Jenway 6300 Ser Man
down arrow keys can be used to adjust the value displayed on the
upper digital display to the actual value of the standard being used.
When this value has been set a further press of the CAL key
completes the calibration against this standard solution. Cuvettes or
test tubes containing samples can then be inserted in the sample
chamber, the sample chamber lid closed and readings taken directly
from the display.
During the above calibration procedure the software calculates the
factor required to multiply the Absorbance by to achieve the linear
relationship with the concentration of the standard used. The Factor
(xF) mode is automatically updated with this value which can be
viewed by moving the cursor, using the right or left arrow keys,
along the bottom menu bar until it is under the xF icon. For future
assays this factor could be used instead of the standard solution but
good practice and standard operating procedure (sop) should be
observed and the accuracy of this factor be verified on a regular
If a factor is known or supplied in a sop then this can be entered
directly in the Factor (xF) mode by moving the cursor, using the
right or left arrow keys, along the bottom menu bar until it is under
the xF icon. The up or down arrow keys can then be used to adjust
the value of the factor on the lower digital display from 0 to 9999,
when the correct value has been set move the cursor back under the
CONC icon using the left arrow key. Cuvettes or test tubes
containing samples can then be inserted in the sample chamber, the
lid closed and readings taken directly from the display.