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U Series User Manual
Enter the Username, Password, and Retype password. The other fields are optional.
Click OK button to create an account.
TIP: The password is required to be at least 12 and up to 16 alphanumeric
characters. This is because of UnifiedAUTH mechanism that will integrate with
iSCSI CHAP account. iSCSI CHAP account requires that the password needs to be
12 to 16 characters.
If the system is using Active Directory or LDAP as directory service, you may see the domain users
as below. Please be aware that no modification (add, delete, edit, change password) can be made
to domain users. This can only be done on the AD server or LDAP server.
The syntax to represent a domain user is :
<domain name>+<user account>
The menu Configuration -> Account -> Groups or Account -> Groups tab of the operation area
provides functions to manage local groups such as add, delete, edit, or view the status of the
groups. Local groups and domain groups are displayed separately by selecting the drop down list.
This table shows the column descriptions.
Column Name
Group name
The group name.
Domain is KEVIN