5. By ohmmeter verify resistance of yellow conductor against frame (120
) at switch Z67 ;
resistance of red and white conductors and blue conductor has to be
- more details
in article conc. Z67
6. Measure Vn coil - resistance = 6k
7. Verify whether blue conductor is not by coincidence constantly short-circuited on frame by
fault in cabelling
8. Check-up whether frame S01 is connected to frame Z67
: Various bulges and bumps on surface of Z67 signal overheating of Z67. It´s necessary
to check-up cabelling and eventual short-circuit into 12V distribution circuit
If all these values are correct and it´s not still possible to start-up the motorcycle, try on
removing plug if some spark even exists when starting-up
B. There is irregular running of motorcycle or bad start-up
1. Control plugs and cables
2. Measure resistance of Vn coil at Z67
3. Verify circuit S01 (200
) and earth connection between S01 and Z67 by ohmmeter
4. Check-up ohmically the winding of charging coils on
A67 including their eventual leakage on
current winding for headlights
5. Measure by direct current ohmmeter whether red conductor on Z67 is not short-circuited on
6. Verify by compass the polarity of magnet in S01
7. Control if some of wires are not fallen out from rotor A67 . Check-up by means of auxiliary
changing of magnet polarity in rotor.
8. Check-up the setting up of advance
When analysing the cause we can detect
the default directly in alternator A67 or
in switch Z67, eventually on other place.
The more detailed analysis can be
effected by means of oscilloscope on
testing machine.
5.6. Accumulator 12 V 5Ah (type 12Al)
Description : Accumulator is of closed construction in a container made from transparent
polypropylene. The cover is equipped with 6 battery filler cap with a system of central
deaeration and is made of plast . The outlets are of lead, the same execution with hole
mm. The outlets are distinguished by indi and - on cover.
The outlet of deaeration is on the - side of outlet. On the transparent wall of accumumlator
container there is a minimum and maximum level of battery acid indicated by line segments .
Accumulator is supplied in precharged condition. It fulfills Czech state norms
SN 36 4316,
SN 364318.and the international ones, too.