In the case of not using the room thermostat input should remain closed,
and the operation of the thermostat set to the NORM .. In this case, the boiler will
operate continuously maintaining the set temperature of the boiler thermostat knob.
9.10 The time constant of adaptation
– this parameter is available when the ther-
mostat is working in adaptive mode. It determines the rate of "seeking" appropriate
adaptive algorithm preset boiler temperature. Value should be selected empirically
according to the characteristics of the controlled object. If you are working adaptive
algorithm and frequently changing external conditions we observe frequent overhea-
ting of the rooms, increase the time constant. During niedogrzewania value should
be reduced.
9.11 Burner off delay
– this parameter determines the time of the burner in
minimum power the thermostat contacts open. If, after the programmed time the
thermostat input will not be closed again, the torch will be lit, and the controller
switches to STANDBY. Setting this parameter to 0 minutes will immediately
extinguish the torch after contact opening thermostat.
If the controller works well for hot water, the burner after contact opening
the thermostat can be switched off after a time other than that programmed in the
9.12 lowering the thermostat
– with of obtuse contacts boiler temperature thermo-
stat is reduced by the value set in this parameter.