6.x Cleaning mechanism.
6.1 Furnace cleaning mode
– this parameter specifies the way the cleaning
mechanism works:
– means that the burner does not have a cleaning mechanism. In this case,
the output DATA is working as an external alarm.
– means the mode in which the cleaning procedure is run after the firing and
repeated at regular intervals until burner shut down is completed. Cleaning
procedure is attached to the time set in parameter „Cleaning mechanism work time".
After turning off the regulator, output deducts the time set in parameter „Cleaning
mechanism retraction time" and the time set in parameter „Cleaning mechanism
pause time".
– working mechanism ROTO mode is similar to mode CYCLE. The difference
is that the control output cleaning mechanism is attached for the duration of the
mode blanked.
– means the cleaning procedure is started automatically after a specified
number shut downs or after a sufficient burner operation time. Automatic cleaning
means: burner shut down and start cleaning mechanism for the time set in parameter
„Cleaning mechanism work time".
After turning off the regulator, output deducts the time set in parameter "Cleaning
mechanism retraction time" and then goes to normal working cycle.
– This mode is a combination of modes AUTO CYCLE. Working mechanism
starts at the end of the firing and stabilization is cyclical switching mechanism for the
time set in the parameter TIME WORK MECHANISM. After switching off the cleaning
mechanism controller counts down the time set in parameter RETURN TIME
MECHANISM, and the time set in parameter TIME PARKING MECHANISM. During
operation the output EXTINCTION cleaning mechanism is disabled. After a certain
number of extinctions or sufficient time, the burner is started automatically cleaning
involving extinguished hearth, start cleaning mechanism at the time set in the
parameter TIME OPENING THE MECHANISM and run the fan with the power
specified in the parameter SPEED FAN. THE CLEANING. After switching off the
engine output controller also disables the fan and counts time set in the parameter
TIME CLOSING MECHANISM, then take a normal job.