Place of installation
The wheel balancer DWC-8-E must be installed in a closed and dry place which will be heated in
the autumn and winter period. The machine should be installed on a stable level floor. The wheel
balancer should be installed on four rubber pads enclosed which should be placed under the flat
legs welded to the machine base. The machine should not be screwed to the floor.
Assembly of the adapter
Before mounting the adapter,
it is necessary to clean thoroughly the cone areas of shaft “1” and
adapter “2” with an oil-wetted cloth. Mount the adapter onto the shaft so as to maintain the
position of markers “3” on the shaft rod and adapter as in fig. 3. Tighten up the adapter to the
shaft with the use of screw “4”.
Careful cleaning of the cone areas and maintenance of the adapter position against the
shaft (overlapped markers) is one of the conditions for proper wheel balancing.
Wheels with a centre hole should be mounted in the standard adapter of the balancer.
Fig. 3 Adapter of the balancer, without the nut, cones and clamping sleeves