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U Series User Manual
Column Name
Initiator Name
It displays the host computer name.
Initiator IP
It displays the host computer IP.
Target Name
It displays the controller name.
InitialR2T (Initial Ready to Transfer) is used to turn off either the use of a
unidirectional R2T command or the output part of a bidirectional
command. The default value is Yes.
Immed. data (Immediate Data) sets the support for immediate data
between the initiator and the target. Both must be set to the same
setting. The default value is Yes.
MaxDataOutR2T (Maximum Data Outstanding Ready to Transfer)
determines the maximum number of outstanding ready to transfer per
task. The default value is 1.
MaxDataBurstLen (Maximum Data Burst Length) determines the
maximum SCSI data payload. The default value is 256kb.
Directory Services
The menu Configuration -> Services -> Directory services or Directory services tab of the
operation area provides three directory services. Default is Standalone, which supports local
account only. The others are Active Directory for Windows and LDAP services.
JetStor UnifiedAUTH mechanism is the backbone of all the directory services. It simplifies the use
of all the data services (CIFS, NFS, AFP, FTP, WebDAV, iSCSI) and frees the users from memorizing
different account/password sets for different data services. The benefits are:
Easier use of all data services
Simplified management
Only one directory service can be enabled at all time. No two directory services can be enabled at
the same time. Switching directory service will result in losing Access Control List of all shares from
the previous directory service.
Click Change button to select the directory service :
Standalone support local user/group accounts only. It’s the default setting.