...than expected for the command You may have entered an extra parameter or added a parameter to a command that does not accept a parameter For example CAL 10 109 Missing parameter Fewer parameters were received than expected for the command You omitted one or more parameters that are required for this command For example AVER COUN 112 Program mnemonic too long A command header was received which con...

Страница 464: ... was received following a numeric parameter which does not accept a suffix For example INIT CONT 0Hz 148 Character data not allowed A discrete parameter was received but a character string or a numeric parameter was expected Check the list of parameters to verify that you have used a valid parameter type For example MEM CLE CUSTOM_1 151 Invalid string data An invalid string was received Check to s...

Страница 465: ... HOLD or BUS and a READ or MEASure was attempted expecting TRIG SOUR to be set to IMMediate 220 Parameter error Frequency list must be in ascending order Indicates that the frequencies entered using the MEMory TABLe FREQuency command are not in ascending order 221 Settings conflict This message occurs under a variety of conflicting conditions The following list gives a few examples of where this e...

Страница 466: ...ost likely cause is attempting to calibrate without applying a 1 mW power to the power sensor 231 Data questionable Input Overload The power input to Channel A exceeds the power sensor s maximum range 231 Data questionable Input Overload ChA The power input to Channel A exceeds the power sensor s maximum range 231 Data questionable Input Overload ChB The power input to Channel B exceeds the power ...

Страница 467: ... your power sensor manual for details on returning it for repair 310 System error Sensor EEPROM Read Completed OK but optional data block s not found or unreadable This indicates a failure with your E Series power sensor Refer to your power sensor manual for details on returning it for repair 310 System error Sensor EEPROM Read Failed unknown EEPROM table format This indicates a failure with your ...

Страница 468: ...63 Input buffer overrun The serial port receiver has been overrun and consequently data has been lost 410 Query INTERRUPTED A command was received which sends data to the output buffer but the output buffer contained data from a previous command the previous data is not overwritten The output buffer is cleared when power has been off or after RST reset command has been executed 420 Query UNTERMINA...

Страница 469: ...n IEEE 754 32 bit floating point number made up of four bytes in the data block The MS byte is transmitted first Each complete block is terminated by a line feed Commands are listed in alphabetical order Syntax Example xyyy yddd ddd LF The number of y digits Signifies the start of the block The number of data bytes d contained in the block Data bytes Line feed character signifies the end of the bl...

Страница 470: ...ction Expert The string will remain for the subsequent power cycle or reboot Syntax Parameters Examples Reset condition On reset the manufacturer string is not affected SYST PERS MAN Space character_data Item Description Range of Values character_data Manufacturer string for IDN and web pages Agilent Technologies or Keysight Technologies SYST PERS MAN Agilent Technologies This command sets the ins...

Страница 471: ...ona MANufacturer The query returns the manufacturer string that was set Query Example Error Message If character_data is not set to Agilent Technologies or Keysight Technologies error 158 String data not allowed occurs SYST PERS MAN Queries the manufacturer string that was set ...

Страница 472: ... is the default manufacturer setting Syntax Example Query SYSTem PERSona MANufacturer DEFault The query returns the default manufacturer string Query Example SYST PERS MAN DEF SYST PERS MAN DEF This command sets the instrument s manufacturer string to Keysight Technologies which is the default manufacturer setting SYST PERS MAN DEF Queries the default manufacturer string ...

Страница 473: ...el is set to DEFault values If two P Series sensors are connected to power meter both channels are set to the same values except for bandwidth which is set to an appropriate value for each sensor Primary and Secondary Channels P Series modular power meter channels are defined as either primary or secondary The primary channel is always the trigger master and primary channel measurements occupy a g...

Страница 474: ...Description Range of Values character_data A communications format which determines the preset values Refer to Table 12 1 through to Table 12 49 for the preset values for each format DEFault GSM900 EDGE NADC BLUetooth CDMAone WCDMA CDMA2000 IDEN MCPa RADar WL802DOT11A WL802DOT11B XEVDO XEVDV TDSCdma DVB HIPERLAN2 ...

Страница 475: ...connected the command can be used to set the power meter to Default settings Attempts to set the power meter to any of the other settings result in error 241 Hardware missing occurring SYST PRES DEF This command presets the power meter with default values The same default values are set when the parameter is omitted ...

Страница 476: ...ATA 90 dBm Lower limit CALC 1 2 3 4 LIM STAT OFF Window limits checking disabled CALC 1 2 3 4 LIM UPP DATA 90 dBm CALC 1 2 3 4 MATH EXPR Upper Channel A Lower Channel B Math expression CALC 1 2 3 4 REL MAGN AUTO OFF Reference value disabled CALC 1 2 3 4 REL STAT OFF Relative offset disabled CAL 1 2 ECON STAT OFF TTL zero calibration inputs disabled CAL 1 2 RCAL not affected zero cal lockout CAL 1 ...

Страница 477: OUTP REC 1 2 FEED not affected Previous measurement OUTP REC 1 2 LIM LOW 150 dBm Minimum scaling value OUTP REC 1 2 LIM UPP 20 dBm Maximum scaling value OUTP ROSC STAT OFF 50 MHz reference disabled OUTP TRIG STAT OFF Trigger output signal disabled SENS 1 SENS2 AVER COUN 4 Filter length SENS 1 SENS2 AVER COUN AUTO ON Auto filtering enabled SENS 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 1 Step detection enabled SENS 1...

Страница 478: ...MRAT NORM Measurement speed SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG upper Upper range selected SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO ON Auto ranging selected SENS 1 SENS2 SPE 20 readings second Speed SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 OFFS TIME 0 Set delay SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 TIME Gate 1 100 µs Other gates 0 sec Set time gated period SENS 1 SENS2 TRACe OFFSet TIME 0 Delay SENS 1 SENS2 TRACe TIME 100 µs Duration of trace SENS...

Страница 479: ...r level TRIG SEQ SLOP POS Trigger event recognized on rising edge TRIG SEQ 1 2 COUN 1 Trigger events for measurement cycle TRIG SEQ 1 2 DEL AUTO ON Enable settling time delay TRIG SEQ 1 2 SOUR IMM Trigger source set up UNIT POW dBm Power units UNIT POW RAT dB Ratio units Table 12 1 DEFault Power meter presets continued Command Setting Comments ...

Страница 480: ...ording to their DEFault values for further information refer to Table 12 1 Table 12 2 GSM900 Power meter presets Command Setting Comments Frequency SENS 1 SENS2 FREQ CW FIX 900 000 MHz Frequency setting Sensor measurement mode SENS 1 SENS2 DET FUNC NORM Measurement mode Sensor video bandwidth setup SENS 1 SENS2 BAND BWID VID N1921 2A LOW Sensor video bandwidth Gate Setup SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 O...

Страница 481: ... sens 1 SENS2 POWER AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 1 Step detection enabled Trace setup SENSe 1 2 TRAC LIM UPP 20 dBm Maximum power SENSe 1 2 TRAC LIM LOW 35 dBm Minimum power SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC OFFS TIME numeric_value 40 µs Delay between delayed trigger point and the start of the trace SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC TIME numeric_value 700 µs Length of the trace Table 12...

Страница 482: ...asurement N A N A Upper window lower measurement UL Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed DEF See Table 12 4 Measurement DEF See Table 12 4 a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 4 GSM900 Power meter presets for secon...

Страница 483: ...e internal level trigger is set to 20 dBm Trigger level hysteresis is used to prevent the power meter re triggering on the varying power levels within the EDGE burst Time gating is used to measure the average power and the peak to average ratio in the useful part of the RF burst The following table shows the power meter presets when character_data is set to EDGE Commands not listed are preset acco...

Страница 484: ...d SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 TIME Gate 1 520 µs Gates 2 4 0 Length of time gated period for time gated measurements Trigger setup TRIG SEQ 1 2 SOUR INT1 Trigger source set up and acquisition mode continuous triggering INIT CONT ON TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO OFF Disable automatic setting of the trigger level TRIG SEQ LEV 15 dBm Power level TRIG SEQ SLOP POS Trigger event recognized on the rising edge of a sig...

Страница 485: ...s Delay between delayed trigger point and the start of the trace SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC TIME numeric_value 700 µs Length of the trace Table 12 5 EDGE Power meter presets continued Command Setting Comments NOTE The Range setting in Table 12 5 is only applicable for E Series power sensor Table 12 6 EDGE Power meter presets Window Measurement settings Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel Display s...

Страница 486: ...ary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 6 EDGE Power meter presets Window Measurement settings continued Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel Table 12 7 EDGE Power meter presets for secondary channel sensors Function Secondary Channel Sensor No Sensor Non P Series Sensor P Series Sensor Display setup Lower window Dual numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Lower window lower measurement...

Страница 487: ...ger is set to AutoLevel A reading over the 10ms period is returned and the reading is then re initiated for the next 10ms period In this way the reading always relates to a position beyond 0 01 on the CCDF and will refresh to track any signal or DUT changes The following table shows the power meter presets when character_data is set to CDMAone Commands not listed are preset according to their DEFa...

Страница 488: ...rigger event recognized on the rising edge of a signal TRIG SEQ DEL 0 s Delay between recognition of trigger event and start of a measurement TRIG SEQ HOLD MIN Trigger holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 0 Step detection disabled a The Range setting in Table 12 8 is only applicable...

Страница 489: ...t setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Avg Avg Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF See Table 12 10 Measurement DEF See Table 12 10 Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 10 Measurement Peak See Table 12 10 Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 10 Measurement Pk to Avg S...

Страница 490: ...meric Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Channel A Measurement DEF Peak Peak Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Peak Pk to Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Secondary channel a Gate 1 secondary channel...

Страница 491: ...A reading over the 10 ms period is returned then the reading is re initiated for the next 10ms period In this way the reading always relates to a position beyond 0 01 on the CCDF and will refresh to track any signal or DUT changes The following table shows the power meter presets when character_data is set to CDMA2000 Commands not listed are preset according to their DEFault values for further inf...

Страница 492: ...SEQ HOLD MIN Trigger holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 0 Step detection disabled a The Range setting in Table 12 11 is only applicable for E Series power sensor Table 12 11 cdma2000 Power meter presets continued Command Setting Comments Table 12 12 cdma2000 Power meter presets Wi...

Страница 493: ...ow upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Peak Peak Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 13 Measurement Pk to Avg See Table 12 13 a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 12 cdma2000 Power meter presets Window Measurement settings continued Function Setting Single Channel Dual Cha...

Страница 494: ...umeric Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a channel A Measurement DEF Peak Peak Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Gate1 secondary channel a channel B Measurement Peak Pk to Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Secondary channel a Gate1 secondary channel ...

Страница 495: ...el A reading over the 10 ms period is returned then re initiated for the next 10 ms period In this way the reading always relates to a position beyond 0 01 on the CCDF and will refresh to track any signal or DUT changes The following table shows the power meter presets when character_data is set to WCDMA Commands not listed are preset according to their DEFault values for further information refer...

Страница 496: ... holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 0 Step detection disabled a The Range setting in Table 12 14 is only applicable for E Series power sensor Table 12 14 W CDMA Power meter presets continued Command Setting Comments Table 12 15 W CDMA Power meter presets Window Measurement setting...

Страница 497: ...surement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 16 Measurement Peak See Table 12 16 Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 16 Measurement Pk to Avg See Table 12 16 a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 15 W CDMA Power meter presets Window Measurement settings continued Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel ...

Страница 498: ...meric Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Channel A Measurement DEF Peak Peak Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Peak Pk to Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Secondary channel a Gate 1 secondary channel...

Страница 499: ...etooth Commands not listed are preset according to their DEFault values for further information refer to Table 12 1 Table 12 17 BLUetooth Power meter presets Command Setting Comments Frequency SENS 1 SENS2 FREQ CW FIX 2400 000 MHz Frequency setting Sensor measurement mode SENS 1 SENS2 DET FUNC NORM Measurement mode Sensor video bandwidth setup SENS 1 SENS2 BAND BWID VID N1921 2A OFF Sensor video b...

Страница 500: ... SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 1 Step detection enabled Trace setup SENSe 1 2 TRAC LIM UPP 20 dBm Maximum power SENSe 1 2 TRAC LIM LOW 35 dBm Minimum power SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC OFFS TIME numeric_value 50 µs Delay between delayed trigger point and the start of the trace SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC TIME numeric_value 3 8 ms Length of the trace a The Rang...

Страница 501: ...eric See Table 12 19 Window measurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Upper window lower measurement UL Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 19 Measurement Peak See Table 12 19 a For further ...

Страница 502: numeric Dual numeric Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel1 Secondary channel a Gate1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Peak Avg Avg a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 20 MPCA Power meter presets Command Setting Comments Frequency SENS 1 SENS2 FREQ CW FIX 1900 000 MHz Frequency setting Sensor measurement mode SE...

Страница 503: ...TRIG SEQ DEL 0 s Delay between recognition of trigger event and start of a measurement TRIG SEQ HOLD MIN Trigger holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 0 Step detection disabled a The Range setting in Table 12 20 is only applicable for E Series power sensor Table 12 20 MPCA Power mete...

Страница 504: ...nel A See Table 12 22 Measurement Pk to Avg See Table 12 22 a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 21 MPCA Power meter presets Window Measurement settings continued Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel Table 12 22 MCPA Power meter presets for secondary channel sensors Function Secondary Channel Sensor No Sensor Non P Series Sensor P Series Se...

Страница 505: ...urement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Secondary channel a Gate1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Pk to Avg Avg Pk to Avg a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 22 MCPA Power meter presets for secondary channel sensors continued Function Secondary Channel Sensor No Sensor Non P Series Sensor P Series Sensor Table 12 23 RADAR Power meter pr...

Страница 506: ...omatic Power level TRIG SEQ SLOP POS Trigger event recognized on the rising edge of a signal TRIG SEQ DEL 0 s Delay between recognition of trigger event and start of a measurement TRIG SEQ HOLD MIN Trigger holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENS 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 0 Step detection disabled Trace setup SEN...

Страница 507: ...asurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 25 Measurement Pk to Avg See Table 12 25 Upper window lower measurement UL Feed 1 Gate 2 Channel A Avg See Table 12 25 Feed 2 See Table 12 25 Measurement Feed 1 Feed 2 See Table 12 25 Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 25 Measurement Peak See Table 12 25 Lower window lower measure...

Страница 508: ... window Dual numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Upper window upper measurement UU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Pk to Avg Peak Peak Upper window lower measurement UL Feed 1 Gate 2 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Feed 2 Measurement Avg Peak Avg Lower window upper measurement LU Feed 1 Gate 1 primary cha...

Страница 509: ...ates 2 4 0 Length of time gated period for time gated measurements Trigger setup TRIG SEQ 1 2 SOUR INT1 Trigger source set up and acquisition mode continuous triggering INIT CONT ON TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO ON Enable automatic setting of the trigger level TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO Power level TRIG SEQ SLOP POS Trigger event recognized on the rising edge of a signal TRIG SEQ DEL 0 s Delay between recognition of t...

Страница 510: ...asurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Avg Avg Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF See Table 12 28 Measurement DEF See Table 12 28 Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 28 Measurement Peak See Table 12 28 Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 28 Measurement Pk ...

Страница 511: ...ay setup Upper window UU Single numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Lower window Dual numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF Gate 1 primary channel a Gate1 primary channel a Channel A Measurement DEF Peak Peak Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Peak Pk to Avg A...

Страница 512: ... SWE 1 2 3 4 TIME Gate 1 100 µs Gates 2 4 0 Length of time gated period for time gated measurements Trigger setup TRIG SEQ 1 2 SOUR INT1 Trigger source set up and acquisition mode continuous triggering INIT CONT ON TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO ON Enable automatic setting of the trigger level TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO Power level TRIG SEQ SLOP POS Trigger event recognized on the rising edge of a signal TRIG SEQ DEL 0...

Страница 513: ... numeric See Table 12 31 Window measurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Avg Avg Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF See Table 12 31 Measurement DEF See Table 12 31 Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 31 Measurement Peak See Table 12 31 Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel...

Страница 514: ...p Upper window UU Single numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Lower window Dual numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF Gate 1 primary channel a Gate1 primary channel a Channel A Measurement DEF Peak Peak Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel Gate 1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Peak Pk to Avg Avg Lower ...

Страница 515: ...S2 SWE 1 2 3 4 TIME Gate 1 810 µs Gates 2 4 0 Length of time gated period for time gated measurements Trigger setup TRIG SEQ 1 2 SOUR INT1 Trigger source set up and acquisition mode continuous triggering INIT CONT ON TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO ON Enable automatic setting of the trigger level TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO Power level TRIG SEQ SLOP POS Trigger event recognized on the rising edge of a signal TRIG SEQ DEL...

Страница 516: ...presets continued Command Setting Comments Table 12 33 1 exV DO Power meter presets Window Measurement settings Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel Display setup Upper window Channel A trace Primary channel a trace Lower window Dual numeric See Table 12 34 Window measurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Upper window lower measurement UL Feed N A...

Страница 517: ... Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 34 Measurement Pk to Avg See Table 12 34 a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 33 1 exV DO Power meter presets Window Measurement settings Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel ...

Страница 518: ...umeric Dual numeric Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Secondary channel a Gate1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Pk to Avg Avg Avg a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 35 1exV DV Power meter presets Command Setting Comments Frequency SENS 1 SENS2 FREQ CW FIX 1900 000 MHz Frequency setting Sensor measurement mo...

Страница 519: ...of a signal TRIG SEQ DEL 0 s Delay between recognition of trigger event and start of a measurement TRIG SEQ HOLD 1 ms Trigger holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 0 Step detection disabled Trace setup SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC OFFS TIME numeric_value 40 µs Delay between delayed trigger poin...

Страница 520: ...c See Table 12 37 Window measurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Upper window lower measurement UL Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel Measurement Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 37 Measurement Pk to Avg See Table 12 37 a For further ...

Страница 521: ...numeric Dual numeric Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Secondary channel a Gate 1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Pk to Avg Avg Avg a For further information refer to Primary and Secondary Channels on page 473 Table 12 38 TD SCDMA Power meter presets Command Setting Comments Frequency SENS 1 SENS2 FREQ CW FIX 1900 000 MHz Frequency setting Sensor measurement...

Страница 522: ...of a signal TRIG SEQ DEL 0 s Delay between recognition of trigger event and start of a measurement TRIG SEQ HOLD 1 ms Trigger holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 0 Step detection disabled Trace setup SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC OFFS TIME numeric_value 40 µs Delay between delayed trigger poin...

Страница 523: ...ic See Table 12 40 Window measurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Upper window lower measurement UL Feed N A N A Measurement N A N A Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel Measurement Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 40 Measurement Pk to Avg See Table 12 40 a For further...

Страница 524: ... a mobile using the internal RF level trigger The internal level trigger is set to 20 dBm Time gating is used to measure the average power in two active timeslots which are separated by two inactive timeslots Table 12 40 TD SCDMA Power meter presets Window Measurement settings Function Secondary Channel Sensor No Sensor Non P Series Sensor P Series Sensor Display setup Lower window Dual numeric Du...

Страница 525: ...FF Sensor video bandwidth Gate Setup SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 OFF TIME Gate 1 123 5 µs Gate 2 20 123 ms Gates 3 4 0 Delay between trigger point and time gated period SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 TIME Gate 1 6 46 ms Gate 2 6 46 ms Gates 3 4 0 Length of time gated period for time gated measurements Trigger setup TRIG SEQ 1 2 SOUR INT1 Trigger source set up and acquisition mode continuous triggering INIT...

Страница 526: and the start of the trace SENS 1 SENS2 TRAC TIME numeric_value 28 ms Length of the trace a The Range setting in Table 12 41 is only applicable for E Series power sensor Table 12 41 NADC Power meter presets continued Command Setting Comments Table 12 42 NADC Power meter presets Window Measurement settings Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel Display setup Upper window Channel A trace P...

Страница 527: ...473 Table 12 42 NADC Power meter presets Window Measurement settings continued Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel Table 12 43 NADC Power meter presets for secondary channel sensors Function Secondary Channel Sensor No Sensor Non P Series Sensor P Series Sensor Display setup Lower window Dual numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 2 primary channel a...

Страница 528: ...te 2 is used to measure the 90 ms frame The following table shows the power meter presets when character_data is set to IDEN Commands not listed are preset according to their DEFault values for further information refer to Table 12 1 Table 12 44 iDEN Power meter presets Command Setting Comments Frequency SENS 1 SENS2 FREQ CW FIX 800 000 MHz Frequency setting Sensor measurement mode SENS 1 SENS2 DE...

Страница 529: ...IG SEQ HOLD 20 ms Trigger holdoff Range a SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG AUTO OFF Auto range off SENS 1 SENS2 POW AC RANG UPPER Range set to upper Averaging SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVER STATe ON Averaging On SENSe 1 SENSe2 AVER COUN 64 Averaging set to 64 Step detection SENSe 1 SENS2 AVER SDET 1 Step detection enabled Trace setup SENSe 1 2 TRAC LIM UPP 20 dBm Maximum power SENSe 1 2 TRAC LIM LOW 30 dBm Minimum p...

Страница 530: ...meric See Table 12 46 Window measurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Avg Avg Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF See Table 12 46 Measurement DEF See Table 12 46 Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 Channel A See Table 12 46 Measurement Peak See Table 12 46 Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 Channel A ...

Страница 531: ...meric Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Channel A Measurement DEF Peak Peak Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Gate1 secondary channel a Channel B Measurement Peak Pk to Avg Avg Lower window lower measurement LL Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Secondary channel a Gate1 secondary channel a...

Страница 532: ... video bandwidth Gate Setup SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 OFF TIME Gate 1 10 µs Gate 2 0 Gates 3 4 0 Delay between trigger point and time gated period SENS 1 SENS2 SWE 1 2 3 4 TIME Gate 1 15 ms Gate 1 90 ms Gates 2 4 0 Length of time gated period for time gated measurements Trigger setup TRIG SEQ 1 2 SOUR INT1 Trigger source set up and acquisition mode continuous triggering INIT CONT ON TRIG SEQ LEV AU...

Страница 533: ...ents Table 12 48 DVB Power meter presets Window Measurement settings Function Setting Single Channel Dual Channel Display setup Upper window UU single numeric See Table 12 49 Lower window Dual numeric See Table 12 49 Window measurement setup Upper window upper measurement UU Feed Gate 1 Channel A Gate 1 primary channel a Measurement Avg Avg Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF See Table 12 4...

Страница 534: ...eries Sensor Display setup Upper window UU single numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Lower window Dual numeric Dual numeric Dual numeric Upper window lower measurement UL Feed DEF Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 1 primary channel a Channel A Measurement DEF Pk to Avg Pk to Avg Lower window upper measurement LU Feed Gate 1 primary channel a Gate 2 primary channel a Gate 1 secondary channel a Channel B...

Страница 535: ... VERSion This query returns the version of SCPI used in the power meter The response is in the form of XXXX Y where XXXX is the year and Y is the version number Syntax Example SYST VERS SYST VERS This command queries which version of SCPI is used in the power meter ...

Страница 536: ...12 SYSTem Subsystem 536 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 537: ... 548 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement PULSe 1 10 PERiod 550 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement PULSe 1 10 SEParation 552 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement TRANsition 1 10 NEGative DURation 554 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement TRANsition 1 10 NEGative OCCurrence 555 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement TRANsition 1 10 POSitive DURation 556 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement TRANsition 1 10 POSitive OCCurrence 557 TRACe 1 2 MEASurement REFerence numeric_value 558 TRACe 1 2...

Страница 538: ...Channel A TRACe2 associated with Channel B The following commands are described in this chapter Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page TRACe 1 2 DATA character_data query only page 540 DEFine DURation REFerence numeric_value page 542 TRANsition REFerence numeric_value numeric_value page 544 MEASurement INSTant REFerence numeric_value page 546 PULse 1 10 DURation query only page 548 PERiod query only pa...

Страница 539: ...s Page NOTE When making trace measurements use the following command sequence to synchronize the returned trace data with the measurement Command Comment INIT CONT OFF Trace data can only be retrieved with INIT CONT OFF TRAC STAT ON Enables trace capture AVER STAT OFF or TRIG DEL AUTO OFF No settling time delays for digital filter to fill INIT Initiates a new measurement FETCH Fetch the result wai...

Страница 540: ... an IEEE 754 32 bit floating point number made up of four bytes in the data block The MS byte is transmitted first Each complete block is terminated by a line feed Syntax xyyy yddd ddd LF The number of y digits Signifies the start of the block The number of data bytes d contained in the block Data bytes Line feed character signifies the end of the block Example if there are 12435 data bytes y 1243...

Страница 541: ...ffected by the SENS TRACe TIMe setting MRESolution medium resolution A subset of the capture buffer the buffer contents are decimated1 to 1000 data points LRESolution low resolution A subset of the capture buffer the buffer contents are decimated1 to provide 230 data points This is the same number of data points as the power meter uses to display the trace on the front panel Hence the LRES command...

Страница 542: the calculation of pulse durations This allows pulse duration measurements between non standard reference levels This is a configuration command independent of the sensors Syntax Parameters 1 2 TRAC REF numeric_value DEF DUR Space Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value Reference levels to be used in calculation of pulse duration 0 to 100 DEF ...

Страница 543: ...ic value of the reference level used in the pulse duration calculation Query Example TRAC1 DEF DUR REF 25 This command sets trace 1 pulse duration measurements to look for the 25 reference levels TRAC1 DEF DUR REF DEF This command sets trace 1 pulse duration measurements to look for the 50 reference levels TRAC1 DEF DUR REF This command queries the value of the reference level used in pulse durati...

Страница 544: ...f transition durations and occurrences This allows transition measurements between non standard reference levels and it is a configuration command that independent of sensors Syntax Parameters 1 2 REF DEF TRAN TRAC numeric_value Space numeric_value Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value Reference levels to be used in calculation of transition durations and occurences 0 to 100 DEF ...

Страница 545: ... used in the transition occurences calculation Query Example TRAC1 DEF TRAN REF 1 18 This command sets trace 1 transition measurements to look for the 1 and 81 reference levels TRAC1 DEF TRAN REF DEF DEF This command sets trace 1 transition measuremetns to look for the 10 and 90 reference levels TRAC1 DEF TRAN REF This command queries the reference levels used in the calculation of transition dura...

Страница 546: allows the time instant used to calculate the pulse parameters to be found It also allows calculation of transition between non standard reference levels Syntax Parameters NOTE This command is only applicable when P Series power sensors are used with single or continuous triggered acquisition is selected 1 2 MEAS TRAC INST REF Space numeric_value Item Description Default Range of Values numeric...

Страница 547: ...mming Guide 547 Example Error Messages If P Series power sensor is not present the error 241 Hardware Missing occurs TRAC1 MEAS INST REF 25 This command return the time instant for trace 1 when the power transitioned through 25 reference level ...

Страница 548: difference between positive and negative transitions of one pulse Algorithm If the first transition in the trace is positive then PULSe DURation time the first negative transition occurs time the first positive transition occurs else PULSe DURation time the second negative transition occurs time the first positive transition occurs Syntax Example TRAC MEAS 1 2 PUL DUR 1 S 2 10 TRAC2 MEAS PULS3 ...

Страница 549: ...ware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs NOTE TIf you attempt to measure a pulse out of the range of the capture for example measure the 5th pulse and there are only 4 pulses displayed the power meter returns 0 9 91E37 as the result ...

Страница 550: the sum of the pulse separation and the pulse duration Algorithm If the first transition in the trace is positive then PULSe PERiod time the second positive transition occurrence time the first positive transition occurs else PULSe PERiod time the second negative transition occurs time the first negative transition occurs Syntax Example TRAC MEAS 1 2 PER 1 PULS 2 10 TRAC MEAS PULS PER This comm...

Страница 551: ...ware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs NOTE TIf you attempt to measure a pulse out of the range of the capture for example measure the 5th pulse and there are only 4 pulses displayed the power meter returns 0 9 91E37 as the result ...

Страница 552: ...tive transition of one pulse and the positive transition of the next pulse Algorithm If the first transition in the trace is positive then PULSe SEParation time the second positive transition occurs time the first negative transition occurs else PULSe SEParation time the first positive transition occurs time the first negative transition occurs Syntax Example TRAC MEAS 1 2 SEP 1 2 10 PULS TRAC1 ME...

Страница 553: ...ware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs NOTE TIf you attempt to measure a pulse out of the range of the capture for example measure the 5th pulse and there are only 4 pulses displayed the power meter returns 0 9 91E37 as the result ...

Страница 554: ...ensor is not connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs TRAC MEAS 1 2 TRAN NEG DUR 1 2 10 TRAC MEAS TRAN8 NEG DUR This command returns the 8th negative transition duration found on trace 1 NOTE If you attempt to measure a pulse out of the range of the capture for example measure the 5...

Страница 555: ...sensor is not connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs TRAC MEAS 1 2 TRAN NEG OCC 1 2 10 TRAC2 MEAS TRAN7 NEG OCC This command returns the position relative to the trigger instant of the 7th occurrence of a negative transition found on trace 2 NOTE If you attempt to measure a pulse ...

Страница 556: ...nsor is not connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs TRAC MEAS 1 2 TRAN POS DUR 1 2 10 TRAC MEAS TRAN10 POS DUR This command returns the 10th positive transition duration found on trace 1 NOTE If you attempt to measure a pulse out of the range of the capture for example measure the ...

Страница 557: ...sensor is not connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs TRAC MEAS 1 2 TRAN POS OCC 1 2 10 TRAC2 MEAS TRAN POS OCC This command returns the position relative to the trigger instant of the 1st occurrence of a positive transition found on trace 2 NOTE TIf you attempt to measure a pulse ...

Страница 558: ...he pulse parameters Commonly used reference levels are 0 10 50 90 and 100 You can set the reference level to measure overshoot at 125 and undershoot at 25 Algorithm Px P0 x 100 P100 P0 where 0 x 100 P0 level of low state P100 level of high state P0 P100 and Px are all in the same unit of measurement for example Watts Syntax Reset Condition On reset this parameter is not affected TRAC MEAS 1 2 REF ...

Страница 559: ...or Messages If a P Series sensor is not connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a P Series sensor is connected and Free Run trigger acquisition is selected error 221 Settings conflict occurs TRAC2 MEAS REF 100 This command returns the high state power for trace 2 ...

Страница 560: Condition On reset trace capture is set to OFF Query TRACe 1 2 STATe The query command enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating whether or not trace capture is enabled or disabled 1 is returned when trace capture is enabled 0 is returned when trace capture is disabled TRAC 0 OFF 1 ON Space STAT 1 2 TRAC2 STAT 1 This command enables trace capture for Channel B ...

Страница 561: ... Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 561 Query Example Error Messages If a P Series sensor is not connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs TRAC1 STAT This command queries the current state of trace capture for Channel A ...

Страница 562: ...arameters Example NOTE This command is included for compatibility purposes only It has the same purpose as SENSe 1 SENSe2 TRACe UNIT character_data which should be the preferred command TRAC UNIT Space character_data 1 2 Item Description Default Range of Values character_data DBM dBm W Watts DBM W TRAC2 UNIT W This command sets the trace units for Channel B Watts ...

Страница 563: ...rogramming Guide 563 Reset Condition On reset the units are set to dBm Query TRACe 1 2 UNIT The query command returns the current value of character_data Query Example TRAC2 UNIT This command queries the current trace units for Channel B ...

Страница 564: ...13 TRACe Subsystem 564 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 565: ...iate 582 TRIGger 1 2 SOURce BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMediate INTernal 1 2 583 TRIGger SEQuence DELay numeric_value 586 TRIGger SEQuence HOLDoff numeric_value 588 TRIGger SEQuence HYSTeresis numeric_value 590 TRIGger SEQuence LEVel numeric_value 592 TRIGger SEQuence LEVel AUTO boolean 594 TRIGger SEQuence SLOPe character_data 596 TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 COUNt numeric_value 597 TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 DELay AU...

Страница 566: ...lose functional relationship Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page ABORt 1 2 no query non SCPI page 568 INITiate 1 2 CONTinuous boolean page 570 IMMediate no query page 572 INITiate CONTinuous ALL boolean page 573 SEQuence 1 2 boolean page 575 IMMediate ALL no query page 577 SEQuence 1 2 no query page 578 TRIGger 1 2 DELay AUTO boolean page 580 IMMediate no query page 582 SOURce BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMe...

Страница 567: ...nd TRIGger2 represent Channel A and Channel B respectively HYSTeresis numeric_value page 590 LEVel numeric_value page 592 AUTO boolean page 594 SLOPe character_data page 596 SEQuence 1 2 COUNt numeric_value page 597 DELay AUTO boolean page 599 IMMediate no query page 601 SOURce BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMediate INTernal 1 2 page 602 Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page ...

Страница 568: ...e idle state It does not affect any other settings of the trigger system When the INITiate command is sent the trigger system responds as it did before ABORt was executed If INITiate CONTinuous is ON then after ABORt the specified channel immediately goes into the wait for trigger state Syntax Example ABOR This command places Channel A in the idle state ABOR 1 2 ...

Страница 569: ...parsing and executing subsequent commands while initiated Note that the pending operation flag is set when the power meter enters an idle state and the flag is cleared when it re enters the idle state The following commands are described in this section INITiate 1 2 CONTinuous boolean INITiate 1 2 IMMediate INITiate CONTinuous ALL boolean INITiate CONTinuous SEQuence 1 2 boolean INITiate IMMediate...

Страница 570: ...anged For other trigger sources INITiate CONTinuous is set to ON If INITiate CONTinuous is set to OFF the trigger system remains in the idle state until it is set to ON or INITiate IMMediate is received Once this trigger cycle is complete the trigger system returns to the idle state ON the trigger system is initiated and exits the idle state On completion of each trigger cycle the trigger system i...

Страница 571: ...INITiate CONTinuous is not changed For other trigger sources INITiate CONTinuous is set to ON Query INITiate 1 2 CONTinuous The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer 1 is returned when there is continuous triggering 0 is returned when there is only a single trigger Query Example INIT2 CONT ON This command places Channel B in the wait for trigger state INIT2 CONT This command queries whether...

Страница 572: ... measurement begins as soon as INITiate IMMediate is executed Use FETCh to transfer a measurement from memory to the output buffer Refer to FETCh 1 2 3 4 Queries on page 145 for further details Syntax Example Error Messages If the power meter is not in the idle state or INITiate CONTinuous is ON error 213 INIT ignored occurs NOTE This command performs the same function as INITiate IMMediate SEQuen...

Страница 573: ...uences are not set to be continuously initiated Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset RST this command is set to OFF On preset SYSTem PRESet and instrument power up when entering local mode if TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 SOURce is set to INT 1 2 or EXT INITiate CONTinuous is not changed For other trigger sources INITiate CONTinuous is set to ON INIT CONT ALL ON This command sets all trigger sequences t...

Страница 574: ...s ALL The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer 1 is returned when trigger sequences are set to be continuous 0 is returned when trigger sequences are not set to be continuous Query Example INIT CONT ALL This command queries whether both channels are in a wait for trigger state ...

Страница 575: ...ean is set to OFF the trigger system remains in the idle state until it is set to ON or INITiate IMMediate is received Once this trigger cycle is complete the trigger system returns to the idle state ON the trigger system is initiated and exits the idle state On completion of each trigger cycle the trigger system immediately commences another trigger cycle without entering the idle state Syntax Ex...

Страница 576: ...instrument power up this command is enabled Query INITiate 1 2 CONTinuous SEQuence The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer 1 is returned when there is continuous triggering 0 is returned when there is only a single trigger Query Example INIT2 CONT SEQ This command queries whether Channel B is set for single or continuous triggering ...

Страница 577: ...ate IMMediate ALL This command initiates all trigger sequences Syntax Example Error Messages If the power meter is not in the idle state or INITiate CONTinuous is ON error 213 INIT ignored occurs INIT IMM ALL This command initiates all trigger sequences INIT IMM ALL ...

Страница 578: ...the measurement begins as soon as INITiate IMMediate is executed Use FETCh to transfer a measurement from memory to the output buffer Refer to FETCh 1 2 3 4 Queries on page 145 for further information Syntax Example Error Messages If the power meter is not in the idle state or INITiate CONTinuous is ON error 213 INIT ignored occurs NOTE This command performs the same function as INITiate 1 2 IMMed...

Страница 579: ...MMediate HOLD TRIGger 1 2 IMMediate TRIGger SEQuence DELay numeric_value TRIGger SEQuence HOLDoff numeric_value TRIGger SEQuence HYSTeresis numeric_value TRIGger SEQuence LEVel numeric_value TRIGger SEQuence LEVel AUTO boolean TRIGger SEQuence SLOPe character_data TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 COUNt numeric_value TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 DELay AUTO boolean TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 IMMediate TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 SO...

Страница 580: ... with new values to produce valid accurate measurement results The trigger with delay command allows settling time for the internal amplifiers and filters It does not allow time for power sensor delay In cases of large power changes the delay may not be sufficient for complete settling Accurate readings can be assured by taking two successive measurements for comparison OFF the power meter makes t...

Страница 581: ...tion On reset TRIGger DELay AUTO is set to ON Query TRIGger DELay AUTO The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of TRIGger DELay AUTO 1 is returned when it is ON 0 is returned when it is OFF TRIG DEL AUTO ON This command enables a delay on Channel A ...

Страница 582: ...ower meter s memory Use FETCh to place the measurement result in the output buffer TRIGger 1 2 DELay AUTO is ignored if TRIGger 1 2 IMMediate is used to trigger the power meter Syntax Example Error Messages If the power meter is not in the wait for trigger state then TRIGger IMMediate causes error 211 Trigger ignored NOTE This command performs the same function as INITiate 1 2 IMMediate TRIG This ...

Страница 583: ...cified source This command only selects the trigger source Use the INITiate command to place the power meter in the wait for trigger state Syntax NOTE This command has been included for compatibility purposes It has the same purpose as TRIGger SEQuence 1 2 SOURce BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMediate INTernal 1 2 which should be used in preference TRIG SOUR 1 2 BUS EXT Space HOLD IMM INT 1 2 ...

Страница 584: IMMediate IMMediate the trigger system is always true If INITiate CONTinuous is ON the power meter is continually triggering free free run mode If an INITiate IMMediate command is sent a measurement is triggered then the power meter returns to the idle state INTernal either INT1 Channel A or INT2 Channel B BUS EXTernal HOLDIMMediate INTernal 1 2 NOTE The trigger source is set to IMMediate on in...

Страница 585: ... HOLD error 221 Settings Conflict occurs In such situations the slave s TRIG SOUR must be changed so that it is no longer a slave If the source is changed to INT1 INT2 or EXT and SENS SPEED has a value of 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs If the source is changed to INT1 INT2 or EXT and SENS DET FUNC is set to AVERage error 221 Settings Conflict occurs TRIG SOUR This command queries Channel A...

Страница 586: ...ecognition of a trigger event and the start of a measurement Syntax Parameters DEL Space numeric_value DEF TRIG SEQ Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The delay between the recognition of a trigger event and the start of the measurement DEF the default value is 0 seconds Units are resolved to 1 25 ns 1 to 1 second DEF ...

Страница 587: set to 0 seconds Query TRIGger SEQuence DELay The query returns the current setting of the trigger delay Query Example Reset Condition On reset trigger delay is set to 0 seconds TRIG SEQ DEL 0 001 This command sets a delay of 1 ms for Channel A TRIG SEQ DEL This command queries the trigger delay of Channel A ...

Страница 588: ... command sets the trigger holdoff in seconds Syntax Parameters HOLD Space numeric_value DEF TRIG SEQ MIN MAX Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The trigger holdoff in seconds DEF the default value is 1 µs MIN 1 µs MAX 400 ms Units are resolved to 1 ns 1 µs to 0 4 seconds DEF MIN MAX ...

Страница 589: ... the trigger holdoff is set to 1 µs Query TRIGger SEQuence HOLDoff The query returns the current trigger holdoff setting Query Example TRIG SEQ1 HOLD 0 1 This command sets the trigger holdoff to 100 ms for Channel A TRIG SEQ HOLD This command queries the trigger holdoff setting for Channel A ...

Страница 590: ...rising edge can be detected How far a signal must rise above TRIG LEVel before a falling edge can be detected Syntax Parameters HYST Space numeric_value DEF TRIG SEQ Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value How far a signal must fall rise before a rising or falling edge can be detected DEF the default value is 0 dB Units are resolved to 0 05 dB 0 to 3 dB DEF ...

Страница 591: ... Reset Condition On reset the value is set to 0 dB Query TRIGger SEQuence HYSTeresis The query returns the current value in dB Query Example TRIG SEQ HYST 0 1 This command sets the value to 2 dB for Channel A TRIG SEQ HYST This command queries the value for Channel A ...

Страница 592: ... 0 dBm LEV Space numeric_value DEF TRIG SEQ Item Description Default Range of Values a numeric_value The power level at which a trigger event is recognized DEF the default value is 0 dBm Units are resolved to 0 1 dBm 40 to 20 dBm DEF a If a channel offset has been previously set a higher numeric value is permitted See Setting Offsets on page 88 for more information TRIG SEQ LEV 10 This command set...

Страница 593: ...system 14 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 593 Query TRIGger SEQuence LEVel The query returns the current power level setting Query Example TRIG SEQ1 LEV This command queries the power level setting for Channel A ...

Страница 594: ...setting of the trigger level is enabled OFF automatic setting of the trigger level is disabled ONCE automatic setting of the trigger level is enabled for one trigger event only The value is then set to OFF Syntax Example Reset Condition On reset the value is set to ON TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO 0 This command disables the automatic setting of the trigger level for Channel A LEV 0 OFF 1 ON Space AUTO TRIG S...

Страница 595: ... TRIGger SEQuence LEVel AUTO The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of TRIGger SEQuence LEVel AUTO 1 is returned when it is ON 0 is returned when it is OFF Query Example TRIG SEQ LEV AUTO This command queries the setting for Channel A ...

Страница 596: ...ive Query TRIGger SEQuence SLOPe The query returns the current value of character_data Query Example SLOP Space character_data TRIG SEQ Item Description Default Range of Values character_data How a trigger event is recognized POSitive a trigger event is recognized on the rising edge of a signal NEGative a trigger event is recognized on the falling edge of a signal POSitive NEGative TRIG SEQ SLOP T...

Страница 597: ...ement cycle are performed That is COUNt measurements are performed in response to COUNt trigger events COUNt can be set to a value 1 only when SENSe 1 SENSe2 MRATe character_data is set to FAST and TRIGger 1 2 SOURce set to BUS IMMediate or HOLD Syntax Parameters COUN Space numeric_value DEF TRIG SEQ 1 2 Item Description Default Range of Values numeric_value The number of triggered events for the ...

Страница 598: ...trigger events for a specified channel Query Example Error Messages If COUNt 1 when SENSe 1 SENSe2 MRATe character_data is set to NORMal or DOUBle error 221 Settings Conflict occurs TRIG SEQ1 COUN 10 This command sets the number of triggered events to 10 for the Channel A measurement cycle TRIG SEQ2 COUN This command queries the number of triggered events for the Channel B measurement cycle ...

Страница 599: ...ts The trigger with delay command allows settling time for the internal amplifiers and filters It does not allow time for power sensor delay In cases of large power changes the delay may not be sufficient for complete settling Accurate readings can be assured by taking two successive measurements for comparison OFF no settling time delay is inserted and the power meter makes the measurement immedi...

Страница 600: ...uery TRIGger DELay AUTO The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of TRIGger DELay AUTO 1 is returned when it is ON 0 is returned when it is OFF Query Example TRIG SEQ DEL AUTO ON This command enables a delay on Channel A TRIG SEQ2 DEL AUTO This command queries the settling time delay of Channel B ...

Страница 601: ...h through the wait for trigger state It causes the immediate exit of the event detection layer if the trigger system is in this layer when the command is received In other words the instrument stops waiting for a trigger and takes a measurement ignoring any delay set by TRIG DELay Syntax Example TRIG SEQ IMM This command initiates a measurement on Channel A IMM TRIG SEQ 1 2 ...

Страница 602: ...nfigures the trigger system to respond to the specified source This command only selects the trigger source Use the INITiate command to place the power meter in the wait for trigger state Syntax NOTE This command has the same purpose as TRIGger 1 2 SOURce BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMediate INTernal 1 2 SOUR TRIG SEQ 1 2 BUS EXT Space HOLD IMM INT 1 2 ...

Страница 603: ...r IMMediate IMMediate the trigger system is always true If INITiate CONTinuous is ON the power meter is continually triggering free free run mode If an INITiate IMMediate command is sent a measurement is triggered then the power meter returns to the idle state INTernal either INT1 Channel A or INT2 Channel B BUS EXTernal HOLD IMMediate INTernal 1 2 NOTE TThe trigger source is set to IMMediate on i...

Страница 604: ... Settings Conflict occurs In such situations the slave s TRIG SOUR must be changed so that it is no longer a slave If the source is changed to INT1 INT2 or EXT and SENS SPEED has a value of 200 error 221 Settings Conflict occurs If the source is changed to INT1 INT2 or EXT and SENS DET FUNC is set to AVERage error 221 Settings Conflict occurs TRIG SEQ1 SOUR This command queries the current trigger...

Страница 605: ...05 15 UNIT Subsystem UNIT Subsystem 606 UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer amplitude_unit 607 UNIT 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio ratio_unit 609 This chapter explains how the UNIT command subsystem is used to set the power meter measurement units to Watts and linear or dBm and dB logarithmic ...

Страница 606: ...ay UNIT block window The following commands are described in this section The UNIT POWer and UNIT POWer RATio commands are coupled as follows If UNIT POWer is set to dBm then UNIT POWer RATio is dB If UNIT POWer is set to W then UNIT POWer RATio is upper window upper measurement UNIT1 upper window lower measurement UNIT3 lower window upper measurement UNIT2 lower window lower measurement UNIT4 Key...

Страница 607: ...measurement units for the upper window upper measurement UNIT2 POWer sets the power measurement units for the lower window upper measurement UNIT3 POWer sets the power measurement units for the upper window lower measurement UNIT4 POWer sets the power measurement units for the lower window lower measurement For ratio and relative power measurements If UNIT POWer is W the measurement units are perc...

Страница 608: ...ns the current setting of the power measurement units Query Example Item Description Default Range of Values amplitude_unit The measurement unit The default unit is dBm W DBM UNIT1 POW DBM This command sets the power measurement units for the upper window upper measurement UNIT2 POW This command queries which measurement units are being used on the lower window upper measurement ...

Страница 609: ... UNIT2 POWer RATio sets the ratio measurement units for the lower window upper measurement UNIT3 POWer RATio sets the ratio measurement units for the upper window lower measurement UNIT4 POWer RATio sets the ratio measurement units for the lower window lower measurement Syntax Parameters RAT POW ratio_unit Space UNIT 1 2 3 4 Item Description Default Range of Values ratio_unit The ratio measurement...

Страница 610: ... 1 2 3 4 POWer RATio The query returns the current setting of the ratio measurement units Query Example UNIT1 POW RAT DB This command sets the ratio measurement units for the upper window upper measurement UNIT2 POW RAT This command queries which ratio measurement units are being used on the lower window upper measurement ...

Страница 611: ...BIST TBASe STATe boolean 624 SERVice BIST TRIGger TEST 626 SERVice CALibrator ADJ COUR numeric_value 627 SERVice CALibrator ADJ FINE numeric_value 628 SERVice LAN PHOStname 629 SERVice SECure ERASe 630 SERVice SENSor 1 2 CDATe 631 SERVice SENSor 1 2 CPLace 632 SERVice SENSor 1 2 FREQuency MAXimum 633 SERVice SENSor 1 2 FREQuency MINimum 634 SERVice SENSor 1 2 PCALfactor cal_factor_data 635 SERVice...

Страница 612: ...NSor 1 2 TYPE 644 SERVice SNUMber character_data 645 SERVice VERSion PROCessor character_data 646 SERVice VERSion SYSTem character_data 647 This chapter explains how the SERVice command subsystem is used to obtain and set information useful for servicing the power meter ...

Страница 613: ...eing used Keyword Parameter Form Notes Page SERVice BIST CALibrator boolean page 615 CW 1 2 LINearity No query page 616 PERRor query only page 617 ZSET NUMber query only page 618 PEAK 1 2 LINearity numeric_value No query page 619 PERRor query only page 620 ZSET No query page 621 NUMber query only page 622 TBASe STATe No query page 623 STATe boolean page 624 TRIGger TEST query only page 626 CALibra...

Страница 614: ...mum query only page 634 PCALfactor cal_factor_data page 635 POWer AVERage MAXimum query only page 637 PEAK MAXimum query only page 638 USABle MAXimum query only page 639 MINimum query only page 640 RADC query only page 641 SNUMber query only page 642 TNUMber query only page 643 TYPE query only page 644 SNUMber character_data page 645 VERSion PROCessor character_data page 646 SYSTem character_data ...

Страница 615: ... self test a Pop up is displayed for 5 seconds stating If Ref Calibrator test fails disconnect any load attached to it and re try test Syntax Example Query SERVice BIST CALibrator The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of the self test 1 is returned when the self test is enabled 0 is returned when the self test is disabled Query Example SERV BIST CAL OFF This comman...

Страница 616: ...system 616 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide SERVice BIST CW 1 2 LINearity This command initiates the CW linearity test Syntax Example SERV BIST CW LIN This command enables the CW linearity test BIST 1 CW 2 SERV LIN ...

Страница 617: Guide 617 SERVice BIST CW 1 2 LINearity PERRor This command returns the worst case error in the CW linearity test Syntax Example SERV BIST CW LIN PERR This command queries the worst case error in the CW linearity test BIST 1 CW 2 SERV LIN PERR ...

Страница 618: ...e SERVice BIST CW 1 2 ZSET NUMber This command returns the worst case error in the CW Zero test invoked by SERVice BIST PEAK 1 2 Z SET Syntax Example SERV BIST CW ZSET NUM This command queries the worst case error in the CW zero test BIST 1 CW 2 SERV ZSET NUM ...

Страница 619: ...ates the PEAK linearity test Syntax Parameters Example BIST 1 PEAK 2 SERV LIN Space numeric_value DEF Item Description Default Range of Values Numeric_value Define the number of samples taken for results default 0 0 to 8000 SERV BIST PEAK LIN 8000 This command sets the number of samples of the PEAK linearity test to be 8000 ...

Страница 620: ...A Programming Guide SERVice BIST PEAK 1 2 LINearity PERRor This command returns the PEAK linearity worst case error Syntax Example SERV BIST PEAK LIN PERR This commands queries the PEAK linearity worst case error BIST 1 PEAK 2 SERV LIN PERR ...

Страница 621: Guide 621 SERVice BIST PEAK 1 2 ZSET This command initiates the zero set and noise test for both peak and CW for a channel Syntax Example SERV BIST PEAK1 ZSET This command enables the zero set and noise test for Channel A BIST PEAK 2 SERV ZSET 1 ...

Страница 622: ...Vice BIST PEAK 1 2 ZSET NUMber This command returns the worst case error in the PEAK zero test invoked by SERVice BIST PEAK 1 2 ZSET Syntax Example SERV BIST PEAK ZSET NUM This command queries the worst case error in the PEAK zero test BIST 1 PEAK 2 SERV ZSET NUM ...

Страница 623: ...62A Programming Guide 623 SERVice BIST TBASe STATe This command toggles the 10 MHz timebase out of the trigger outport Syntax Example SERV BIST TBAS STAT This command toggles the timebase out of the trigger outport BIST TBAS SERV STAT ...

Страница 624: ...This command overrides the OUTPut TRIGger STATe command For example if OUTPut TRIGger STATe is ON and the command SERV BIST TBAS ON is sent this command overrides the Trigger state and sets it to OFF However the 10 MHz remains out the Trig out port If the SERV BIST TBAS ON has been sent the 10 MHz is on and the OUTPut TRIGger STATe is then toggled to ON the channel trigger is now routed to the Tri...

Страница 625: ...uery SERVice BIST TBASe STAT The query enters a 1 or 0 into the output buffer indicating the status of the 10 MHz time base testing 1 is returned when the signal is enabled 0 is returned when the signal is disabled Query Example SERV BIST TBASe STAT This command queries whether the test is enabled or disabled ...

Страница 626: ...nd queries trigger in and out 1 is returned if the test passes 0 is returned if the test fails Syntax Example NOTE Before running this command the front panel trigger out must be jumpered to the front panel trigger in SERV BIST TRIG TEST This command queries trigger in and out BIST SERV TRIG TEST ...

Страница 627: ...calibrator output in coarse scale Syntax Parameters Query CAL ADJ SERV COUR Space numeric_value DEF Item Description Default Range of Values Numeric_value Adjust the 1 mW Power Reference Level Increment Coarse by 1 0 to 1023 Unsigned Int 16 SERV CAL ADJ COUR The query returns the Reference Calibrator power level in unsigned Int 16 ...

Страница 628: ...W calibrator output in fine scale Syntax Parameters Query CAL FINE numeric_value DEF SERV ADJ space Item Description Default Range of Values Numeric_value Adjust the 1 mW Power Reference Level Increment Fine by 1 0 to 1023 Unsigned Int 16 SERV CAL ADJ FINE The query returns the Reference Calibrator power level in unsigned Int 16 ...

Страница 629: ...gramming Guide 629 SERVice LAN PHOStname This command preset the LAN hostname to its default value It requires the serial number to be set up Syntax Example SERV LAN PHOS The command presets the LAN hostname to its default value LAN SERV PHOS ...

Страница 630: ...ular power meter s memory for example before you return it to keysight Technologies for repair or calibration of all data stored in it The memory data erased includes the save recall states and power on last states Syntax Example SERV SEC ERAS The command erases the P Series modular power meter s memory SEC SERV ERAS ...

Страница 631: ...rmation is stored in the sensor s EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than a P Series or E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS2 CDATe This query returns the calibration date of the E Series sensor connected to Channel B SERV 1 2 CDAT SENS ...

Страница 632: ...formation is stored in the sensor s EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a sensor other than a P Series or E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS2 CPL This query returns the place of calibration of the E Series sensor connected to Channel B CPL SERV 1 2 SENS ...

Страница 633: ...ensor s EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than an E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the sensor currently connected does not contain the necessary information in EEPROM error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS2 FREQ MAX This query returns the maximum frequency that can be meas...

Страница 634: ...r s EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than an E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the E Series sensor currently connected does not contain the necessary information in EEPROM error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS1 FREQ MIN This query returns the minimum frequency that can be...

Страница 635: ...ksum is generated The new block must not be larger than the existing block For E4410 Series and E9300 Series sensors average path data refer to SERVice SENSor 1 2 CDATe on page 631 Syntax Parameters Query SERVice SENSor 1 2 PCALfactor The query returns the current peak path calibration factor block SERV 1 2 PCAL SENS cal_factor_data Space Item Description Default cal_factor_data A binary data bloc...

Страница 636: ...Guide Query Example Error Messages If no power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If INIT CONT is not set to OFF error 221 Settings conflict occurs SERV SENS PCAL This command returns the peak path calibration factor block for Channel A ...

Страница 637: ...r s EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than an E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the E Series sensor currently connected does not contain the necessary information in EEPROM error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS POW AVER MAX This query returns the maximum average power that...

Страница 638: ... EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than an E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the E Series sensor currently connected does not contain the necessary information in EEPROM error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS2 POW PEAK MAX This query returns the maximum peak power that can ...

Страница 639: ...EPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than an E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the E Series sensor currently connected does not contain the necessary information in EEPROM error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS1 POW USAB MAX This query returns the maximum power that can be accu...

Страница 640: ...EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than an E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If the E Series sensor currently connected does not contain the necessary information in EEPROM error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS POW USAB MIN This query returns the minimum power that can be accu...

Страница 641: ... returns a new raw uncorrected measurement in volts as a 32 bit signed integer Syntax Example Error Messages If INIT CONT is set to ON error 221 Settings Conflict occurs SERV SENS2 RADC This query returns a new raw uncorrected measurement for the sensor connected to Channel B RADC SERV 1 2 SENS ...

Страница 642: ...information is stored in the sensor s EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than a P Series or E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS2 SNUM This query returns the serial number of the E Series sensor connected to Channel B SNUM SERV 1 2 SENS ...

Страница 643: ...r information is stored in the sensor s EEPROM Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs If a a sensor other than a P Series or E Series power sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS2 TNUM This query returns the serial number of the E Series sensor connected to Channel B TNUM SERV 1 2 SENS ...

Страница 644: ...ors either A B D or H is returned For E Series sensors the model number stored in EEPROM is returned Syntax Example Error Messages If no sensor is connected error 241 Hardware missing occurs SERV SENS2 TYPE This query returns either A B D or H if an Keysight 8480 Series sensor is connected to Channel B or the sensor model number if an E Series sensor is connected to Channel B TYPE SERV 1 2 SENS ...

Страница 645: ...e SNUMber The query returns the power meter serial number in the form GB12345678 or US12345678 SERV SNUM character_data Space Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Details the power meter serial number in the form GB12345678 or US12345678 A maximum of 30 characters can be used A to Z uppercase a to z lowercase 0 9 SERV SNUM GB12345678 This command loads the power meter with the s...

Страница 646: ...y SERVice VERSion PROCessor The query returns the current processor board revision version SERV VERS PROC character_data Space Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Details the processor board revision version A maximum of 20 characters can be used A to Z uppercase a to z lowercase 0 9 _ underscore SERV VERS PROC C This command loads the power meter with processor board revision ...

Страница 647: ... Query SERVice VERSion SYSTem The query returns the current power meter system version number SERV VERS SYST character_data Space Item Description Default Range of Values character_data Details the system version number A maximum of 20 characters can be used A to Z uppercase a to z lowercase 0 9 _ underscore SERV VERS SYST 1 This command loads the power meter with system version number 1 ...

Страница 648: ...16 SERVice Subsystem 648 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide ...

Страница 649: ...SERVice Subsystem 16 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 649 ...

Страница 650: ...16 SERVice Subsystem 650 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 651: ...pliance Information 652 CLS 653 DDT arbitrary block program data string program data 654 ESE NRf 656 ESR 658 IDN 659 OPC 660 OPT 661 RCL NRf 662 RST 663 SAV NRf 664 SRE NRf 665 STB 667 TRG 669 TST 670 WAI 671 This chapter contains information about the IEEE 488 2 Common Commands that the power meter supports ...

Страница 652: ...uage codes they provide all management and data communication instructions for the system The IEEE 488 2 Common Command descriptions are listed below in alphabetical order CLS Clear Status page 653 DDT and DDT Define Device Trigger page 654 ESE and ESE Event Status Enable page 656 ESR Event Status Register page 658 IDN Identify page 659 OPC and OPC Operation Complete page 660 OPT Options page 661 ...

Страница 653: ...e 653 CLS The CLS CLear Status command clears the status data structures The SCPI registers Questionable Status Operation Status and all the other SCPI registers the Standard Event Status Register the Status Byte and the Error Event Queue are all cleared Syntax CLS ...

Страница 654: power being returned Syntax Parameters Examples of arbitrary block program data parameters are 15FETC and 206FETCh string program data DDT Space arbitrary block program data Type Description Range of Values arbitrary block program data The command which is executed on a GET or TRG nN action a b string program data action a a The action field of the parameter may contain FETC FETC1 FETC2 TRG TR...

Страница 655: ...n reset the action field of DDT is set to TRG Query DDT The query returns the action which is performed on receipt of a GET or TRG This is returned as a definite length arbitrary block response data value which is in the form of nN action as described on page 630 Error Message If an invalid parameter is received error 224 Illegal parameter value occurs ...

Страница 656: enables the corresponding bit in the Status Register a 0 disables the bit The parameter value when rounded to an integer and expressed in base 2 represents the bit values of the Standard Event Status Enable Register Table 17 1 shows the contents of this register Syntax Table 17 1 ESE Mapping Bit Weight Meaning 0 1 Operation Complete 1 2 Request Control not used 2 4 Query Error 3 8 Device Depend...

Страница 657: ...arameters Query ESE The query returns the current contents of the Standard Event Status Enable Register The format of the return is NR1 in the range of 0 to 255 Type Description Default Range of Values NRf A value used to set the Standard Event Status Enable Register 0 255 ...

Страница 658: ...gister then clears it The format of the return is NR1 in the range of 0 to 255 Table 17 2 shows the contents of this register Syntax Table 17 2 ESR Mapping Bit Weight Meaning 0 1 Operation Complete 1 2 Request Control not used 2 4 Query Error 3 8 Device Dependent Error 4 16 Execution Error 5 32 Command Error 6 64 Not used 7 128 Power On ESR ...

Страница 659: ...f The string returned is either Keysight Technologies N8262A serial number A1 XX YY Keysight Technologies N8262A serial number A2 XX YY where serial number uniquely identifies each power meter A1 XX YY and A2 XX YY represents the firmware revision with XX and YY representing the major and minor revisions respectively Syntax IDN ...

Страница 660: ...ration Complete command causes the power meter to set the operation complete bit in the Standard Event Status Register when all pending device operations have completed Syntax Query OPC The query places an ASCII 1 in the output queue when all pending device operations have completed OPC ...

Страница 661: ...and Reference 17 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 661 OPT The OPT query reports the options installed in the power meter and returns empty string for a standard instrument 003 for an option 003 instrument Syntax OPT ...

Страница 662: from the specified save recall register An instrument setup must have been stored previously in the specified register Syntax Parameters Error Message If the register does not contain a saved state error 221 Settings conflict occurs RCL NRf Space Type Description Default Range of Values NRf The number of the register to be recalled 1 10 ...

Страница 663: ...mmand Reference 17 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide 663 RST The RST ReSeT command places the power meter in a known state Refer to SYSTem PRESet character_data on page 473 for information on reset values Syntax RST ...

Страница 664: ...SAV NRf The SAV NRf SAVe command stores the current state of the power meter in the specified register Syntax Parameters SAV NRf Space Item Description Default Range of Values NRf The number of the register that the current state of the power meter is to be saved to 1 10 ...

Страница 665: ...sables the bit The parameter value when rounded to an integer and expressed in base 2 represents the bits 0 to 5 and bit 7 of the Service Request Enable Register Bit 6 is always 0 Table 17 3 shows the contents of this register Refer to the pullout at the end of Chapter 10 for further information Syntax Table 17 3 SRE Mapping Bit Weight Meaning 0 1 Not used 1 2 Not used 2 4 Device Dependent 3 8 QUE...

Страница 666: ... query returns the contents of bits 0 to 5 and bit 7 of the Service Request Enable Register The format of the return is NR1 in the ranges of 0 to 63 or 128 to 191 that is bit 6 is always 0 Type Description Default Range of Values NRf A value used to set the Service Request Enable Register 0 255 ...

Страница 667: Bit Weight Meaning 0 1 Not used 1 2 Device Dependent 0 No device status conditions have occurred 1 A device status condition has occurred 2 4 Error Event Queue 0 Queue empty 1 Queue not empty 3 8 Questionable Status Summary 0 No QUEStionable status conditions have occurred 1 A QUEStionable status condition has occurred 4 16 Message Available 0 no output messages are ready 1 an output message is...

Страница 668: ...17 IEEE 488 2 Command Reference 668 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide Syntax STB ...

Страница 669: ... in the wait for trigger state It has the same effect as Group Execute Trigger GET Using the DDT command may change the function of the TRG command Syntax Error Message If TRIGger SOURce is not set to BUS error 211 Trigger ignored occurs If the power meter is not in the wait for trigger state error 211 Trigger ignored occurs TRG ...

Страница 670: ...62A Programming Guide TST The TST TeST query causes the power meter to perform the self test The test takes approximately 30 seconds The result of the test is placed in the output queue 0 is returned if the test passes 1 if the test fails Syntax TST ...

Страница 671: ...62A Programming Guide 671 WAI The WAI WAIt command causes the power meter to wait until either All pending operations are complete The device clear command is received Power is cycled before executing any subsequent commands or queries Syntax WAI ...

Страница 672: ...17 IEEE 488 2 Command Reference 672 Keysight N8262A Programming Guide THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ...

Страница 673: ...ion is subject to change without notice Always refer to the Keysight website for the latest revision Keysight Technologies 2007 2019 Edition 6 May 10 2019 Printed in Malaysia N8262 90008 N8262 90008 www keysight com ...
