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U Series User Manual
Select the volume from the drop-down list.
Enter an iSCSI node name for access control, or fill-in wildcard (*) for access by all hosts.
Select the Target number from the drop-down list.
Select the LUN number from the drop-down list.
Choose the Permission level.
Click OK button.
The matching rules of access control are determined by the time the attaching of the LUN is
created in ascending order. For example: there are 2 LUN rules for the same volume, rule 1 is “*”,
LUN 0; and rule 2 is “iqn.host1”, LUN 1. A host named “iqn.host2” can login successfully because it
matches the rule 1.
Wildcard “*” and “?” are allowed in this field. “*” can replace any words. “?” can replace only one
character. For example:
“iqn.host?” -> “iqn.host1” and “iqn.host2” are accepted.
“iqn.host*” -> “iqn.host1” and “iqn.host12345” are accepted.
This field cannot accept comma, so “iqn.host1, iqn.host2” stands for a long string, not 2 iqns.
Submenu: Account
The menu Configuration -> Account is for accessing the Users and Groups options.
The menu Configuration -> Account -> Users or Account -> Users tab of the operation area
provides functions to manage local user accounts such as add, delete, edit, change password or
view the status of the users. Local user accounts and domain user accounts are displayed
separately by selecting the drop down list.
Domain user accounts are only for display purpose. You cannot edit domain account or change the
password of domain account.