• To activate the keypad programming mode, enter the [Installer’s Code] [*] [0]
[1] [#]. Information may be entered into the keypad in the form of letters (upper
and lower case), numbers (0–9), and 22 special symbols. All characters are
displayed in the order: upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special
symbols. The [Space] character precedes the letter A.
• To enter a Label, use the [2] key to scroll through the characters until you reach
the desired character. If you scroll past the desired character, the [8] key may be
used to scroll backwards. NOTE: The space character is before the A character
(When A is displayed, press [8] to get a space).
• When the desired character is displayed, press the [6] key to move the cursor to
the next character position. The [4] key moves the cursor to the left.
• When all characters have been entered, press the [#] key to enter the message
and move to the next message position.
• Use the [0] key to move backward through the messages.
: If you move to the next message using [5] instead of the [#] key you will lose
any changes you made!
To change the keypad address, scroll through the messages until the keypad
displays: “Keypad address __” then change the value by pressing [2] (up) or [8]
(down). Validate by pressing [#].
The message order is:
• SERVICE MESSAGE (Displayed under “System Trouble”) - Press “#”
DEALER MESSAGE (Displayed under the standby message: “Ready to Arm”)
BAUD RATE (should be left at 2400)
KEYPAD ADDRESS ((should be left at 1)
8.2 To Exit Keypad Programming
When you have finished programming, press [*] [#].
: The keypad will also exit the programming mode if you do not press any key
within a five minute period.
To return the Keypad to default settings press the
emergency button during
power up. This feature was added in keypad firmware version 1.2.
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