Fire Control Instruments 7200
The 7200 may have installed analog loop units (ALU) for addressable devices, and Quad zone units
(QZU) or eight zone units (EZU) for conventional zones. Up to 15 of each unit type are numbered from 1
to F in hexadecimal, i.e. 123456789ABCDEF.
To convert these point IDs to SIA zone numbers, each type of unit is assigned to a separate block of 100
zone numbers. The thousands digit of the SIA zone number corresponds to the 7200 unit number, but runs
from 0 to E in hexadecimal.
Please verify that the central station receiver, and central station
automation computer are compatible with 4-digit SIA Zone numbers.
Addressable loop devices are
numbered from 01 to 99, but there are two distinct types, Sensors and Modules. Therefore, 200 zones are
assigned to each loop. Events pertaining to the entire loop, such as loop break or short circuit, use the
xx00 zone numbers. For example, ALU1 Loop 1 uses Zone 0100, ALU1 Loop 2 uses Zone 0300, and
ALUF Loop 2 uses Zone E300.
3-Digit Option:
This option is available for central stations that are NOT compatible with 4-digit zone
numbers. With this option, the zone numbers are always reported in the 0100 – 0608 range. The 7200 unit
number minus 1, instead of being placed in the zone number thousand’s digit, is added to the field
programmed account numbers. For example, if the programmed account number is 1000, then events
from unit number 1 (ALU1, QZU1, EZU1) report on account 1000. Events from unit number 2 will report
on account 1001, and events from unit number F will report on account 1014. Note that the 3-Digit
Option must be specified when ordering your SDACT from the factory. It is not a field configurable
option. The designation “(3DO)” will be appended to the model number on the SDACT product labeling.
The conversion rules are summarized in the following table:
7200 POINT
ALU1 Loop 1 Sensors
L1S01 to L1S99
0101 to 0199
ALU1 Loop 1 Modules
L1M01 to L1M99 0201 to 0299
ALU1 Loop 2 Sensors
L2S01 to L2S99
0301 to 0399
ALU1 Loop 2 Modules
L2M01 to L2M99 0401 to 0499
QZU1 Zones
Zone 1 to Zone 4 0501 to 0504
EZU1 Zones
Zone 1 to Zone 8 0601 to 0608
ALU2 Loop 1 Sensors
L1S01 to L1S99
1101 to 1199
ALU2 Loop 1 Modules
L1M01 to L1M99 1201 to 1299
ALU2 Loop 2 Sensors
L2S01 to L2S99
1301 to 1399
ALU2 Loop 2 Modules
L2M01 to L2M99 1401 to 1499
QZU2 Zones
Zone 1 to Zone 4 1501 to 1504
EZU2 Zones
Zone 1 to Zone 8
1601 to 1608
Etc. for unit numbers 3 to F, with unit F as follows:
ALUF Loop 1 Sensors
L1S01 to L1S99
E101 to E199
ALUF Loop 1 Modules
L1M01 to L1M99 E201 to E299
ALUF Loop 2 Sensors
L2S01 to L2S99
E301 to E399
ALUF Loop 2 Modules
L2M01 to L2M99 E401 to E499
QZUF Zones
Zone 1 to Zone 4 E501 to E504
EZUF Zones
Zone 1 to Zone 8 E601 to E608