Jenway 6300 Ser Man
Should these results not be obtained the function of the opto-coupler
should be checked, this can be carried out as follows;
Remove the monochromator cover observing all the previously stated
precautions. Press the up arrow key to select a wavelength about 500nm
and check that the grating rotates correctly.
Pass a piece of thick paper or card between the ‘jaws’ of the opto-coupler
and check that when the card is inserted a voltage of approximately 5.00V
is measured as above and that when it is removed this voltage drops to
approximately 0.100V.
If these results are correct then the position should be adjusted as below,
if not then the opto-coupler or power supply PCB may be faulty. There
may also be a bad connection between them. Check the wiring to SK2
and that no wires are trapped under the monochromator.
To adjust the position press the down arrow key to set the wavelength to
–50nm, slacken the two fixing screws slightly and adjust the position of
the opto-coupler until the voltmeter reading just changes from 0.100V to
Tighten the screws and check that at –40nm the reading is approximately
0.100V and that at –50nm it is approximately 5.00V. If not repeat as
8.4 Energy Levels
Equipment Required
; - None, checked against internal settings.
Before proceeding with any calibration it is essential to ensure the correct
functioning of the optical system, this can be done very easily in the
Diagnostics mode (see Section 7) where the following performance
should be obtained.
All analogue signal processing is dealt with on the Detector PCB. The
output from the detector is shown on the Diagnostics Screen as a Voltage,
in mV. For more information see Section 5.3 - Detector Circuit and
Section 7.1 – The Diagnostics Mode.
This voltage display can be used to check lamp energy (ageing), the
correct functioning of the IR Stray Light filter as well as the Dark Shutter.