The connection between stove and chimney or flue for the proper operation must
not be less than 5% slope in the horizontal sections whose total length should not
exceed 1.5 meters. and the vertical by a "T" to another (changing direction) must
not be less than 1.5 meters. Check with suitable instruments that there is a
minimum draft. of 10 Pa. At the bottom of the chimney inspected for periodic
inspections and cleaning, which must be
conducted annually.
You must ensure that a chimney is installed according to wind force.
This type of connection, even in case of momentary power failure,
ensuring the evacuation of the fumes.
Of all the meteorological and geographical factors that affect the operation of a flue (rain, fog, snow, altitude above sea
level, period of insulation, exposure to the cardinal points, etc .) the wind is certainly the
most decisive. In fact, besides the thermal depression caused by the difference in
temperature between the inside and the outside the chimney, there is another type of
depression (or overpressure ): the dynamic pressure induced by the wind. An
ascending wind always has the effect of increasing depression and then the draft. A
horizontal wind increases depression for proper installation of the chimney. A
descending wind always has the effect of relieving depression, sometimes inverting it.
In addition to the direction and force of the wind, the position of the flue and the
chimney from the roof of the house and the surrounding landscape is important.
The wind affects the operation of the fireplace also indirectly by creating zones
overpressure and depression as well as the outside, but inside the home. In areas
directly exposed to the wind (2) can create an internal overpressure which can promote
the draft of stoves and fireplaces, but may be countered by external overpressure if the
chimney is placed on the side exposed to the wind (1). In contrast, in areas opposite to
the direction of the wind (3) can create a dynamic depression that comes into
competition with the natural thermal depression developed by the fireplace, but can be
compensated (sometimes) by placing the exhaust duct from the side opposite to the direction of the wind (4)
The operation of the pellet stove is noticeably sensitive to the conformation and position of the flue
which is adopted. Hazardous conditions can only be overcome by suitable setting-up of the stove carried out
by qualified K-Stove personnel.