PELLET loading auger gear motor, the icon is signalled by the DGT when the component is running.
Fume Extractor Fan, the icon is signalled by the DGT when the component is running.
V1 main air exchanger fan, the icon is signalled by the DGT when the component is running.
Alarm, the icon is signalled by the DGT when an alarm is triggered.
Starting up the stove:
Press button 3 to start up the stove; the start up phases are as follows:
Initial ventilation
to change the air inside the combustion chamber; the fume extractor fan and the electric element are the components running during
this phase.
Spark plug preheating
when the initial ventilation has been completed, the fume fan stops whilst the electric element continues to run to perform the start up
preheating phase.
PELLET preloading
after the preheating phase, a set amount of PELLETS are delivered to the firebox to ignite the first flame.
Flame standby
the fourth phase is a standby time required to heat the preloaded PELLETS and wait for ignition.
Start up time
when the flame is ignited, the electronic control unit starts up, where the fume temperature must reach a preset value in order for the
stove to start up.
Flame present
after ignition, the electronic control unit activates another flame stabilisation standby time to allow all the PELLETS fed to the firebox time
to ignite before the actual heating phase (OPERATING)
The stove and firebox must ALWAYS be cleaned before starting up the stove, to avoid failed or difficult start up
due to residual unburned residue inside the firebox from previous use.