Spirit200a User’s Manual Rev J
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Section 2 Specifications
System Description
The Spirit200a is a 200 amp microprocessor controlled, 100% duty cycle
high current density plasma cutting and marking system. It utilizes a
precision, dual gas torch that is capable of cutting mild steel up to 2" thick
and stainless steel up to 1-1/2” thick. The Spirit200a is equipped with a
computer controlled automatic gas console with VGA display. All cutting
parameters are controlled from the automatic gas console. Setting up a
cut is as simple as entering the material type, material thickness, and
process (cutting or marking). All gas types and pressures are set
automatically and the cutting parameters are transmitted to the Spirit
power supply. Switching to a different screen on the gas console gives
the operator a pictorial view of the torch parts required to make the cut.
Another screen shows the recommended cutting speed and torch height
for making the cut. These parameters can even be transmitted to an x/y
machine controller or an arc voltage control system via RS-422 serial
communication. The RS-422 port also allows for full control of the cutting
parameters from an x/y machine controller. The gas console also tracks
the number of cuts made with a particular set of consumables and keeps a
detailed record of errors that may occur during the cutting sequence. To
aid in troubleshooting, a message screen on the gas console displays all
power supply and gas console sequencing. All gas inlets and outlets are
connected to the rear of the automatic gas console. For cutting mild steel,
the Spirit200a uses oxygen for the plasma gas and either oxygen or air for
the shielding gas. When cutting stainless steel or other non-ferrous
materials, air or H17 (17.5% hydrogen, 32.5% argon, 50% nitrogen) is
used for the plasma gas and either air or nitrogen is used for the shielding
gas. Oxygen and nitrogen are used for the preflow and postflow gases.
The Spirit200a is technologically advanced to produce the highest quality
cuts while maximizing consumable life. The torch is water-cooled and
consumables are machined to exacting dimensions and checked with the
latest computerized measuring systems. Six nozzle sizes (30, 50, 70,
100, 150, and 200 amps) are available to produce excellent cut quality
throughout the cutting range.