5.2 Indication correction of flame optical detector
– only when flame optical
detector (FD-1) is on. Describes light intensity detected by optical detector when
burner is off. The correction value is deducted from the value light intensity during
the flame detection. Correction allows calibration of FD-1 sensor the way that during
burner shut down value (no flame) of the light equals zero.
5.3–5.4 Hysteresis loss of flame
– depending on the type of flame detector, this
parameter specifies how many degrees or units in relation to the threshold set by the
user must cut off the lighter or the brightness of the flame temperature to the
controller began to flame failure detection procedure.
If the hysteresis is larger than the threshold of igniter shut down, flame
failure detection procedure is started when the temperature drops or the brightness
of the flame to the value of „0”.
5.5 Flame failure detection delay
– this parameter specifies how long after the
launch procedures for the detection of flame failure or brightness temperature must
remain below the hysteresis for the regulator to decide that the furnace was
5.6 Fuel ignition time
– after igniter and fan are switched on, the controller tests
temperature increase or brightness in the selected location of the burner. If flame is
not detected within the time programmed in this parameter, the controller will repeat
ignition cycle.
5.7 Ignition try count
– this parameter specifies how many times ignition may fail
until the controller activates „Out of fuel alarm” and switches into STOP mode. The
alarm is indicated with adequate message displayed on the display. To start the con-
troller first refill the fuel, then cancel by pressing STOP button and start settin
mode by pressing START button.