Jenway 6300 Ser Man
the calibration sequence is in progress; when it stops the main
digital display will be set to 100.0 %T or 0.000 ABS automatically.
Sample measurement can then be carried out by inserting a cuvette
or test tube containing the sample solution into the sample
chamber, closing the lid and recording the value on the main
Moving the cursor under the CONC icon on the bottom menu bar
enables the concentration measurement mode.
NOTE:- Before selecting this mode a blank calibration must be
carried out in the Absorbance mode at the wavelength to be
used for the concentration measurement.
When the concentration mode is selected two further icons, xF and
UNITS, appear on the bottom menu bar.
A linear relationship between Absorbance and Concentration is
assumed for all measurements. This enables concentration
measurements to be made against a standard solution (CONC
mode) or by entering a factor which adjust the slope of the straight-
line relationship (xF mode). The latter is also often used to improve
the sensitivity of comparative colour measurements in a number of
International Standard Methods, as in beer colour measurements to
EBC standards etc.
A range of units can be displayed against the top digital
(Concentration) display. The required units can be selected by
moving the cursor, with the right or left arrow keys, along the
bottom menu bar until it is under the UNITS icon. The Up or Down
arrow keys can then be used to display in turn ppm, mg/l, g/l, M, %
or blank (no units displayed). When the required unit is displayed
simply move the cursor back to xF or CONC)
To calibrate the concentration range against a known standard
move the cursor beneath the CONC icon using the right or left
arrow keys. Insert a cuvette or test tube containing the known
standard solution into the sample chamber, close the lid and press
the CAL key. The CAL icon on the display will flash and the up or