digital audio
processing system
4/8/16 channels DSP with SDI & system-bus I/O
The bus interface allows for very flexible interconnection from and to the c8k audio busses, either in
two channel or eight channel multiplex mode, as well as the connection from and to the
SDI embedder / de-embedder. The inputs to the DSPs (Ch 01/02 … Ch 15/16) exclude each other
(see example below). You can select a specific DSP input pair only from c8k bus in 2ch [S1] or 8ch
[S2] mode or a signal pair from the SDI de-embedder. When you select a bus that is fed in 8ch mode
[S2] you must also select a signal pair from that bus [Ch1/2 and Ch3/4] for a dedicated DSP input:
Similar applies to the output routing. [S3] is fed in 2Ch and [S6] in 8Ch mode. Duplicated busses [S4]
are marked red as a warning because the signal will be disturbed if you connect two outputs to the
same bus.
Audio Routing & Processing
From C8000 System Bus
Select a 2ch or 8ch (multiplex) mode bus as an input for the DSP.
From SDI
Alternatively select a signal pair from the de-embedder local routing
matrix output (see DE-EMBED pane for reference).
To C8000 System Bus
Decide between 2ch or 8ch (multiplex) mode and assign a bus to it.
Additionally or alternately you may select a signal pair to the SDI
embedder (see EMBED pane for reference).
Enable Input Bus
[ON / OFF]
Error Detection
The serial audio data from the frame bus can be monitored for
proper positioning of an Error-Flag. A bad Error-Flag is an
indication that there is disturbance upstream (input signal, input
module). The Error Detection can be turned off and on in
general. Each input in use will automatically be observed. You
will see the status on the left hand side:
Bus/Input Status
”. A grey soft LED shows that the detection is
disabled. While green is OK, red indicates an error condition.
The bus status may be presented to external monitoring systems
via SNMP. The frame controller summarizes such status
information and generates SNMP traps for the frame as an entity
or may activate GPOs (if a GPI/O module is installed).
The SNMP manager may afterwards poll the “modulesStatus”
for more detailed status information per input (see SNMP
documentation for details).
Enable System Bus Access
If on a rare occasion you have a C8489(B) on shelf and must use it
in a standard C8k frame and don't want to interfere with other
modules. You can simply disable the modules system bus
interface. If you uncheck this check box all related setup fields will
turn grayish. You can still change the settings (e.g. to prepare a
certain routing) but they are not active. To underline this behavior
the switch will be encircled in red.