RAPT Temperature Controller Instruction Manual
Last Updated 24/05/2022 12:17 PM
Registering your Device
The Wi-Fi connectivity of the RAPT Temperature Controller allows you to monitor, track and start a
complex temperature profile involving multiple steps remotely through the RAPT Portal. In order to
fully utilise the capabilities of this device you should connect your RAPT Temperature Controller to
your Wi-Fi network and register it to your RAPT account at
This will allow you to track and monitor your fermentation in real time remotely without needing to
walk over to your temperature controller. It also allows you to setup and send complex fermentation
profiles involving multiple steps to your RAPT Temperature Controller which will then automatically
run through this profile and adjust the set temperature as required.
In order to have access to this Wi-Fi functionality you will need to sign up for a RAPT Account,
connect your RAPT Temperature Controller to your home Wi-Fi network and register your device on
your account on the RAPT Portal by following the instructions below:
1. Sign up for a RAPT Account
To utilise the Wi-Fi connectivity of the RAPT Temperature Controller you will need to sign up for an
account on the RAPT portal. This will allow you to create custom fermentation profiles, track and
monitor your fermentation temperature and heating/cooling utilisation etc.
sign up for an account on the RAPT portal.
Once signed up log in to your account on the RAPT website.
2. Connect your RAPT Temperature Controller to your Home Wi-Fi Network
On your smart phone or tablet, open your Wi-Fi settings and connect to the KegLand RAPT
Wi-Fi Access Point using the Wi-Fi name and password displayed on the RAPT Temperature
Your smart phone or tablet should provide a prompt to sign into the network of your RAPT
Temperature Controller when you connect to its Wi-Fi Network. Clicking on this prompt will
open the RAPT Captive Portal.
If you are not prompted to sign into the network of your RAPT Temperature controller by
your smart phone or tablet then open your Wi-Fi settings and select the RAPT Wi-Fi Network
again to open the RAPT Captive Portal
Select your Wi-Fi network, enter your Wi-Fi password and select
. This will connect your
RAPT Temperature controller to your Wi-Fi network.
If your RAPT Temperature controller has been successfully connected to your Wi-Fi network
then a Wi-Fi symbol will be present on the top left-hand corner of the RAPT Temperature
Controllers display.